Alright then, I’m french so I can only assess if my own language is correctly used, but here’s some example:
Take the spell Flare, a lot of people like to remind hunters to use it by just saying “Flare”, “Flare here” or “Flare at the pack” surely that won’t cause any confusion
If you google translate “Flare” in french you get the word “éclater” which translates to “break”
“Flare here” gives the correct translation
And “Flare at the pack” gives “Flare au pack” which doesn’t make any sense if you don’t know what Flare is in english but translates correctly to “Flare at the pack” if you put it back in english. See how that works? You can think that the other understood you because google decided to give up one word in the translation
Now let’s use the spanish word for the spell Flare “Bengala”, if you use it alone you get the country of Bengal in most languages.
And then let’s use the portuguese word “Sinalizador” which may give “Flare gun” in English but gives “drapeau” in French which translate to “flag”, “Sinalizador aqui” gives “signaler ici” which could be understood as “report here” or understood by some after 5 good seconds of mental leap
That’s some examples with just one word, without any acronyms, abbreviations, mistakes or spoken languages.
Then the same way that you guys write down “They’re”, “Their”, “There” the wrong way but are still able to understand it, French has its own homophones (even if it hurts my eyes to read it everytime):
“ai” (have), “est” (is), “et” (and)
or the one with the most occurences, since people don’t like to use the correct letter on the keyboard: “la” (the for female words) vs “là” (here/there)
or even a little favorite of mine: “plus” which can mean “more”, “no more”, “plus”, as well as the positive sign
I was gonna give more in-game example when I started the post but really can’t bother now, I already feel like I’m giving a language course to some random dude on a forum
Opening up major language specific servers is a good start already, people are then able to speak in game with the language they’re most comfortable in the choices given.
Some Dutch with a better level in Spanish than English could roll there, and same goes for other languages.
edit: also, don’t like SteveT’s personnality but since apparently only rap songs with slangs are poorly translated here you go: