Every Paladin is Tauren?

Every Paladin on the top of ladders seems to be Tauren - why is this? Should I race change?

Warstomp is pretty good, some comps can kill in a warstomp. And the stamina isn’t too bad either.


Think they get 2% more crit dmg and healing amped too.

wait seriously?


Yeah thats why shammys go tauren in pve for crit dmg cuz how their cds work.

Thanks man

yeah no problem man

warstomp is good to finish through a fof ww, and obviously the 5% extra stam is nice when you’re a ret and you rely on not dying in stun to wog back with 2% more crit and healing done while wings gives 20% crit chance alone.

Like horde race for paladin are all meh anyway

Yeah I play holy - seems amazing for that too!

the cool paladins are human. dont let that distract you.


You’re right! It was never a thing Untill someone went complete Retard this PvP season and the meta is so dam fast that 2 seconds is all it takes to kill someone.

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considering or entertaining a race change when you dont even know why you would want to race change in the first place just because you see everyone else doing it


All I’ve been seeing int here are Tauren and orcs. It feels like I kinda miss any other race being there.

Am I just imagining things? Sometimes I get the feeling that I’m not paying attention enough to notice :sweat_smile:

undead male kind of died out with legion and old models. you mostly see orcs, tauren, and blood elves now.

I see plenty of undead male warlocks and mages, priests. So casters predominantly.

Tauren males are way too big for my tastes and I’m not a fan of female Tauren design.

TF is probably the ugliest race/gender design.

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Belf racial is pretty worthless since they removed the silence, basically a 2 min coinflip arcane intellect remover

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dude i like taurens not because of their racials but for their looks , MOOOO!