Even More Interviews That Went Under The Radar (And How)

Only interesting thing of note for narrative/metanarrative purposes is Holly Longdale mains Alliance and Patrick Dawson mained Alliance until Legion/BFA :eyes:


At the start of Chains of Domination, The Jailer drags the Broker’s realm, Korthia, into The Maw. This fundamentally changes parts of the zone, as the Jailer grafts this new realm onto the side of the playable space, allowing players to explore a completely new area.

“An attack on this area, and bringing really all [the Covenants] forces to bear, pushes back a lot of that oppression,” said Feasel about The Maw’s current restrictions. “The presence of the Covenants and having a home base there is going to ease up the effects of the Eye of the Jailer. This will allow you to spend a lot more time down in The Maw.”

Covenant quests in the Maw.

“There’s a moment in the cinematic, when the power lessens, that you can see Anduin’s reaction in horror to what he’s being forced to do, but the domination quickly reasserts itself, as the color in his eyes light up and his expression fades. Anduin is clearly still in there and that’s a big difference to Arthas, as Arthas did some big choices and walked down that path deliberately, while Anduin did not.”

“When Anduin comes back and delivers the key to the Jailer, you can see in Sylvanas eyes that she’s still conflicted, and this will be a big part of our story as Chains of Domination unfolds. This is the first time we’re showing what Sylvanas true motivations are, and players will have a better understanding of why she did what she did, but that doesn’t excuse her. She still burned Teldrassil, she’s still guilty of many deaths, and she still has a lot to answer for. We’re not forgetting that and we won’t be giving Sylvanas a pass. When someone does what she did, it can’t be as simple as ‘oh, she did this one thing and now she’s redeemed’. That’s not the story we’re telling, but it is something that we will address throughout Chains of Domination and also in the future”.

Sylvanas redemption low key confirmed with Blizz “promising” it’ll be nuanced and not simple.

And there’s also characters like Bolvar, Jaina, and Thrall, that don’t like to sit in the sidelines for too long. And so, the story in Chains of Domination will be about turning the tables and taking the fight to the Jailer, and we will see those characters in action in lots of different places."

Thrall, Jaina, Bolvar development. Baine and Calia are not mentioned.

Korthia was unlocked by the Jailer with the key recovered by Anduin, and within it lies the secrets and mysteries of the First Ones, an enigmatic group that is crucial for the villain’s plans. He still needs three keys to achieve his ultimate goal, whatever it is - the Arbiter key in Oribos, the Winter Queen key in Ardenweald, and presumably the key from Maldraxxus Prime, although he is missing.

So Zovaal has Denathrius’s key??


Blizzard and nuanced :face_vomiting:

Atleast they said this, but I wonder if they mean it. Besides that, how would a redemption even look like? Sylvanas doing something good for once and sacrificing herself would be okay, but her doing this and being able to just go back to Azeroth as if nothing happened and everyone forgiving her shouldn’t happen.


This is why i like the theory about her being a new Jailer instead of Zuvaal, its a redemption but at the same time she’s faded to be in the Maw forever

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Forever = glass box to break in case of subscriber hemorrhaging (again)


based on this she isnt dying at least for 9.1


Well a lot of ppl hates her bc she’s being the main character for 2 exp, they can put her there until the void lords appear to help us in the fight, someone needs to be there and i dont see any other better character than The lady of the death

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I just don’t think Redemption is something that would really suit Sylvanas. She’s more of a character who goes the way until the end and would rather die for what she believes is right than have regrets.


Well buckle up because we’re at least getting a saurfang moment or something like darth vader or perhaps a useless sacrifice to tie with a bow her tragedy.

i would actually be surprised if we just up and kill her.


Oh boy where i have ever heard that before.

Like its not even complex, shes salty with her lot in un/life and if she needs to break down the universe to improve it so be it.

Gonna give them credit though, we’re woefully lacking in unironic villians- its always corruption this or another


I’d be surprised if she leaves the spotlight after Shadowlands.


There is literally nothing, and I mean literally nothing beyond her being able to prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that her own actions have been completely preordained by fate, which would would be utter nonsese by itself and break a huge ammount of both lore and player agency, that would actually make me feel even an ounce of sympathy for her.

So I can predict here and now that they will fail miserably with making her sympathetic. But I guess it will be amusing to watch them try.


Didnt elisande scry for every possible timeline Dr Strange style and saw the legion winning- followed by us going full anime and defying fate, making her go:


So yeah we know sylvanas is full of ****


Precisely. We know that fate is what we make of it. We get to choose, not the gods or whatever. Which is why unless they want to retcon that, Sylvanas have nothing, and deserve no sympathy.


The question is, what are they going to do with a redeemed Sylvanas? Leader of the Horde or Forsaken, not after her scene at the gates of Orgrimmar. So I think she dies in her redemption, and/or maybe becomes a Medivh like character.

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Incidentally the Eternal Ones bound the Jailer to the Runes of Domination which 2 of them placed inside themselves and another placed inside the Heart of the Forest.

The Archon(until just now), the Arbiter, the Jailer and the Drust have had their Free Will subverted by Domination.

Every Mawsworn with Runes of Domination have their wills subverted. Sylvanas is the only Mawsworn without Runes of Domination so she has free will unlike everyone else despite her protest.

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“morally gray” meme


Could always say that she was under partial control from the jailer this whole time and the process was an intermediate step between Arthas and Anduin, and for whatever reason she had to pretend her bad actions were always under her own volition this whole time.

I wouldn’t call it good storytelling, but there’s always a way to retcon more. :smiling_imp:

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No we are not doing Kerrigan 2.0!

Sylvanas will become a First One to kill the fallen Elune, and then the scene will cut to Anduin looking at a picture of her in a bar.


Yes. Yes we are. Sadly. And I hate it as much as the next person :face_vomiting: