Every Single Guild Recruitment Ad Goes Here

I know there use to be on the old fourms in 08 or 10 but i’m not sure about these.


Hey there Pintero,

Amazing work, your dedication is inspiring! You popped into my thread the other day ▶ THE Destination For Guild Recruitment | ClassicRaids so I thought I’d do the same. Your list has been very useful so far so thank you very much!

I’m not sure if you saw my response or not but I’m wondering if you could add either a link to that thread or (preferably) a link to the Classic guild recruitment website I made https://wow.ClassicRaids.com/guilds at the top of your post?

I think the sooner we can get all the guilds onboarded and players to start using it, the better.

I wish you the best and I’ll see you all in Azeroth,

Hey, just got around to adding it thanks for reminding me.

1 Like

Thank you Pintero! Keep up the amazing work, the community really appreciates it :slight_smile:

[A] <Pride of The Alliance> STALAGG| WPvP | Pre-Made Bg's | "PVE" Gearing | Large Community! please add, unless i am blind and didnt see mine on there!

Thanks for setting this up Pintero!
Will you please add Heartseeker-PvP [Horde]| Semi-casual|<Fifteen Years Later>

Hello, and thanks for setting this up! Can you add (A-RP, 18+) The Order of Thorn and Rose - Bloodsail Buccaneers - #2 by Morghur-kirin-tor ?

Hey guys weren’t sure if you’d be interested but, Myself and a couple of friends are looking to start a semi hardcore raiding guild in classic with a twist our main raiding team will be filled with specs that were considered a meme back in 2005. we will be looking for druid main healers, arms warriors, ret paladins and boomies. our problem is we dont know if we can get enough people to fill up the raid. So reply on this thread if you would be interested.

More info: Alliance guild, North American and a PVP server we don’t have raid time specified yet but will be determined when we find more people willing to participate


Flag for Sticky!!!



Added, i thought i was blind too. Pretty sure all the edits did that :x.

Well met, Pintero! Here is our post for the Four Winds. Thank you for doing this. (H-RP) The Four Winds

Informal is a PVE focused guild rolling on a PVE server (NA). <Informal> [NA][A][PvE][Semi-Hardcore] MORNING EST

Thank you for doing this. I am the GM of the link attached. Can you please move us to the PvP server raiding end game section.

Thanks for the help

Horde PVP good sir.




[quote=“Urbani-illidan, post:41, topic:232624, full:true”]
Hey guys weren’t sure if you’d be interested but, Myself and a couple of friends are looking to start a semi hardcore raiding guild in classic with a twist our main raiding team will be filled with specs that were considered a meme back in 2005. we will be looking for druid main healers, arms warriors, ret paladins and boomies. our problem is we dont know if we can get enough people to fill up the raid. So reply on this thread if you would be interested.

More info: Alliance guild, North American and a PVP server we don’t have raid time specified yet but will be determined when we find more people willing to participate


Yep. Everyone needs to go post in the new Classic Guild Forums, not here.

NA HORDE PvP 3 night a week! Excellent crew, officer team has played since 2004. Many of which in top end guilds! Lets do this!

<Ethos> NA-East PVP | Alliance | Semi-hardcore PVE / (Tues/Thurs 8-11 CST)

About us: A fabled few came together with similar interests, level of play and determination to form a guild known as ‘Ethos’. We are a small group of close players that have been raiding over the years but now are looking towards Classic. A fresh start and ultimately a perfect point in time to form and expand our roster as we level through vanilla.

Leadership: Myself and a few others have raid leaded back in Vanilla so the understanding of group make ups, debuffs, buffs and preparedness is vital to progress effectively in Classic. We are confident and plan to build a strong foundation of players to strive and learn with one another along the way. Classic is about the social aspect and we intend to take that seriously.

Schedule: We are currently looking at Tuesday and Thursday for our main raid nights with the chance of a off night forming for 20mans (ZG/AQ). 8-11 CST

Loot: (Suicide Kings) We understand the importance of each individual in regards to how loot is distributed and the way it is handled. Considering a few factors; position in raid (ie. MT), seniority and a specific item list, we have decided to use the Suicide King’s system. As a guild we will try our hardest to maintain and equally distribute the desired loot under the above circumstances. This system will be discussed in further detail during guild meetings before the first raid.

Goals / Expectations: Knowing how and where the guild will progress over the next few months is key for a new member to take into account when picking a home. At Ethos we are committed to providing a reasonable set of requirements and goals a semi hardcore raider would come to expect. (Attendance, consumables, class knowledge, positivity!)

Positions: 40 man raiding is back and with it comes a lot of open positions! Apply and you will most likely find yourself a raid spot! Of course over the leveling process, positions will start to fill up and a permanent roster will begin to form.

To Apply: Very straight forward application process -

Discord: Saws#8386

Reddit: Sawsy587

DM me on Reddit/Discord for any other questions.


(I will update with our server name as soon as the lists go live)

PVE - <A> Dark Order Looking For Raiders <<Duskwood>>