Escalating a Ticket

Hi everyone,

My account was permanently banned around ten days ago while I was playing WoW Classic, and I’m in the middle of the appealing process. I was made aware penalties shouldn’t be discussed on the forum, and that’s why I won’t go into the details of my specific case. I also take the occasion to apologize for my last post, as I was still quite upset about the situation and ended up venting in an overly generic manner. For the purposes of this post, I just want to assert that I am convinced I did not perform the violation that was alleged in my ban; hence, the appeals.

I was wondering is if there was any way my case could be escalated to a Specialist GM for a deeper investigation. I have sent 9 tickets so far, and my request was never granted, only getting template answers in return.

I’m genuinely at a loss, and I don’t know what to do. All I’d wish to happen would be to sort out the matter as soon as possible, given that the 10-men group of friends I play with is getting disrupted and we’re losing out on the hype and the fun of the Firelands release.

Thanks in advance for reading and for any information you may have!

No, only the GM if they see something in there will be able to make that decision.

As a reminder from your EU thread:


Just to set expectations, the forums are not a means to escalate tickets. That is not something the Forum Support Agents really do.

This forum is an Information Desk to help folks navigate the support system, explain policies, explain account services, etc. The most the forums can do is tell you how to appeal, and explain the game policies to you.

The Blues may be able to help locate tickets, explain status, and guide folks, but I don’t think they can’t force a review like you are asking for.


Not by your request. If there is a need to look further, then they will.

Being told nine times that the account action has been upheld is not cause for escalation. They seem to be quite certain about the account action, even if you are still convinced of your own innocence.

Again, you don’t request escalation in this situation. You ask them to review it, and they did. Just because you appealed does not mean it will definitely be overturned. If they find the account action was not an error, it will not be overturned.

As for “template answers”, those are you answers. A GM investigated your account action and arrived at the same conclusion. The template is selected to save time and ensure information is being shared in a uniform manner.

There’s nothing you can do, besides appeal. If it’s upheld, then that is your answer.


From my understanding, if a ticket may need to be escalated, they will do it after 3-4 appeals. If you’ve appealed 9 times there’s probably a good chance it’s already been reviewed by whoever the top is and was upheld, or that your particular violation isn’t something they would have any sort of special review for. There is no way to force any sort of special review beyond mentioning it in your appeal.


Yeah no, you are no longer in the middle of the process. You are done with it, in the fact that the ban was upheld. You can keep trying to appeal, but it very likely is going to be a waste of your time. There is nothing more you can do, and they will very likely keep it upheld past the 3rd appeal, as that is generally when a more specialized person looks at it.


I do see your latest appeal, you’ll need to wait on those results I’m afraid.