OMG ya’ll can’t read! LOL! This post is several days old and isn’t related to the issue happening right now. Go post on the new thread and not this old one.
Does this mean I have covid?
Getting error wow51900123 and wow51900127 after being in queue for a minute then get disconnected with the error. Never have a queue on my US server
I JUST got on about 2 hours ago. NOW I get the error wow51900123…also had a Malaysian authenticator notification login…wth!
I was playing fine for an hour or so, logged out for a bit and tried to log back in to receive the 127 error.
Located in Aus here.
I have a US account. I get error wow51900127
They might have had a DDOS attack, it seems a lot of servers are down but some people are able to play no problem. Hopefully they get on it soon as I just bought a brand new gaming PC to play again lol. Lots of people with the same issue. just keep trying every few minutes.
this thread is 9 days old along with the blue posts on it.
Same as these guys. US account never lived overseas and don’t know anyone there to play with. Rebooted router and no change.
Yeah can’t log in US account South Central US.
Yeah but the new threads that got posted got merged so here we are
US Account in Texas. Can’t log into Live or Beta servers. I get a short login queue prompt then connecting to realm list then disconnected a few seconds later.
Not EU created or used for me either.
Oceanic down also.
Can’t even reply to other forums about the DC because “no active account” even with a 6 month subs. Crazy.
East coast 5 account in this house none can sign in
If all of my authentication goes through EU (i did have an EU account back in 2005-7ish) then why can i log into classic? Also i am unable to log into the shadowlands beta.
I am getting 23 and 319, I am in Australia. Barthalis…surely this needs to be sorted shortly
Get same issue on both EU and US servers.
does everyone know they’re responding to a post from 9 days ago? this thing happened today, on US.