EST PvP Server for English Speaking Non-Streamer Fans

Y’all can choose whatever server you want, but I’m seriously not concerned at all if 1000 Portuguese players choosing a server, you are bound to have twice as many Spanish speakers on another server

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Apparently there is a Brazilian Discord with over 3,000 users stating they are going Thalnos. That’s not a small amount of people.


how many people do you think live in the Eastern and Central Canada, and Eastern, Central and Southern US, that are going to play Classic ?

You had my hopes up.

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Again I’m not surprised, the simple math alone on there ONLY being three EST PVP servers, by sheer volumes of the population living in the United States who would choose an EST server would so outnumber 3000 (at best) Portuguese players is staggering to even consider this an issue. Simple conclusion, y’all crazy.

It was an issue on old servers like Warsong with the same demographics at play.


ummm, that’s a retail server, how many retail servers are there? I’m sure if you condensed all the retails EST PVP servers into three servers you’d think differently

What are you talking about? It’s a server that became an unofficial server for another country/language, the same way Thalnos is here.

I can’t explain math to you unfortunately

Don’t worry, they will definitely be adding another PVP EST server, and probably a few more others as well. They are starting small with servers and adding more as needed, which is the best play. You can add more servers easier than merging servers. But honestly the whole streamer thing won’t be as bad as you think, especially if Asmongold is on the other side of the world as you. The mass populations will follow him and that will leave the server quite pleasant in other areas. Also the streamer server is going to have a great community for in game events.


Point being is I’m just trying to talk some common sense here.
Given the option lets say you only want to play on a EST PVP server.

By sheer number of people in your same camp what are you going to do?
Cram yourselves into an only English talking server?
Can you imagine how many people will be on the server, it would be 10 times the number of people on the other servers, who have lets say collectively decided to abandon “the Brazilian server” because it’s become the unofficial Brazil server or unofficial Spanish server, or streamer server, or whatever.

That’s just insanity. If all people in the camp who want to play EST PVP servers, all equally distributed on those three servers, the population distribution of English speakers to Portuguese would still be overwhelmingly English, and that’s with all Brazil players collectively choosing one server.

Now if you want to have the discussion to add more servers, sure that’s a different discussion. But we don’t know if that’s even going to happen.

A very small portion of South America is on Central Time. Most of it is an hour ahead of Eastern Time Zone or Eastern Time Zone.

and geographically they’re closer to the East Coast of the US.

So for Blizzard to not realize this and have limited options for Eastern Time Zone servers is a slap in the face.

Plus look at the US population according to the 2014 census.

Eastern Standard Time Zone: 150.2 million (47.1%)
Central Standard Time Zone: 92.3 million (29.0%)
Mountain Standard Time Zone: 21.3 million (6.7%)
Pacific Standard Time Zone: 53.0 million (16.6%)

76% of the population of the US lives in the Eastern & Central time zones. Only 16.6% of the population lives in the Pacific Time zone.


Thank you Ash

Or you know, Blizzard get their head out of their butts and make them their servers. Easy enough, its a language barrier and well in some cases they’re trolls. People don’t want to deal with that.


I can agree to that. But if they only have three servers for EST PVP at launch … People are going to have to choose something. Logically just completely abandoning one server b/c some Brazil players have decided to call that server home, will only create a monster server problem for all those same people who want to be with English only speakers. And I mean it will be a monster server, good luck with that, you’ll have to wait in line for 3 days.

We’ve decided since the EST PVP servers are pretty much gonna be hell holes, we’re going to west servers. If worst comes to worse, we’re heading to the RP-PVP to stay away from all this crap.

Brazilian vanilla/classic community is way different from Brazilian community in retail. They are used to play on international private servers using English as the language for world channels.


I didn’t even consider RP until reading this.

Do RPers actually complete content? Is the server viable?

I would assume so. The only thing they don’t like see is some weird name deal, which I’m not gonna go xXxGangstaKillaxXX.

lmao… of course they do