Ever fix Alterac Valley?

It’s not broken. It’s how it was.

  • Premades in AV weren’t broken. It’s just how it was.
  • Getting MC’d out of a portal wasn’t broken. It’s just how it was.
  • Farming horde in their cave in AV wasn’t broken. It’s just how it was.
  • Using backdoors to get inside bases wasn’t broken. It’s just how it was.
  • Five mans not being an option in AV was not broken. That’s just how it was.
  • Going behind IWB was not broken. It’s just how it was.

Glad nothing changed in AV and it’s just how it was.

In fairness, how many of those changes were a result of players asking for them? Fourth was, but immediately afterward the claim was that it wasn’t a significant change and really didn’t help much.

In regard to the 5th, I am amazed that it isn’t capitalized on, as a 5-man premade team in AV is a powerful thing.