Error CpuResolveQueries Map Failure

Receiving the following ‘gx’ error logs in retail when attempting to open the map using the ‘m’ hotkey or clicking on map icon within the map HUD.

Zone → Drustvar

Log Message →

8/14 08:24:46.601 Error CpuResolveQueries Map Failure: The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (0x887A0005).
8/14 08:24:46.601 Device Removed Reason: The application made a call that is invalid. Either the parameters of the call or the state of some object was incorrect.
Enable the D3D debug layer in order to see details via debug messages. (0x887A0001).

This log repeats itself until it breaks out of its loop, either by switching tabs or simply waiting (not entirely sure).

Screen will freeze/glitch until resolved, usually after a few seconds.

Reproducible in other zones. Game runs fine otherwise.

Are you running ElvUI while doing this? I am having the same exact problem but it is ONLY when ElvUI is enabled.

Hi Graves, sorry you’re having the same issue. I’m not currently using any addons.

I actually just logged in and am no longer having the map issue. Have you tried restarting the game client/your pc recently?

I have the same issue! I’ve done this even with having no addons and what have you and other times it works? I don’t know what is going on.

I got it to stop by disabling all the advanced graphics options at the bottom of the “Graphics” settings screen

Interesting, I will try that. But im having the same issue when pressing M for map. Makes game really unplayable atm.

Still encountering this issue. Anyone else having this issue as well? Started with the patch. Pressing M for map freezes or crashes game to desktop.

Yes, I still have it. Some times it works but in some zones (panda land, bfa zones) it freezes or crashes the game. I can’t even delete quests out of my log for the expansion due to this.

Only thing that seems to work is NOT loading out of date addons. Uncheck the box at upper right side when you open addons. Even if I have updated my addons, some still show as out of date. There is still some memory issues and Blizzard needs to address these. I get memory exception error or memory write error. I really wish they would slow down on content and QC their code before releasing it.

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Except this happens… when I have NO Addons on at all.

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Having the same issue. And I never noticed before how often I check the map, it’s a hard habit to break.

At first it seemed to get better temporarily for me when I did not loads adds which were out of date (mapcoords and paste) but the issue still continued even with these not loaded.

issue still occurring.

Whenever the map is attempted to open, the game freezes, and the windowed wow game reverts to the main monitor (I use a couple), as well as resizing the window, all whilst still being frozen locking up the computer for a few seconds.

Same issue, still occurring. Was able to rule out add ons and UI by doing a full reset, yet the map still crashes the game. Tried adjusting settings, only thing that seems to help is not hitting the map at all for 5-10 min after starting the game, (if I hit the map within that timeframe, it’ll crash).

But this does not solve the issue, as sometimes hours into play the map will still crash (after opening fine for a while).

What about clean install of the drivers? The error code is Windows telling you “I had to shut down the GPU driver because it stopped taking directions.”

I tried that. Didn’t fix the issue on my end. My guess is it’s something since the patch that the game is sending too much information to the GPU causing it to stop taking in any more.

Also tried it on a second computer fresh install, and it’s getting the same problem? So I doubt it’s a ‘my computer’ issue. Granted the 2nd computer is an older one (not crazy old, 5 years while this one is 2 ) so it may be a compatibility thing with slightly older graphics cards? Both are Nvidia.

Can you be more specific about the hardware models? You can still buy hardware under the minimum specs as “new” computers.

One card is a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070, the other is a GeForce RTX 4060.

Is either of them prebuilt? If so, link?

One is a laptop - MSI GS76-Stealth-11UG (Reply won’t let me link?).

The other was built by a friend, so no link there sadly.

What’s frustrating is this was never an issue before the launch-day patch. Early Access was totally fine! My hope is maybe one of the subsequent hotfixes/maintenance may help. (since a lot has been breaking it seems since the Tuesday launch).

Ah nvm about the link, I see the CPU now (their ads were intefering lol).

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