I also had to remove the windwalker talent from my monk to complete the quest. I wished I had checked back on this bug report rather than waiting for my ticket to be answered. But it was confirmed to me from a Game Master (in response to my support ticket) that turning off the windwalker talent for monks solves this issue for almost everyone who is a monk. I’m sorry that other non-monks are experiencing the problem as well because the solution that worked for me won’t help you. But perhaps try switching other talents in your talent pane? Maybe something there will allow you to move forward like it did for my monk. Best of luck! (P.S. The Game Master also confirmed that Blizz is getting many reports of this problem, and yet, they have no surefire solution. They suggested that I file a bug report so that the developers are aware, even though when I wrote my question, I said that I’d already filed a bug report and that there were at least 3-4 others already active on the same topic.)