Ever fix Alterac Valley?

The bridge isn’t a true choke point. Anytime we aggressively defend the bridge they just send people through the back door and hit us from two sides. There are no choke points that favor alliance on the entire map.


This again. No, go away.

My first character in Classic was an Alliance rogue, a gnome, and she got exalted really fast in AV. Didn’t premade, only saw 1-2 premades and was really happy to see them since they were talked about so much. They were fast wins for sure.

Luckily I got exalted before Alliance decided they can’t win anymore. Very unfortunate. I switched to Horde because I could no longer take the Alliance seriously. Constant “let them win” in the AV chat. Sad really. Hope you guys get your testies back soon so I can go back to enjoying my little gnome rogue.

Typical horde BS, again, you will run away in AB, as far as you can.

Alliance will keep boycotting AV till your waittimes are 24 hours, enjoy.

“Classic AV isn’t broken”
2.0.1 - Players will no longer be able to jump onto the top of the Dun Baldar Fortress in Alterac Valley and get behind the terrain to attack other players.
2.4.0 - Horde players will now start the battle closer to Drek’Thar and Frostwolf Keep.

This UD mage will faction change in BC

oh look, a ret paladin!
can i pet it?

Lol we just biding our time until wrath.

No, it’s a good choke point. However, by that point most alliance is rezzing in the cave on the wrong side of the choke.

One SPGY gets taken two things have generally occurred:

  • Horde hold the IWB choke and few alliance can get past it so they give up.
  • Most alliance defending SPGY get sent to the cave when they die, giving horde an easy way across the lightly-defended bridge.

Even if the alliance take back SPGY the horde now have Dun Balder and the bridge, that excellent choke point, is theirs to use. By that time it’s all but over.

Both sides being equal in skill and execution results in a stalemate. Are you new to AV?

U dig up a 2day old post to make this trash remark?


Says Paladin

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Alliance META is Cubby strategy at SHGY, Horde wipe big and 20-30 Alliance stack E of SHB to mount caravan along E side of Mid field.

Allies then must hold IBGY and stall Horde to advance. Get to RH before Horde take Aid Station and likely to taste sweet victory.

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Are you telling me that as an elemental shaman I would be able to defende the dun’baldar bridge?

Oh please I can only get so erect.

Ele Shaman-Check
Ele mastery instead of NS-Check.

It all checks out!

Oh look, a necro’d AV thread!


Orc ele sham brrrrt people.

I would love nothing more than being able to queue into av, and just grind kills for hours on end in the middle of AV like we did back in vanilla for nothing more than the fun of having a gaint 40v40 cluster f brawl.

But oh wait, one side is so bent over getting the maximum honor per hour that when the horde realized they can win by simply defending until the alliance gave up, they literally abandoned the entire BG.

The alliance do not play for fun. They play for rep. After they get rep, they leave. They have no interest in pvping in a battleground. They want to win in 7 minutes or quit. They don’t care if they get a single honorable kill or even attack enemy players. They want their rep so they can leave and go parse in pve raids.

The horde at least show up with the intent to kill alliance. They too are there for rep but have been willing to actually play the game and pvp in a battleground.

Yes, I use elemental mastery to BRRRRRT alliance and act as artillery. It’s amazing. It’s called having fun. Something the alliance forgot is the entire point of playing this 15 year old MMO.

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In TBC the Horde cave gets moved back and Alliance will win 90% of the base races.

Oh good, then the alliance can finally get what they want. To not actually play the BG for pointless rep.

bUt tEh mAp!

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Except horde don’t have to defend indefinitely, in a case where they can’t force SHGY they just have to defend until they summon the ice guy. Which will break the stalemate. Long games inevitably favor horde regardless of alliance attitude.