EU Forums are apparently melting down

Alright then, I’m french so I can only assess if my own language is correctly used, but here’s some example:
Take the spell Flare, a lot of people like to remind hunters to use it by just saying “Flare”, “Flare here” or “Flare at the pack” surely that won’t cause any confusion

If you google translate “Flare” in french you get the word “éclater” which translates to “break”
“Flare here” gives the correct translation
And “Flare at the pack” gives “Flare au pack” which doesn’t make any sense if you don’t know what Flare is in english but translates correctly to “Flare at the pack” if you put it back in english. See how that works? You can think that the other understood you because google decided to give up one word in the translation

Now let’s use the spanish word for the spell Flare “Bengala”, if you use it alone you get the country of Bengal in most languages.

And then let’s use the portuguese word “Sinalizador” which may give “Flare gun” in English but gives “drapeau” in French which translate to “flag”, “Sinalizador aqui” gives “signaler ici” which could be understood as “report here” or understood by some after 5 good seconds of mental leap

That’s some examples with just one word, without any acronyms, abbreviations, mistakes or spoken languages.

Then the same way that you guys write down “They’re”, “Their”, “There” the wrong way but are still able to understand it, French has its own homophones (even if it hurts my eyes to read it everytime):
“ai” (have), “est” (is), “et” (and)
or the one with the most occurences, since people don’t like to use the correct letter on the keyboard: “la” (the for female words) vs “là” (here/there)
or even a little favorite of mine: “plus” which can mean “more”, “no more”, “plus”, as well as the positive sign

I was gonna give more in-game example when I started the post but really can’t bother now, I already feel like I’m giving a language course to some random dude on a forum

Opening up major language specific servers is a good start already, people are then able to speak in game with the language they’re most comfortable in the choices given.
Some Dutch with a better level in Spanish than English could roll there, and same goes for other languages.

edit: also, don’t like SteveT’s personnality but since apparently only rap songs with slangs are poorly translated here you go:


No-one’s really arguing against anything except the determined entitlement being displayed here. I mean, you even brought it to the NA forums and are remonstrating those who don’t join your pearl clutching. Meanwhile lots of others deal with what you guys now might have to deal with in one form or another since release. On top of that, you’re a big part of the problem, and if you were more amenable to compromise, the entire issue wouldn’t be as big a deal as you are trying to make it out, because it’s the German’s and the French who are the ones who refuse to compromise on language in the first place.

Sweet Odin’s raven, it’s ludicrous - and then you want to play the victim.

Now, if you were concerned about ping, there might be a conversation. Try playing at 300+ms for years and then let’s talk about wanting your own server.


I want to live
I want to give
I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold
It’s these expressions
I never give
That keep me searching for a heart of gold


I want to live
I want to give
I have always been a gold miner.
This is the way of expression
I never give up
This keeps me looking for a gold heart

Here is the google translation back and forth from chinese, with some discrepency and the gist is mostly conveyed. However, poetry is more difficult to translate than instructions.

Don’t stand in fire, move to the right on breath, keep the tanks topped off on phase 2!


Don’t stand in the fire, move to the right while breathing, keep the top of the tank in the second stage!


Maybe you’re right hehehe. could make for some funny moments!


I once said lul to someone who spoke dutch. I learned it’s not read as “Lame Uncomfortable Laugh” to everyone >.<

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Oh. Ooops. Uncomfortable, indeed. :rofl:

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I don’t really see the entitlement you are speaking of, but that may be because of cultural differences?

As a non native english speaker I can absolutely understand how it might be hard for people to translate everything they want to say to english. Especially in classic communication is what makes the game so great. (A lot of players at my work are 50+, these people may not have learned english in school or have been out of school for more than 30 years.)

I also would not call an american entitled for wanting to play the game in english?

Sorry for being ignorant (or entitled) but I really can’t see the problem with people pointing out problems with a decision that would impair their gaming experience.

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Again… no-one’s saying it wouldn’t be better to have your own servers. You’re missing the point, because you’re locked into your own myopic absorption. I didn’t have an opinion on any of this until I read what you guys were saying and how you were saying it. Now I just think you’re being incredibly spoiled and petulant.

I’m not from the US, BTW. I’m one of those who has played not on their “own server” for years, and dealt with it because it’s better to do that than not play at all.

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So just that I understand that correctly, there are people who voice their opinion in a rather obtrusive manner which you don’t like. So to present an antithesis you post against that on principle?

That did not occur to me for I’ll rather stay - as you so eloquently put it - in my myopic absorption which is discussing the topic at hand.

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Well, I’m here to provide some background information about why there is so much outrage currently and why “just speak English” isn’t an option for everyone.

If that makes me spoiled and petulant, so be it. *shrugs*

300ms? Where are you from? I have about 150ms from EU to NA realms.
If you want me to sign your petition, tell me where to go. :wink:

why not? I’m a french canadian. my work / hobbby / basically anywhere I go on vacantion, I have to speak english.

how come such a diverse and cosmopolitan continent like Europe can’t agree on a common second language? not like it’s not a new problem over there.

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300ms is far from a potato connection
I’ve played with an average of 1200ms for years too (peaking at 50 000ms one day), the good days were when I had 480-520ms ahah ^^
That was with every settings at the lowest too, it was a shock for me to see how everything was flashy and easy to avoid when I saw it on high settings, those little mists clearly aren’t the same as those big luminescent circles
And the time I had to react once I moved out was clearly a game changer :joy:

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I just don’t understand why that translation is a chore for you.

I’m french canadian. reading english feels just as natural to me as reading french. I utterly couldn’t care less about not having a single french server on the NA side.

I just don’t understand why using a common second language isn’t something europeans agreed upon 200 years ago…

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They have, mostly. The second language is usually either English or French.
But that’s a quite recent thing.

Where (and when) I grew up, English was mandatory either as a first or second foreign language. A couple hundred miles to the east (behind the iron curtain) and my first foreign language would have been Russian and probably no English at all. A couple hundred miles to the south west and my first foreign language would have been French.

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  1. They don’t know that 10 million people will be playing. We have only confirmation bias from people who are talking in an echo chamber about how hyped they are for Classic, not hard numbers, like you would if it was a new game where you could look at preorder numbers to get an idea of how things are going.
  2. Those 10 million, even if they do show up, won’t be evenly distributed. You may have a French server with 1000 people, while the Germans have 10000 people in their servers, and so on.
  3. The stress tests aren’t there to gauge interest on how many people are interested in Classic, they are there to test certain game mechanics under varying levels of strain, so they can work out hardware and software issues prelaunch as much as they can.
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I’ll just leave that there and let you argue about “this isn’t our problem”, because the switching of lots of Europeans to US servers isn’t, or the fact is that WoW’s success in Europe could not influence a possible Classic TBC, or about the fact that “everyone talks english nowadays”

Blizzcon excerpt:
"When it comes to authenticity, that’s not just about things like weapon skills, and crit and crushing blows and all of that… it’s also about the community, it’s about the social dynamics that are part of what defined WoW Classic.
We understand that that is a key part of the experience. And anything that might threaten to undermine those dynamics is something that we need to be very suspect about, and, again, use authenticity as our guide.
Even if it might seem minor at a glance, those small changes could have large ripple effects that would change the way players relate to the world and to each other"

My point of view is that this issue is like the layering or no RP-PVP servers that a lot consider against the #nochange mentality.
I’ll play either way because I was planning on getting on an international server anyways, but I’m not gonna coldly say “You don’t belong to the community” to the players it impacts. So I just make some posts when I can to help raise the voice of those that can’t, because mentalities probably won’t change but knowledge and awareness can.


why they plan on no language specific servers is beyond me. sure most people in the EU can muddle through in English but it would be a much more, fluid/fun/easy whatever word you want to use, experience if they are on a server with a majority speaking their native language.

As it stands servers are going to organically become language based, i.e. Stormrage gets a large german pop or Sylvanas is majority French or whatever.
so how does the idiot american (me) who wanted to play with some Brits so joined EU Sylvanas feel with 90% of the chat is in french?
Having language specific servers means they could join Sylvanas - French but they would know up front what the language is likely to be and might choose a different server to play on from the start.


Because they don’t know what the demand is going to be yet. The only reason the Russians have their own server is because of their alphabet. It is the same reason why they’re doing layering for Phase 1. They know there’s going to be a big surge of ‘tourists’, but after that, they don’t yet know where the final population numbers will lie, or how they will be distributed. Say you have 100K players between Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and Portugal. Are they going to be split with an even 20K each? Of course not. You might end up with 5K Portugese, split between 4k PvPers and 1K PvErs. A Portugese PvE server with only 1K people is going to be dead as f*ck.

The problem is, this isn’t like a new game, where they can get an idea on the servers they’ll need because of preorders. You literally just have people in echo chambers who are already hyped talking up how much they want to play Classic. Listening too closely to the echo chamber can lead to bad decisions.

Of course no, but they already have reliable metrics about this.

There are roughly 70 german servers and 40 french realms on retail. You cannot say they don’t know if those communities will be able to take over at least 3 to 4 servers and tell everyone not speaking german or french to go somewhere else with toxic behavior. This is what happened with italian, spanish, Czech and russian communities on retail : they basically claimed a server and it was a bad experience for everyone not belonging to the community.

I speak french myself and I can tell you that we are already very organized with german and spanish players to pick different servers and claim them at launch to allow a smoother start. But this shouldn’t be up to us to prepare like this. This should be Blizzard’s job to handle communities and game quality. Cause man, I know french people and I wouldn’t dare speaking english once the french realm is claimed, cause you’re going to be roasted if you do so.


Get all the EU guys to roll one faction, english the other, and we have some wpvp good times.