Everyone flocking to FF? Is it like all hype?

Or is the game actually legit. Been watching a few of my fav streamers play it and honestly it reminds of like hello kitty adventure island but like mmo style? Am i wrong? :neutral_face:


Prolly just gonna be like swtor or warhammer. Itll eventually die out. I know wow isnt as huge as it used to be but it will forever be the best mmorpg of all time.

I still play SWTOR here and there. Cant believe how old that game is now but actually people still play it. Ranked pvp is dead though. Warzones are fun especially since I play a bounty hunter. Just stay far in the back and pew pew noobs.

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I agree nerf Bounty Hunter

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my 2 arena buds quit this week for FF. I literally told them the pvp there sucks and is even worse than WoW. They didn’t care. They are so p!ssed after waiting all these months for 9.1 to get korthia, torghast with stars, and the new raid being torghast with bosses, and worst of it all, basically no pvp changes. They said broken hybrid healing, necrolord shield, maledict, certain covenant leggos like 1min voke and 8 sec spear, just ruined it for them. Said they are speaking with their wallets and not giving blizz $15 a month for this anymore.

That’s how bad it’s gotten.


It’s a quality game

It’s just not a good game if you’re looking for an MMO to solely PvP in, but then again there is no game on the market for that


No king rules forever and you never get too big to fail.

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Wdym? They took the worst mistakes from last season and doubled down on many of them in a big way. That’s a change :slight_smile:


It’s pretty cool. My experience with it is rather limited but I really enjoy the crafting and gathering classes and general RPG feel of the game.

I don’t really see it as a viable replacement for wow if very high end pvp or raiding is your thing, but its neat. If that isn’t you thing, it has a lot to offer for you.

As a long time player of both, FFXIV’s PvP is definitely slower and quite a bit less competitive at most levels than WoW’s. Their “competitive” pvp is slower, and far more skill reliant than class or gear reliant. Everyone gets preset health/stats for their class.

I will say though, the competitive scene is filled with about as many people taking up the slots for the high end rewards, as WoW has had with arena titles and mounts.

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Can’t be much worse than pvp in wow. Skill has been taken away and it’s really just a reflex challenge. It’s pretty much call of duty just not with guns.

Ah shoot, third new post by Dozer today.

Come on man I can only flag a certain amount every 24 hours.


Mostly just hype. Asmogold started the streamer train now they are all trying it out
 doubt it will last to long. Also i think there is a new expansion coming out soon. Its a good game from a PvE standpoint just not my style.

I wouldn’t call it hype. Asmon was also one of the last people to do it, he just happens to be one of the biggest streamers.

I can’t really get into FF personally, but I wish I could.

The devs are passionate and interactive in ways I haven’t seen before. And no, not even old blizzard behaves like them.

It’s really nice to see, unlike WoW, where Community feedback is printed out, shredded, and refined into Ion’s toilet paper.

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I can’t either. The character models with the kids and all kills it for me.

I have a friend that’s playing FF and he thinks if enough wow pvpers jump ship to FF they could help make FF pvp awesome because the devs listen.


FF overtook wow in population long before this recent exodus and asmon trying it out fyi


If I was a wow dev. I wouldn’t interact with any of you.

Iv never wanted someone to be a wow dev so much


thats actually really mean

FF pvp won’t be good until they rebuild the game again, and that’s just step one. Combat animation locks (even making ogcd abilities unable to fire during), built in .5sec game delay (basically latency), toolkits that aren’t designed with any interesting pvp in mind etc. make it ‘clunky’, unreactive, and boring. If you like to RP as a playboy bunny or something it’s an okay pve game, I guess.