Even with the nerfs Kill shot is still ridiculous


Im sorry buddy but you are a total moron

he’s right about everything

go back to retail

Simple changes:

  • Kill Shot can only be used when below 20%
  • Has a Deadzone aka 8y-35y.

I don’t know what dev mains hunter but it’s gotta be at least one.

  • Traps in combat with reduced cd and you can shoot them at people… check
  • Highest hp in the game outside of a tank… check
  • Absurd burst damage at the longest range with basically zero set up… check
  • No pet to manage… check
  • Deadzone effectively removed with killshot and strong melee… checkarooni

Put the pipe down whoever is designing this :poop:


Hunters, Paladins and Shaman Devs really went off.

Like I have mention before its so funy that Hunter has gotten some type of nerf since week 1 and they are still top tier. Blizzard can’t go a phase w/o breaking them though.

Exactly, and just let it function like it does now against mobs so they don’t whine about their parsing.

I suggest people start voicing their opinions on Zirene’s twitter. It has worked several times

Nothing pissed me off more than a shaman from phases 1-6. Glad to see them finally getting a taste of their own medicine! Hope you have a great day Styls :people_hugging:

Are we going to ignore the elephant in the room, aka boomies with their starfall and starfire that hit for way too much, or dot ticks that hit for more than a melee hit?

Theres 4 classes/specs currently which are broken af and being ignored maliciously by people in charge, while other classes/specs have literally dead runes or abilities cause they dont scale or make no sense

Absolutely understandable but maybe make a separate post about it would make more sense I think

Are people still under the delusion that classic pvp let alone SoD pvp is some sort of balanced skill based undertaking?

Fighting a hunter as a spriest feels like in trying to set up a mortar while an m2 Bradley is unloading on me.


Maybe alliance just rerolled hunters to face the shaman problem

Ahh yes the Shaman scourge. Watch out he might proc a 3k lava burst every 15 seconds if your team plays with mittens on.

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Nah the main problem is you have untalented devs. Balancing PvE is derp easy. Balancing PvP is a whole nother ballgame and it started with rune spells. Too many out of place insta cast damage, mobility creep, lack of defensive CDs etc. SoD PvP been toast for a while

i just say that any easy class in pve is just topping dps whilst the harder classes are mid to bottom. that isnt really fair or balanced lmao.
Ret and Feral currently somewhat bottom performers whilst being hard to play.
Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Balance topping meters whilst having no real skill requirement to play.

Or the fact that priests just ruined healing for 3 raid tiers until the nerf to Soul Warding?

  • Hunters
  • Shamans
  • Boomies

Mage is still mostly a free kill and paladin is a meme.

Rets are not a meme.

Mages when frost orb is up are deadly… w/o it a joke.

5629 Armor
50.6% Reduction

My Ret has been hit by a 1900 Auto Shot crit followed by a 2900 Kill Shot like… how lmao.

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Careful… you will get hunters come in here and call you a liar.

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