Everyone cried about MM hunter now the jokes on you

Now yall will get a BM hunter meta. hope youre happy! Atleast vs mm you can shut down their dmg and train them to the ground. BM just do pve dmg all game. enjoy the pets :slight_smile:

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Have there been any MM hunter specific nerfs lol?

What does asking for MM nerfs (justifiably so) have to do with blizzard just throwing constant buffs at BM?


Smokescreen was nerfed specifically for MM but hunter defensive nerfs in general hit MM harder than BM because mm actually has to stand still and tank dmg to do dmg. So they can get trained harder. Where as bm hunter can do their full rotation while running around a pillar all game. So if MM dies way easier people are going to just play BM

BM hunter will die just as much as marks with hunter changes, wtf u on about?


lol? no they wont BM hunters are far less the kill target compared to mm. BM can run away from you all game and still do their max dmg.

Smokescreen was also a marks nerf not bm.

Yeah please reroll, way too many huntards running arounf

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I mean? lol BM or MM being strong doesn’t really feel that much different to me. Either way you just have a Hunter bouncing around like Tigger doing shameless amounts of damage.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone cope so hard here.

Damage wasn’t the issue.

Smokescreen was a hero talent that both BM and MM run.

Quit crying.


the hill i’ll die on is that control classes like mage/rogue/hunter should be some of the squishiest classes in the game. the game is problematic when they’re slippery, high dps AND tanky.

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Just going to point out you got nerfed by 9% single target from the pve nerfs and got double dipped by pvp nerfs, bm hunter will basically just do 0 damage now. Hope you cc chain real gud.

Nothing is really “slippery” anymore unfortunately.

Ppl I talk to keep saying BM is getting buffed overall dmg wise.

Brother monks have more cc, mobility and damage and survibility than hunter lol.
1 trap every 30 seconds that instant breaks with all the aoe going out?
1 min 4 second stun, 45 second 3 second aoe stun with condition the people move.
half a second knock up on 1 min cd?
What kind of control does hunter have lol.
Disengage that can be cced mid jump to cause the hunter to go nowhere.
cant use any defensive when stunned.
Turtle is 8 seconds of running around doing nothing, praying for a heal while the enemy swaps or chain cc’s your healer an then you fall over.
Hunter’s are not control or good with how easy melee got multiple gap closers, ranged cc and disarms.

Ya hunter is d tier u right big tass they needed that

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Brother what!?


Yea, it’s really good.

No, just just knock trap not knock up trap…

a lot.

This is a good thing, though we can still use RoS.

Lol what?

Hunter is really good.

he doesn’t know about diamond ice kek

Just gonna put that here since I don’t think OP knows how to read notes

Did marks just get a 9% single target damage nerf like BM is getting on Tuesday?

Did I miss something?

Both are still fine.

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Rather deal with pets that can be cced than a hunter who presses an ability every other global that does 30%+ of your health.

Big Tass finally shining in the light of marks being barely playable and you’re laughing?