Every Paladin is Tauren?

tauren is currently BIS for ret because of warstomp. belf and zandalari are playable, though.

for alliance, dark iron dwarf might actually be better than human considering how hard of a counter mindgames is. being able to dispell it while getting a dmg buff is nice. vanguards’ alliance ret is DI dwarf


I took a combustion yesterday! Best feeling ever.

How do you find playing on alliance for arenas and rbgs? Is it hard finding players?

Wanna make an alt for pvp, but I hear that if you don’t have friends already who play alliance kind of a pita

Taurens look cool imo

its not hard at all, lfg is always booming, and theres plenty of players outside sw gates at all times, even late morning (5-6am) its still booming. feels just as populated as horde. just without the uglyness and fatness.

just be outgoing and make friends

Undead Lock and Mage is pretty bad. Priest don’t have a better PvP option.

Ele goes Tauren in PvE because their crit damage modifier also affects the Tauren racial.

and normal dwarf for holy paladins? I kinda want to faction change to dwarf. Have my own chubby little chonker dwarf.




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Also the prot legendary “Reign of Endless Kings” procs at a higher health % for tauren than everyone else.


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RBGs are really easy to find. Finding people to que arenas with isn’t hard, per se, but it’s not as easy as it is on the horde side. also, not sure if this is just my own experience but i feel like people on the horde side are more willing to hop into discord and communicate.

Dwarf is a solid choice for holy, they get the 2% boost on crits like taurens do. However, I’m not sure they’re better than humans for holy, since mindgames isn’t as such a hard counter for holy as it is for ret. Also not sure if the 10% physical dmg reduction is better than the primary stat boost from dark iron. IIRC most of the top ally hpals are human since they can, essentially, run double trink with their racial.

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Used to be Human when Every Man was the trinket and they ran double trinkets… also a time when every hardcore pvper was forced to play alliance for arena cause the racials were skewed at the time

At the same time if you did want to play horde, it used to be best was Belf for the Silence being a clutch ability, now being a dispel its really not that impactful (my hpal is belf and I go a lot of games without even using it)

Tauren is good but not as ahead of other races anymore

At least for Alliance I think their best is either Dwarves, especially Dark Iron because it can remove spells like Mind Games with it

Also guess for 1v1 heroes, Zandalar Troll is up there too, nothing can stop you from using Regenerate while bubbled to get to full health and save HP for the next attack out of bubble