Talking about NA being split into battle groups. I play at odd hours, my average WSG queue time early in the morning was 10-12 minutes. Now it’s half an hour. Alterac Valley is two hours. Arathi Basin is only slightly better at twenty minutes. 20-30 mins is that sweet spot where it’s too long to wait it out but not long enough to go do a dungeon or get a good farm going. Not to mention the fact that unless I literally reverse my schedule I’m no longer able to rank. There’s not enough people out in the world to make up for back to back WSG matches.
In order to have players from different realms in agreement on whether or not a Battleground Holiday is active
Talk about an overreaction to such a minuscule problem. Twinking is dead, queue times are longer, players in the wrong time zone and ones who work at night can’t even rank.
I expect the usual “go play Alliance,” or “play at a normal time” responses and that’s well and good, but things were completely fine before this inane change and now they are not. I’d say whoever thought this idea up should be fired but knowing Blizzard they’ve already been promoted.
I agree I’m sitting at 4 hours in queue on a sunday afternoon and still waiting. I’m on Earthfury (US East). I love playing av and these queue times are unacceptable.
Still better than horde queue times were before the change. It sucks but I will reiterate the response horde kept getting.
Get over it.
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This warms my heart. Enjoy the AV queues!
I smile at your que times! 4 hours???
Oh man.
Well, this is concerning. So basically even though im on a full server I will have to wait in long que times?
you dont have to. it’s a choice you make when you queue as horde.
On the plus side, these 4 hour wait times will give you all ample time to just pan the camera around your avatar and take in all of that aesthetics!
I thought balance as an important part of an MMO. Didn’t realize accidentally rolling the wrong race or faction could hurt me this bad.
i like to see those 4 hr queues for horde maybe if yall werent being a baby about it we wouldnt all have quit but then again this is blizzards fault by changing it enjoy the 4 hrs… as alli sit and quit pvp for good we know not to come back because in 4 months this is all we have got ban premades GJ bliz GJ ENJOY.
There is a reason I play on Ocreanic servers and I am from the US. As I work a late shift. At least with Oceanic I get to be on their prime time after work.
Completely agree, by changing this holiday weekend PvP problem. They have created 3-4 more problems and lost a LARGE chunk of their PvP community. Uh oh, better fix this before they lose all of classic, and then the community base that WOULD BE waiting for the burning crusade …
It’s WSG weekend. Nobody is queuing AV regardless of time zone.
beg to differ AV still has 13 games going on and has since premades died and with split groups horde suffer even more… gj bliz “during prime time”
How many would you have otherwise though?
Has Blizzard HQ stated if there will be a catchup mechanic implemented for fresh 60s that need AV reputation gear to be allowed to participate in raids but can’t get the rep due to them breaking the game and disincentivizing players from participating in AV?
Are fresh level 60s and new players going to continually be penalized by community bullying until the game is untenable for anyone but people that started in August '19??
Even on the deadest private servers there were more than 3 AV games in the middle of the night. Something is fundamentally wrong here.
We already know my stance 
I don’t think unique server brackets would help them here.