LK classic works fine. PTR works fine. It’s obvious that they broke something during maintainence today and they don’t have the tech expertise on hand to repair it. Given their inability to do that I’m not confident of their ability to protect customer personal/system information they may have stored. You definitely do not want to store payment info.
Exactly same here.
Ditto with the fatal exception message
Anyone get a hold of blizz yet?
57.79 billion is not nearly enough money to take the time out and acknowledge that there is a problem.
Hey all,
The WoW team is working to address several bugs which are causing Error #132 crashes after patch 10.0.5. For example there is a bug affecting some abilities that break stealth, such as Rake. The team is working on hotfixing this as soon as possible.
We’ve also seen a number of Error #132 crashes caused by systems using very outdated graphics drivers. It is always a good idea to keep your graphics drivers updated since the game generally works best with the latest drivers. We recommend downloading driver updates directly from Intel, Nvidia, or AMD.
If you’re still experiencing Error #132 and it’s happening when performing a specific action in-game and you can reproduce it, please report it via the Bug Report forums #support:bug-report or use the in-game Submit a Bug option.
Error #132 is also a generic crash error and can be caused by a number of different issues that are not related to specific bugs or drivers. Make sure to try the Error 132 support article steps and submit a ticket if the crashes continue.
AT LEAST they could acknowledge the problem. That pisses me off more than anything else.
EVERYONE ELSE has to take responsibility at thier own job, and often, take responsibility for others bs as well. But no… Not here. Really really frustrated at being ignored.
My wow has always stated that my gpu was not supported and an out of date gpu driver. It has always ran fine. If it worked before 10.0.5 is it reasonable to expect it will eventually work after bug fixing or is this the patch that EoL my grphics card?
just curious, no matter if i send the bug in spanish(which is my client language) or i need send in english?
It depends on what GPU you have and your OS / driver version. If the card does not meet current min spec and the driver is too old we can not guarantee it will continue to work or that there will be a fix.
You may submit bug reports in whichever language you prefer. Please just make sure to be as detailed as possible with steps on how to reproduce the bug.
Is anyone without the ‘out of date drivers’ alert having the 132 error message immdediately after character selection login? Or does it only affect us with out of date/support drivers?
Still can’t log into any toon on my girlfriend’s PC, even after the reset/downtime this morning. Can load menu’s normally, pick a character, the bar loads, seems its about to start then BAM it crashes Error 132.
Jambrix something happened because on Monday all we have the same old pc could play well but with the new patch on Tuesday we cant now. I mean something was changed when you set up and released the new patch. It is not our fault something was changed by devs that made we are unable to play now with our same old pcs and OS.
Confirmo que el error es en el Druida Feral, justo cuando se usa la habilidad “Encarnación: Avatar de Crinceniza” se activa “Acechar” (que vuelve invisible el Druida Feral estando en combate), en el momento que se está en combate y se usa la habilidad “Acechar” y luego se usa “Arañazo” o “Triturar” es cuando sale el Error 132.
Por tanto el error es de BLIZZARD y no de archivos temporales ni actualización de la tarjeta grafica, todas estas soluciones ya las realicé y reinstalé el juego pero nada de esto da solución, cabe recalcar que este error empezó desde el día de ayer 24 de Enero 2023 después de la actualización al parche 10.0.5
My drivers are up to date, It only happens while using shred stealthed. Its the only character it happens on.
I just wanted to update and let people know I updated my battle net client to, it seems to have just recently released.
I am now seemingly able to use incarnation and rake from stealth at the same time. I will continue testing.
Still not passing the loading screen. The update on client didnt fix the people who are not able to enter playing.
having the same issue, I can’t get past the character screen
any fixes ???
Let’s hope tommorow’s patch does something