No other skill pisses me off more currently and KS has overtaken my hate for Rets. lol
3400 followed by a 3384… why is any skill hitting that hard.
No other skill pisses me off more currently and KS has overtaken my hate for Rets. lol
3400 followed by a 3384… why is any skill hitting that hard.
yes, even with a BiS warrior, a hunter will do double your DPS in melee range with just kill shot
its lame, but then again, warrior isnt even half a class at the moment so might not be the best comparison
Hunter abilities are overtuned af. Their melee abilities hit far far harder than anything a warrior has in his arsenal lol
Still baffles me why they did this and what its supposed to test except for how much you can shove into players faces before they quit
Its so funny that hunter has been the most nerf class since day 1 and they still can’t get them right. lol
its funny. ive maintained that hunters have been top 1-3 the entire time sod has been a thing in pvp and even in pve mostly yet its like pulling teeth getting people to be on board with it but make 1 comment about shaman and the people come out of the woodworks for it.
worst part is Kill Shot will likely not get a damage nerf if it affects warcraft logs stated by Zirene on X. I’m not stopping letting them know on X that Kill Shot is completely ruining PvP.
Why can’t they just do something like Kill Shot increases it’s damage by 50% on none player targets and reduce the critical strike damage by 50% in general. Or make it not work on players above 20% like it’s supposed to, and still work in PvE above 20%.
the main problem about hunters is their HP / amor / survivality. There are hunters that are more tankier than shamans. They don’t hit that hard with kill shot but they still hit very hard for a max ranged instant spell.
Druids are hitting very hard but once you get to melee they are dead in 3 seconds, hunters last an eternity while burning you
2700 - 3300 crit damage on Cloth/Leather is not hard? Yes, classes like yourself warrior, paladin and shaman will not feel the impact of a Kill Shot like others, that does not mean it’s okey. This damage combined with 30% more HP from talent + Lion buff is ridiculous
i’ve said that some hunters are more tankier but less damage. The r13 - 14 hunters are unkillable and they still hit hard, won’t hit 3k but they will kill you aniways because killshots is broken even in pvp gear.
Bro in openworld i had a hunter hit me consecutivly for 500dmg crits while i had shieldwall up (could have aswell not even have used it, it didnt help much)
Only other class that can get those numbers is druid. And perhaps mage if he lines up everything and does his burst window
Luckily for us Dev’s decided to change their setbonus to decrease Kill Shot to a 3 second CD. Can’t wait for p7…
“wHy cOmplAiin abOuT HuNterZ, sHaManZ hiTs 2K wIth LavA bUrss”
Sod is literally where all the bad pvp’rs go to cry… and die.
I would be ok if the only change they made is "give it the “deadzone” treatment. Nothing gets me more upset outside of emotes then getting KS while I’m on the hunters face.
No it wouldnt, its broken no matter if its got deadzone or not. Instead of getting dumpstered with KS youd be getting dumpstered with Raptor strike or mongoose for a bazillion damage
Well, I’m talking from a mage point of view. I’m not worried about hunters when Im on shaman or Rogue. I know if I can’t close the gap fast, Im as good as dead on those toons. But on my mage if I close the gap and get into their deadzone and they sit a nova. Currently I eat 3 KS to the face. lol
Yes, the skill needs to be looked at but at the very least give it some counter play.
in BWL I made BiS characters on the PTR. The dummy has 0 armor. Mortal strike in BiS crit for 2.5k. On the hunter, wyvern strike did around 7k+, mongoose bite 6.5k, and raptor strike instant 8k. Oh, and a 100 rage execute barely broke 5k to compare that spell.
It’s truly disgusting and intentional. People responsible for this should never be allowed in any game dev again.
Disable killshot being able to be used in melee range… add a new rune for melee version of execute if they qq
you are still dead on both of those classes (if decoy is down for shaman) a decently geared hunter one shots you in “deadzone” with kill shot it is able to be used in melee
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