I am trying to complete the tyr missions and when i try to do the mission “the fall of tyr” where we controls tyr, i moved 1 pixel and the game crashed. I cant complete the mission cause i’m in a loop of crashes.
Error : WOW51900319
I am trying to complete the tyr missions and when i try to do the mission “the fall of tyr” where we controls tyr, i moved 1 pixel and the game crashed. I cant complete the mission cause i’m in a loop of crashes.
Error : WOW51900319
I think that I may have found a solution here, although I can’t say why it works. If I move my toon using only the backwards walking arrow and right and left arrows (NOT the forwards walking arrow and NOT using mouse clicks for movement), I can move through the instance and even kill enemies. I went thought half of the instance using only the backwards walking and sideways arrows (and never the forwards walking arrow or mouse). At that point, I thought, oh, I must be past whatever problem there was at the start. So I switched to the forward walking arrow (because the movement would be much faster), and my toon immediately froze and disconnected. So I’m about to start the instance over and use only the backwards and side to side arrows to see if I can make it to the finish. Fingers crossed.
I have the same problem and idk how to solve it
well, my solution involving walking backwards only worked until I got to Zakajz’s illusions of the aspects. And then when he says, “Would you like to see?” I’m disconnected again :-\ All that backwards walking for nothing.