EST PvP Server for English Speaking Non-Streamer Fans

I’m sure that I’m just being ignorant.

It just seems like organizing a raid would be tough with everyone goofing off in character.

If anything… RP players are more serious about content.

It’s on the spanish forums.

It’s 100%, where there’s some many will follow. Okay, I don’t know the quote but it’s whatever.

There’s like 4-10k already saying they’ll go there… And that’s ONLY the people that’re voicing it. It’s 100% the Latin American server.

I actually love Brazilians that try their hardest even if they don’t speak English… But… I mean… It’s an English server. Why would Blizzard do this?

It’s not their fault either, Blizzard is literally forcing them lmao.

And where’s the responses from Blizzard guys? EU and NA forums have been a literal FLAME haven.


Well in that case, perhaps Zel the Orc-slayer will grace you with his presence.

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The problem isn’t Blizzard. It’s these arrogant, self-entitled streamers. They NEED to announce which server they’re rolling on, cause as it stands if you intend to go East coast PVP, you will have to wait until launch day / the day before launch in order to coordinate with all your friends / guildmates on a freaking server. Blizzard gave us name reservation and a server list for a reason on the 12th, and it was intended for the WHOLE Classic community, not just these idiot streamers. They’re holding the whole Classic community hostage with their BS.

As it stands, I’ll be choosing just 1 name to try to reserve on 3 different realms so I can hedge against rolling it on a streamer server and actually have some options. But I guess as a non-streamer I don’t have the “privilege” to decide on a server, since streamer needs are obviously far more important than all of our needs. And they expect praise for releasing 1 East coast and 1 West coast realm that they “definitely” won’t be rolling on… they actually have the audacity to think that they’re doing us some sort of favor by doing that, and that we’ll all flock to just those 2 realms. I’m really starting to hate these streamers and hope Blizzard does something about it.


Pretty sure this guy is a streamer himself. Level 20 human warrior? I saw you in another thread praising streamers for “giving” us 1 east coast and 1 west coast realm that they won’t be rolling on.

The server timezone isn’t going to matter for anything other than organizing 40 people at the same place at the same time. You will have people from every timezone anyway. People really need to stop thinking they have to be in their exact timezone.

If you are hyper competitive and going for rank 14 or world first of 15 year old content maybe you want that 20ms but you won’t really notice the difference in classic due to spell batching. Everything will feel lagged anyway.

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Nah, I’m not a streamer, I’m just not a hater. Roll on any server you want and enjoy classic they way you want to play it. There is going to be plenty of servers on launch. Also, my Warrior is level 69 now but I quit 10 years ago and made a new account a couple of months ago in prep for classic and have been leveling different classes for fun. Will be maining Mage in classic.

The streamers are definitely going to announce it before Monday. Heads up, stay away from Whitemane and Herod, those are the top 2 choices. Word on the street is it’s going to be Herod

My problem is more about I want to play on a PvP server that, 6 months from now, won’t be a ghost town. The best way to ensure this would be to play on the streamer-centric server. Warts and all I say.

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Theres not gonna be ghost towns. New players are already getting addicted to classic.

If this is the case then itll be the pve servers that will have a healthier population. I don’t see retail players enjoy getting ganked

eastern 150 million where 30 million play and 120 million have jobs.
pacific 53 million where 50 million play and dont have jobs.
central and mountain dont matter because we didnt get a damn server.
these are just rough numbers, dont quote me. lol

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