Every Server Is Low Pop?

What’s up with every server being low-pop, but I’m unable to transfer (paid) to some servers?

It would help immensely if you told if you’re trying in Era, HC, Cata or even Retail :wink:

Era servers. Every server says low pop.

That’s because they’re clustered (not merges, but almost the same :wink: ). This means that ecxept for the RP server, you play on a server, but can group up with, guild with and so on people from other servers in the same cluster. It’s a bit confusing - and as I’m EU based, I do not remember the names well. I think Mankrik and Whitemane are the two realm clusters with the largest population.

Look here for the clusters:

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… and you can only transfer to the ones with = = around their names.
So if you have friends on eg. Pagle, then Mankrik would be the realm to go to, as it is the one open for transfer in the cluster including Pagle.
Hope this helps.

“feels” medium pop IMO. Screenshot just now May 24th 8:24pm server time 2024 Whitemane cluster NA

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yea whitemane feels pretty good atm, duskwood had 38 players (6 60s, tbf) in it about an hour ago. stormwind is pretty populated and ironforge usually has 40-50 people in it as well.

starting zones seem to be about 5-10 people each when i looked, no idea about higher level zones though as im only level 25 atm. from westfall/duskwood i ran into probably 50-60 different players in 45 minutes, its not overly populated but def a decent amount of people playing from what i can tell

After 12 server time cities die.

This is the weekend and holiday weekend if you’re american so add a handful here and there.

Any other day of the week good luck trying to find tanks for scholo runs, strat live and other non raiding content.

That’s interesting…

Present time 12:29AM server time May 25th 2024


Moist definitely not dead.

Mankrik cluster. PvP realms always have a bit more “pop” to them for obvious reasons.

You should come to the WM cluster, its BiS.

The topic is literally under, “classix general” why would it be about Cata or Retail lol

Because so many post about whatever in this Forum, they only see the “general” part. So better safe than sorry :wink: