Everdreaming Fan Club - 9/9H 1/9M is Recruiting

Everdreaming Fan Club is a casual-raiding guild with the goal of pushing progression as far as we can with a limited 6 hour raid week. Although we are a casual raiding guild we require dependable raiders to make the most of the 6 hours we have for progression. Discord and a working microphone are required for communicating with the raid.

At the core of our raid team are experienced raiders who have significant experience with progressing through and completing Mythic level content in multiple expansions. We enjoy organizing groups and helping each other out with High level Mythic+, and Heroic alt groups.

We are Currently 9/9 Heroic and 1/9 Mythic

Raid times are as follows: Friday / Saturday 7pm - 10pm PST.
Current Recruitment Roles:
1 Tank
1 Healer

We would love to chat with you if you are interested in raiding with Everdreaming Fan Club.