Esports Welcomes the World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic

I had no idea WoW was a singing competition.


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First Blizzard ruins classic with character boost, then Blizzard ruins it further with WoW Tokens, now they ruin it even more with ESportsā€¦ What is next?


Classic eSports? What is that, the GDKP Olympics? Whoever can punch their credit card number into the 3rd party gold selling site the fastest wins?

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Man what if making the worldā€™s best leveling campaign was an esport :open_mouth:

no one wanted this.

funding could have went to bug fixes for cata and better QA as well as more development on SoD since they are the same team.

Epic fail.


Stop with this crap. This is a MMORPG. Reconnect with your players and start listening.


lol Classic.

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Then all the companies that were backing theme started to pull out when they started investigating. The Esports had itā€™s time and that moved on.

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Who at the office is still trying to get this garbage to fly?

WoW was never designed for E-sports and you canā€™t force it without breaking it.


Esporting is why wow no longer feels like a real MMOā€¦ Mmos are not ment to be esports. Thereā€™s nothing interesting to watching wow these days and the numbers of viewers shows this.

Besides after the player funded prize pool debacle and the Blitz chung hong kong controversy itā€™s a shock anyone participates or watches anything else esports related by blizzard entertainment.

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wrong. the execs did. and shareholders. the only customers that matter in blizzs eyes.

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Stop trying to turn an MMORPG into an esport. You spent years trying to do it with arena and failed. Now you are pushing it hard in PvE.

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I mean blizz abandoned hots when their esports failed. to them if aint epsorts it aint nothing.

:sleeping: Esports.

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There it is. The Classic Agenda.

April has come and gone what are we doing here with these jokes?

WoW has e-sports? I thought they fired everyone.