Esports Welcomes the World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic

No thanks… I have a root canal scheduled.

So its 2 guids speed running cata raids and some arena.

E-sports was huge in the 2000s, anyone remember the world cyber games, that were broadcasted in TV?

Everyone knew the stars or the games they played, this was quite a career for some.

But today,

does anyone truly know anyone that plays video games for money or which games are played? I personally don´t and I also don´t see it anywhere in TV these days.

Are you aware of banks?

i hate that “esports” are forced so hard in WoW when they just genuinely need to make the game NOT awful and they keep spending so much time and resources on esports instead

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idk lately blizz give them a run for their money.

It be nice.

Or they could at least make better events,

Like a wintergrasp demo challenge. Make it live longer than 1 second. There…would be a challenge. They hosed our wintergrasp so that demo has no resillience.

My fun rogue “esport” is how many I kill 2 shooting them. If they bunch up and I hide in the graphics I’ve gotten up to 3 in seconds flat.

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