Every Raid Now

Accused rets of whining
Whines about warriors

Double standard much, Fishfeast?
I’m still here btw Bladetsar, haven’t been banned yet.


Serrannah, you make alts to disparage warriors. You have no business in a mature discussion.

Ret whining was much more detrimental to WoTLK classic because it started all these balance changes.

If you say so lmao :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

You were already caught out doing it champ. I’ll be sure to mention it every time I see you posting.

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The top speed clear only brought 1 mage too, so clearly bringing 2 was a mistake, as evidenced by the number 2 slot.

Really have to buff mages now.


I think that just underpins the fact that you can’t use speedruns as a metric for how the actual populace of WoTLK organises their raids. I was right to call it out as a nonsense argument.

Blizzard ain’t touching them till they see how they do in TOGC tho.

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I’m sick of this weak class.

Pls buff


Caught where specifically?

Just for the record:

1.) I actually really don’t have a problem with warriors at all. Just the ones that trash on paladins like you.

2.) I have only two characters I play on, a Retail paladin for casual gaming and this one, which is becoming more casual. I have no interest in leveling other characters, certainly not to hide my opinions.

But go ahead, keep believing I’m other people if you like. It just proves to me you are paranoid as well as ridiculous


this raid was fine until you joined in!

It’s the only place that fury warriors have any level of representation problem, because it literally does not matter if you take a second warrior or DK for your typical run if they both know what they are doing.

You are looking at kill differences of a second or two at most…

It’s a player perception problem, not a balancing one.

It was actually the same for ret, until a blue post came around saying “lol just play holy/prot,” which shifted player perception harshly overnight.


Serrannah you have made alts to disparage warriors in threads. You have no business commenting on anything I say from now until forever.

It’s not a player perception problem, it is a very basic cookie cutter statistics problem. The statistic being that warriors are sub-par in dps and almost non-existent in utility.

If a raid had 150,000 DPS with 1 fury and if that same raid brought 3 fury warriors now instead of 1 and replaced 2 of their better DPS classes and now go to 145,000 DPS.

It would take the raid with 150,000 DPS 2:33 to kill a boss with 23,000,000 HP.

If the other raid with 145,000 fought that same boss it would take them 2:38 to kill that same boss.

5 seconds longer with 3 fury warriors.


I’m not even going to reply to that with any fidelity since the numbers are so utterly ridiculous.

They’re also not even contextualized for utility. You’re not accounting for buffs, debuffs, utility, you know, that thing I’ve been mentioning for weeks?

What if you replaced two feral druids and two of your players die to mechanics that aren’t warriors (so they can’t be blamed)? Now you have 15-20k dps lost, debuffs, buffs etc.

Maybe you just lost a hand of sac because a pally died and they can’t be revived.

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You have like 10 extra raid spots after you get all the buffs…


Did I say buffs only? Pretty sure I said utility.

Blizz do something im a WARRIOR i am literally the protagonist of this game! I wont settle at being only A tier i deserve to be S+ tier buff me right meow


That’s irrelevant what utility are you going to be missing if you bring three warriors?

Just keep moving the goal post.

Math proves you wrong… Wow a whole 5 seconds with 3 fury warriors


Warriors are A tier? You’re just lying now.

Blink: Literally use your imagination. I already referenced the most recently buffed class. You’ll be missing two battle rezzes and two innervates. Not to mention bleed debuffs. You’ll also be doing less dps for the grand prize of a distinct reduction in raid utility.

there is nothing sensical about a 15 year old content/game that can be bitten with coal and strings . let’s not pretend that wotlk is some kind of rocket science that need some super deep math calculations and let’s admit that can be bitten with friends that just want to be warriors

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