Everyone gets Rele trinket in DF

Didn’t see this ty, know Realz mentioned while back so been waitin for it

I think they should just decrease the reduction to 10% instead of 15%. 15% for all CC is a bit too much imo. This would still give value to short-moderate duration CC that have high cds.

token changes can’t be refunded after its been used, everyone will tell you no btw.

No stun should be longer than 4 secs. Period.

It’s doubtful the Devs will ever be able to fix WoW PvP with the road it’s Class design is on for PvE.

Not unless they remove 50% of the CC from the game. Especially the worst offenders. The problem is to play the game now you need CC immunity. There is hardly any PvP anymore.

The trinket needs to be 30% then change how most CC works.

Where did you get tokens from

Shut up Abomb


Was there also a change for humans? I saw a couple folk raging. I assume they think that the shared defensive racial and trinket CD cooldown sharing has been somehow nerfed? Or were those folks misinformed or rumor mongering?

Like sockems said, theres a lot more Cc in DF this will bandaid it a bit.

I meant, once you buy your faction change, it stays next to your character until you click on it and use it.

If you hadnt used it, they would be able to refund it to you, but sadly, they wont refund it at all if you did.

i like this idea but there is something a little counterintuitive about a bunch of abilities whose durations can only exist in pvp at a pvp specific value(leg sweep, warrior fear, improved imprison) basically never being that value in any pvp context. seems like a good way to force people to use pvp trinkets, but it’s kind of hamfisted

im sorry but independent fact checkers have reviewed your statement and found it to be incorrect.

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how have you failed to learn that what you consider pvp is the exact opposite of what almost all arena players consider pvp. mashing your buttons into a healthbar that happens to be controlled by a player is not pvp any more than warfronts were


They gave me a free faction change

My own view is that it should only work on stuns but if they’re applying it to all cc it might shake things up a bit. I think relentlessness was 20 or 25% of I remember correctly.

Maybe we will see some reverts to nerfs over over the years to spells like cyclone or fear. Fear was nerfed from 8 seconds to 6 and breaks on damage a lot easier than it used to be. And cyclone used to not share DR with fear

The amount of cc classes will have access to with the nrw talent trees is nutzo

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My own view is that this should only work on cc with no cd.

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This is a pretty sizeable nerf to classes that rely on spammable CC for a win condition and lack the sustain damage of a fury warrior that wins by damage and not CC.

Without proper tuning I could see DF being another melee dominated expansion.

15% nerf to CC is big buff to ape cleaves

melee dominated expansion like how for over 3 years straight AWC required a mage to compete off of the sheer power of spam sheep

polymorph has had it coming for a while now


I’m loving it

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