Everyone has their own opinions, their own ways

…but Disc priest is still OP in BGs.

There’s no reason they can stand against 6 other mostly-geared players.

Like, I know I’m not geared at all, in comparison, but that’s still ridiculous.


The only reason is if the dps are terrible.


a fully geared good disc priest vs 6 not fully geared bad DPS?

yes they should live for awhile. If the disc uses their CDs properly along with getting precogs because bad players don’t know how to interrupt. I’ve seen pretty much every healer live for awhile against groups of bad players


Six PUGS attacking the same caster are almost always going to be feeding precogs just by kicking at the same time or kicking right as the target gets hit by CC from a different player.

But, two good DPS is enough to kill a single healer. OP is also very undergeared.

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OP is also honor level 10 and therefore in the “noob” bracket.

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already a thread friend

Me hit buttons, me do 10k dps to heals, me no kill why???

heals is shirtless nelf why no perish?

Healers should not be tanking or doing more damage than DPS.

You do realize that people have multiple points of view. Hence the term thread. The forum is a tapestry.

Healers should absolutely be able to tank more damage than a DPS. They heal, therefore they can heal themselves more than a DPS role can.

They only do more damage than DPS if the DPS is terrible. Other then that they do less damage than a DPS.


If a Disc. Priest is surviving against 6 damage players then it isn’t a nerf issue but a skill-level/player issue. Went against Joker and Tide a week ago and they literally deleted me in seconds, so if 6 players can’t kill a Disc. Priest then maybe those players should look up a guide on how to damage.

Coming from a priest how biased.

Sorry would you want me to post on my Survival Hunter instead? Would that be more appropriate?