No; I’m saying BoE’s have been a thing since 2004. Essences have literally been around for 8 months and are exclusive to this xpansion; one could even say only patch 8.2 and 8.3. It’s normal to buy boe’s and sent them to alts; It’s been a thing for 15 years.
It only makes the entire game easier on your alt. Decreasing the time it takes to do work in the game. So you aren’t really working to the level your main has, which is why it’s pointless. Especially with BoA items.
Your point is useless on those 2 things alone.
That’s the point of these systems. It’s because you already did the work on a main and doing the same work for no gain over your alt is pointless.
If they wanted you to earn everything all over again then they should remove catch up mechanics. That’s why there is no point in gatekeeping essences when the rest of the game is moving at a faster pace.
BOEs yes, corruption no. But yet BOEs can have corruption which some can be stronger than r3 essences. So why are we able to send our alts Corrupted BOEs but not r3 essences?
I mean; we can banter all we want to. The bottom line is they aren’t going to be account wide and if they do make them account wide it will be when it doesn’t matter anymore.
It is. And this is an mmorpg. They have cheated and tried to give alts help. In many ways, long before essences were a thing.
They’ve added lfr, cash shop and all kinds of other qol to make players happy.
Every time they do, they get farther an farther from what this game used to be. Some things have worked well, some have not.
In either case, classic is showing that endless qol did not make this game better and that are many people who want to go back to when there wasn’t any.
Because those corruptions are on BoE gear? Essences aren’t gear they are abilities?
but corruption can be stronger than essences. So why can my 410 alt have r3 TD but not a R3 essence?
Because corruption and essences are two completely different systems? They literally have nothing to do with eachother lol.
Heirlooms have nothing to do with endgame. They get you to the starting line, not across the finish. This is something that WoW has been doing for a very long time. You have the option to fast forward to endgame, very rarely do you have an option to skip it.
And I could conversely argue that I’ve played dozens of games that don’t even have a fraction of QoL stuff WoW has for alts. They’ve had ways to gear your alts through costing your main, eg paying through the teeth for BoEs, but none have an outright skip button.
Corruptions are also abilities…
When you can get on corruptions on World quest gear that already make your essences useless by sheer dmg production. Once again, why gatekeep it. It breaks the flow of the current patch.
But you stated that BOEs are ok because they were in from day 1, but corruption is a different system just like essences, and its allowed to be on my alt early on because its on a BOE? It’s power he shouldnt have just like R3 essences if thats how you guys wanna argue essences
corruption is a built in ability; again they have nothing to do with essences. I’m not sure why you are trying to compare them. Their acquisition is different and they come from different avenues of the game.
?!?!?!? it’s the same thing as essences just a different name, and implemented in a different way. Its a power boost.
BoE’s are ok, corruption is a function of BoE’s for this patch only. Essences and corruption are two completely different systems with completely different rules of acquisition. I don’t know why you are trying to compare them; They are different things.
It’s an rpg. I can buy my younger brother or cousin a nice pair of shoes.
I can not buy their way into being a trusted confidant and hero of the turtles.
I can put in a good word for them and make gaining trust a little easier though.
LOL essences are a function of this patch as well. Not only this patch, but theyre still in this patch. And they’re both a power boost to alts. If its not ok to get r3 essences early on i shouldnt be able to get r3 corruption early on.
They’re not the same thing. But corruptions are much greater in power for literally no effort other than playing.
Why would anyone want to do more work for less reward? But you need to get your essences to keep up.
Anyone who disagrees with you is saying nothing? What are you, 12?
Essences were a function of 8.2 and 8.3. Their acquisition is not similar in any way shape or form. They are completely different systems. Again; Why are you trying to compare two completely different things.
so its okay for your brother to start playing wow and be ilv 430-435 because you spent $1000.00 on 475 BOEs and took him to do a few Emissaries for 430 or 445 azerite pieces, but its not okay for my alt to get 1 rank 3 essence of my choice when ive already done the content to unlock many of them on my main?