Essences.... please... account wide

If you play him like you play this guy then prolly not.

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It’s because they’re clinging to the classic model of “alts aren’t mains.” Which is sort’ve funny… Cause most of these same people slam classic every chance they get. Weird they’d defend its methodology.

The long and short of it is… class wide essences would hurt… literally no one. You still have to do the grinds, you still have to get them all, the rank 4’s are still challenging to acquire. There’s absolutely zero reason not to allow it.

Unless you think re-grinding the dailies and other time gates somehow constitutes “re-playability.” But in that case… if you love them so much then go do them on your own without saddling the rest of us with them.

I’m sorry, but you must be joking. The ONLY power upgrade in all three of those was gear. There were ZERO additional systems on top of them. And Wrath, and to a lesser extent BC, had huge gear catch ups at the end. With the ICC 5 mans literally dropping better gear than most of the starting raids.

None of those expacs had AP, none of them had corruption, none of them had essences. Those are apples and oranges comparisons.

Also, I’m sorry, but are you REALLY saying we should go back to the classic design mentality? Where 1% of the population even steps foot in Naxx? Personally… I’d be all for it as I actually enjoy that style of MMO, but the rest of the community? That’d be a straight up death stroke to the game.

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So you’re defending a company you dont even care to support because you only stay subbed if it benefits you. And you want to judge us for being upset that the game is not going in a healthy direction?

All 3 of those had catch up lmao

Classic introduced better gear that was craftable as the game went on, plus ZG being an easier raid that drop great gear

BC also introduced vendor gear/high dungeons that replaced earlier gear very quickly

Wrath regularly gave ways to give higher gear as well

Difference is now, you don’t just need to catch up gear wise, you need to level your cape, level your neck, and rank up your essences


Blockquote This is why I am unsubbed for about half of every expansion.

Your solution is not our solution. If we want to keep playing. Voicing our discontent for their procedure is not farfetched. If that’s what you do to solve your problem. Then leave the thread.

You’ve just made how pointless your opinion is in this thread.

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This right here. My man understands. We dont want to unsub, we love this game. We dont want it to go to the gutter. Clearly others dont care.

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filthy casual

I’m defending character power systems that should be limited to your character that does the content; not your account. There is no reason your alt who hasn’t done the content should be rewarded. We are playing an MMO. Maybe you should stick to MOBA’s and FPS games.


so why give me 50 character slots? if its clearly impossible to ever have that many characters benefit each other in any way? And why should my alts get heirlooms then? they didnt earn them.

melodramatic hyperbolic psycho

I wouldn’t say my opinion is pointless. I’ve played wow for 15 years. I never unsubbed until no flight was announced. Now it’s cyclical for me as I dislike playing without flying. My opinion is just as valid as yours.

Heirlooms are garbage. We are talking max level systems bud.

What tokens?

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Heirlooms are not garbage, and early content is not less important than end game content. It’s part of the game regardless.

You can create 100 rep tokens from crates. You’ll still need to farm the crates to purchase the essences on the alt though.


We aren’t talking about heirlooms though. We are talking about essences. That’s what this thread is about. And now apparently corruption and heirlooms and whatever else you feel warranted to throw in lol.


You don’t even seem to understand what you’re debating.
You unsub at the first instance of boredom. But you’re telling a guy who wants to keep playing the game to stick to less rewarding game systems like FPS, and mobas…

The systems are not rewarding because their newer systems makes them that way. But you have to deal with both systems to have a good time.
It’s like you wanted to be dropped on your head as a kid or something.

How long did it take to level an alt? How competitive was it at fresh max level? How hard was the gear to acquire? Weeks? BiS? months?

But a handful of hours to get competitive and a month for bis essences is unplayable?
Considering it looks like a lot of people would prefer it, yes. Or, hopefully, somewhere inbetween.

because you’re talking about alts and character power, which corruption, essences and heirloom all affect, yet some are BOA, BOE and the others arent. Theres no consistency. Why should you get flying on all your toons because you got Pathfinder? you should earn it on every toon if thats the case.

Interesting, i did not know this, where do you make them though?