same problem here…weird
Just happened to me, sitting in Bastion.
Same thing happened to both me and my husband as well. Got back in with no problem though.
Bingo here. Same error. No emails from Blizz. Was able to log back on straight away with the same pw.
This just happened to me as well; I have 2FA active and was able to get back in by closing the client and logging back in. My guess is likely a problem on Blizzard’s end.
Just happened to me too while leveling an alt on Garona. Weird!
Same all around. Had an authenticator since they were first introduced. No changes made, no emails announcing any changes.
I did notice that the client changed from “sub cancelled, playtime expires in 2 months” over to showing 1 month. Wouldn’t think that would qualify as “account info changing” but who knows.
Add me to the list as well. Just running in Netherstorm.
Add me to the list also, I was in mid +15 NW, it popped and got Dc’d.
Checkd all the info as well. Auth up and stuff.
Nothing strange.
Going to add this link here for other people. I experienced this issue today and got a response from Vrakthris which may give some folks some comfort. Evidently they are doing some sort of work. Not sure which forum it should go in so adding my name to the pile of people affected, as well as giving a link for ease of connecting the two topics.
just happened to me too, running in sanguine depths, random DC with this message, logged immediately back in without issue but was out of group (thankfully i was still in instance right where i was DC’d so asked them to invite me back to group, which they did – and the timed run still counted for me at the end /phew)
Same thing just happened to me. I was in Heart of the Forest, Ardenweald completing missions at the Command Table. No ping on my authenticator and no email from Blizzard.
Just got the same disconnect error
Just had this happen to me, was sitting in Gorgrond waiting for Drov the Ruiner to spawn. I was able to get back in just by hitting reconnect, and I have no new emails from Blizzard. I looked through my account info on the website and nothing seemed to be different.
Same here. Just hearthed back to Ardenweald, got disconnected with this message, and was able to log right back in. No other communication from Blizzard.
Just happened to me in Terrokar, TBCC
Just had this in Ardenweald whilst riding from a flight point. Got back in no issues and no emails from Blizz. Authenticator on account and next billing date is December 21.
Most odd
Same thing to me. Maybe prepping for Monday’s maintenance.
Just now happened to me. I was able to get back into the game no problem by clicking the reconnect button.
Happened to me as well.