I recommend opening a thread on the Microsoft forum. I can’t offer memory dump or crash log reading services to you here, but many users in their forums can.
I have posted on other threads about this very frustrating issue. What has worked for me was unchecking all five of the new graphics options as someone above said. Go to options, graphics scroll all the way to the bottom, and uncheck the last five boxes. Hope it helps you as well.
Still having this issue, it’s been several weeks now, since at least a week before the launch.
It’s worse (more frequent) in certain zones, particularly bad in Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms (when I go there as part of the BFA phasing).
Unchecking those five compatibility settings, seemed to possibly lessen it’s frequency, but it still occurs.
Turned ‘base game quality’ down to the lowest setting, makes no difference.
The issue occurs much worse for me in Hallowfall. Across 3 different toons, and almost every time whenever the map is tried to load. Definitely worse when mounted.
I think I have been having this same problem- I initially thought it was entirely an add-on issue with Silverdragon (Opening the map with an alert featuring a 3D portrait preview would ‘freeze’ / crash the client), but then I ran into it in BFA zones when opening the map (I assume the little N’zoth effect that appears on the map when open in those zone may contribute, since other places seem fine); no toggles / add-on disables / updates have seemed to do anything so far, and the issue only seemed to begin with the wide-release of TWW.
Still occurring, the most recent weekly maintenance did not fix it.
Still occurring, after over a month and a half.
The only workaround I’ve found to be effective, is to not use skyriding.
Pretty poor Blizz, really rubbish actually.
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