After waiting 6 and most likely 7 days, ill be un subbing and uninstalling. They stole a week from me, so they can have the rest of the month i paid for and not another dime more. I dont have these issues on my PS5. Nor did i on any play station systems ive owned since the original ps1. I never asked for graphics to continue climbing upward and i shouldn’t be expected to drop a few thousand on a new rig every year to keep playing a 20 year old game.
Eat a big fat veiny shlong, acti-blizz. You are passed your prime and it shows.
I am getting this error as well. Doesn’t matter if it’s retail or classic. In retail, I can’t get passed the Dragonflight cinematic when it crashes. If I hit escape to cancel it, it will crash at that point.
In classic it crashes with this error once I hit the character selection screen.
Have you guys tried navigating to the wow\retail or classic folder and running wow.exe directly as an admin? (right click the exe and run as admin)
It’s possible that some changes within the client aren’t meshing well with security softwares, leading to the error. Running as an admin should let you rule that out, but the best way to test it is to directly run wow.exe and not through the bnet launcher or the world of warcraft launcher.exe, since it’s hard to fully make sure that the actual client gets the elevated privileges.
What about any extra softwares running? I’ve heard reports from others, across multiple other games, that programs like some motherboard RGB softwares have been causing crashes and instabilities in games (usually leads to BSODs in most cases though).
Try doing a full selective startup of the OS, making sure absolutely nothing extra is running and test again. That means no browsers, discord, mouse/keyboard softwares, etc etc. You might also need to check the services and task scheduler to make sure nothing extra is being loaded. Some softwares will autoload due to services or being task scheduled, instead of being in the startup list of items.
This issue just isn’t happening on that many systems, so there has to be some common denominator you are all sharing and it’s likely some system environmental issue due to softwares, security setups or drivers.
I tried everything day 1 (as I forgot it already happened to me years ago and it solved itself with the next week update)
you really think that people went 7days without playing “just because we didn’t execute it as admin or we had “programs running””…thanks but nope
If you are a normal person trying to help thanks for your intention but you have no clue
…if you are a lulzard employee… (as several have commented those kind of “solutions”) the problem is NOT in our pcs , is the game WoW retail or however you call it, the real solution will come when lulzard updates again, a thing that seemly won’t happen today (a week stolen btw, don’t care about $…you f’up my reps and I’m not resubbing to get that done, I’m not a fanboy of this circus and the 2months that came with the pack will end in feb) but tomorrow… and idk if that date will hold either…
hope you are not an employee bcs yall have proven to be clueless at new levels…
I cannot begin to state how many times I’ve heard stuff like this over the years, across many games, and then when logs/telemetry data are pulled, the lie detector determines… That was a lie… Again, if this were such a massive widespread issue, it would be across all system configurations and environments. Instead, you have 250 posts and 3k views on this thread. Probably safe to assume that it’s roughly 100 unique people posting in this thread and that each one has likely checked the thread a handful of times when they’ve seen that there have been new posts/updates, bringing the view count into the thousands range. At least a million people are playing the game, probably quite a bit more, so this is a tiny drop in the pool, not some super widespread issue hitting 90% of the playerbase… Even if 10x as many people are having this problem, but never post on the forums, it’s still a tiny percentage of players being affected. The issues mentioned that could trigger it, like rake coming out of stealth, have since been fixed( as far as I know, but I never had the issue). Any remaining issues are likely on your PC end of things.
Assuming everything is up to date in your system, like the blue stated:
If you can reproduce the bug, then report it in-game using the submit a bug option. And I’d refrain from sounding like an angsty little kid throwing a tantrum on the forums. It’s quite unbecoming and is a quick way to completely be ignored by the devs and support team.
Got triggered because I insulted your circus? clown? I was about to waste time explaining to your clown lazy geimer(yeah ik the actual word smarty…) fanboy mind why the issue is on lulzard a Du Soleil version of a company, not only poor coding/testing but a disgusting Support only next to Casper the ghost, I don’t care how much people in percentage we represent (we are not the only affected, also mac people having the crash issue and got resolved only for a few…and if you think every single person that got the error made a comment you are a clown even worse than I thought) we still customers not getting the service we paid for…clown…guess you are too much of a fanboy and too submissive, go get spanked somewhere else
I’m not salty because I’m not wasting time on a videogame, I’m salty because working adults not only performed a poor job but also blamed customers, disgusting liars…that is what makes me salty…
And after 7days they keep telling people to check their pcs just like yourClownself
Again go get spanked somewhere else submissive & triggered fanboy, triggered by insults to a literal Du Soleil version of a company lmao, at least in the real circus they have impressive skills…
and don’t forget to keep crying me for insulting lulzard, the white knight lulzard needed…
And I was wrong, actually, I joined at BC launch so I guess it’s been more like sixteen years. Though, I did take about a year off during Cata, and sat out half of Shadowlands… so yeah, maybe I was right. About fourteen years.
Look, I get what you’re trying to say. But we’re all paying customers here, including the people who haven’t been able to play since the patch despite paying for the time and who haven’t been able to fix the problem despite doing everything short of just getting a new PC.
Personally I don’t know what they did but I was able to play the game just fine before the patch.
Look, you’ve obviously got some issues going on with your life, so I’m not going to pick at the matter any more. Being able to convey your thoughts, opinions and emotions with others is an important part of life. Everyone wants to be heard, but there are appropriate and inappropriate ways of going about it. Here are some helpful guides and resources on how to manage your emotions, in an effort to one day help you out in communicating with others more effectively:
I’m being 100% serious and am not trolling. I’ve known too many people that have had very hard lives because they didn’t get the help they needed, when they needed it and let it spiral out of control as they got older.
When I go to a restaurant, I’m a paying customer. That doesn’t give me the right or justification to treat their staff like garbage…
I’m sure there were changes to the client code and they likely have their reasons for them, like for antibotting purposes or client security. Whatever the reason, the client doesn’t like something about your system configuration or operating environment. A general rule to live by when it comes to online gaming: They are subject to change. You even agreed that that when you clicked yes to the ToS.
you tried to answer like 20mins ago and nothing, then took like 10min for this? a geimer talking about psychology? one that takes “insults” to the staff of a company as personal attacks? you talking about psychology? do you get it?..really?.. you?.. this is the world we live in, read those things yourself, and several others, you are too attached to a brand…
how many attempts to write something this disgusting? brilliant but just in case your mind is too numb…gamer…I mean gamer… son of someone…gamer…
clown levels