Ered’Kiels Desolation (IC Closed 2)

Suzuna paced the floor of the room waiting patiently for Yenme to wake up. This is taking longer then I expected. She looks down at Yenme, who seems unnaturally still. Panicking Suzuna reaches down placing her hand before her face. She breathes out a sigh of relief, when Yenme’s breath ghosts over the back of her hand. Why is it taking so long for you to wake up Yenme? Is there a hidden curse, something that I might of missed? Suzuna asks herself before kneeling. Clearing her head she starts preparing to do a full sweep of her older sisters mind. Before she can slip into a trance like state she feels another presence enter the room with her and Yenme. Suzuna was about to spin around but she recognized this presence, and she could help her with Yenme. A split second later she remembers that Nedde had turned on them, that she had attacked both Jericha, and her Lord. Suzuna dives to the side, just as Nedde drives one of her hands into her shoulder. The serrated blades of her long razor sharp nails, puncture flesh and muscle. Nedde rips a large bloody chunk of meat free. Suzuna spins around and screams both in agony and in horror. This monstrosity before her wasn’t her eldest sister, this thing wasn’t Nedde.

Suzuna doesn’t have time to mull things over as Nedde slashes out with her claws again. Suzuna jumps back barely avoiding getting her face shredded by those wicked looking claws. Her shoulder burns and aches, it feels like hundreds of insects are crawling around, eating away at the muscle and flesh. As Nedde goes to strike a third time Suzuna parries the attack with her staff. Punching it out Suzuna catches Nedde in the stomach. There’s a sickening feel like a boot sinking into the mire of a muddy swamp. The top of the staff tears through the paper thin flesh that covers Nedde’s abdomen and sinks into her guts. Nedde lets out this terrible screeching, that has Suzuna grabbing at her ears. It feels like her brain is going to burst from her head. Using her own magic Suzuna deafens herself to Nedde’s attack.

Nedde’s next attack however is aimed at the unconscious Yenme. Seeing this Suzuna rushes forward, grabbing the staff still stuck inside of Nedde, she rips it free. The tip of the staff bursts into holy light. It connects with Nedde’s head, just as Suzuna casts smite. Part of Nedde’s insectoid face is crushed in. The part of her mouth that still works is opening, and closing, sporadically. “Nedde please stop, please.” Suzuna begs of her monstrous sister. “Why are you doing this, what happened to you?” Suzuna cries one sister unconscious, the other turned into some demented terror. Nedde doesn’t answer she just lunges at Suzuna again, this time her attack strikes as one set of her clawed fingers become void like in appearance. While the other hand seem to be dripping with disease. The void claws slash across her chest, leaving shirt, flesh and muscle mass in shedded and covered in blood. Nedde’s disease ridden hand strikes Suzuna in the stomach. Long sharp nails dripping with plague, and disease, sink into Suzuna’s intestines, as she is lifted from the ground and thrown across the room. She lands hard on her back, Suzuna goes to mind blast Nedde, and is caught off guard when nothing happens. She cast pain suppression on herself and penance at Nedde, as she slithers towards her, on the dozens of tentacles that now make up her legs.

Nedde screams as the penance burns away large pieces of her diseased flesh. Inside she screams her mind trapped, she beats against the walls, It’s not me, please it isn’t me. Nedde knows that Suzuna cannot hear her no one can, that horrid man saw to that. An eternity of endless agony, and torment, is all she would know. A half dozen of her tentacle legs suddenly grow, then lash out at Suzuna. Wrapping around her calf’s the rip her off her feet. Her head strikes the floor hard, dazing her long enough for the thick leather coverings to be torn from her cloven hooves. Suzuna feels like red hot spikes are being driven up through her hooves. Just as two of the tentacles attacking her puncture through the tough layers of keratin of her hooves and burrow up into her legs. She shrieks and thrashes about wildly, as they move up along the bone, separating it from the muscle. She looks down her chest burns and tingles from were she was sliced earlier by her claws. The wound are filled with void maggots that are eating away at her. Her abdomen is starting to decay, giving of this putrid odor that has Suzuna starting to Gag. She hastily casts purify on her body, destroying the corruption, and undeath. Still she knew she couldn’t win.

She closes her eyes about to surrender when her legs are suddenly freed. She feels a strong arm grab her and toss her backwards. She cries out in agony as the sharp tendrils are ripped from her legs. Opening her eyes she sees the Demon Hunter she had fought with earlier, standing between her, and her sister. Nedde enraged at the interference lunges at Lhashira, long misshapen claws slashing out at her. Lhashira brings her blades up, blocking both attacks. Then using her fel wind, she sends Nedde across the room, and into the wall. Maggot filled sores burst as she slams into it. Bringing her hands together Nedde shoots forth a blast of void. Lhashira counters it with on of fel, then without warning Nedde collapses unconscious to the ground. The fel beam from Lhashira blasts the wall above her body.

Suzuna looks at Lhashira “I do not know how to thank you…” She is cut off as Lhashira speaks “I do not need your thanks, I’m not here to save you, I’ve come to return both you and the prisoner you freed to Lord Salkeen.” Lhashira states her voice devoid of all emotion. Suzuna gasps she cannot allow that, she goes to mind control Lhashira into letting them go free but she cannot. She looks down and notices for the first time the magic nullification Rune that is embedded into her arm. Lhashira moves quickly placing one on Nedde, and then Yenme. “Please, please, let us go, I wasn’t running away, I have a good reason for doing what I did.” Suzuna pleads, trying to get Lhashira to release them. “You can hope that our Lord thinks your reason for leaving was good enough.” Lhashira says while activating a device she pulls from a pouch on her side. As she speaks a jailer enters the room followed by a few demons that bind the three sister in heavy fel chains, before dragging them back through the portal. The three are roughly tossed into separate cells. Where they will await punishment from The Lord of the Kiln.

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Varicar had been bringing up the rest of the group moving like unseen shadow with a Iron purpose will to complete his objectives… The monk had been watching with increasing curiosity as the orc continued to glare back at the women who had sealed his fate, as expected the mask prevented the orc from retaliating as he clearly so longed to do… Would this betrayal finally be the action that truly broke the orc? Throggore had always had cruel and violent streaks but never had the drive to fully support what he had felt was a undeniably evil entity… This however was different, in the act of giving one freedom he had damned himself, would he change his outlook on life seeing all as potential enslavers, betrayers, corrupters? The implications were quite interesting, yet still the fel monk shifted forward only a few feet behind Faendrel…

As soon as the women cried out Varicar had lunged forward standing near Faendrel the fel monk had his hand near his chest pointing his finger tips like a knife! The fel monk nearly silenced the pitiful hideous creature with a quick movement of his arm, but Faendrel had acted with more purpose pressing a darkened stone against the malformed failure of a creature draining its soul… In that way atleast it would have meager worth as fuel…

Varicar moves forward his attention split between moving silently through the war torn elf refugees and last of the humans in command who knew there had been a escape… Varicar thought of the humans hubris and arrogance, choosing not to raise a city wide alarm to find the escaped horde, how would the peasents of the alliance ever trust their guards if they couldn’t contain prisoners not once but twice! Varicar silently leap through the air landing without the smallest hint of a noise behind Faendrel and Throggore… The homunculi glanced back out once more at the scattered tents and makeshift structures of the pitiful Kaldorei, so far has this race fallen! Once they had ruled the entire world uncontested by all, now they had not even their own cities to call their own… In a world of such magic the pure and unbridled arrogance to shun it had clearly cost them everything, making one mistake after another… Varicar gave a small grin, the elves before him just another statistic in his mind of a failed species… “Get below deck, we move to the cargo hold… Once the ship is far from dock we will take it over…” Varicar commanded leading the way into the alliance vessel… First they had passed the crew quarters filled with the hammocks of filthy humans who snores like a dragon’s roars… Varicar scowled before leading them lower a deck with mostly crates stacked high to the top and across the entire under area of the working areas of the boat… This place would do, if any human came by to inspect the three were all more than capable of disguising themselves, or removing any witnesses… As Varicar made his way past a number of crates strapped down by netting he felt something!

Varicar hissed in agony holding himself back from giving away their position as he fell to the ground clutching his chest, his heart had stopped beating, the homunculi gasping as his body refused to perish but his newly found living emotions faltered… Varicar’s eyes were like that first of a hungering undead before turning towards a injured beast as his heart started its beat once more… The homunculi began to consider rapidly what had happened before a stark realization came over him, “Mother…”


Ahcire thought over what Jaseiah had said before speaking, “Perhaps two cures… Death and making a example…” Ahcire spoke low, any demon that thought itself so arrogant that it could challenge their mother would receive a torturous pain beyond recognition, their agony put on display for all to see, only suffering and death would come to those who defied them…

Ahcire gave a low condescending chuckle… They wish to control our Lord Father? Think in their arrogance that they know better than he? Ahcire chuckled again low it was a grave mistake for any demon that might have thought so…

Indeed, sister… It would no doubt please father to purge the rest of his Kiln of the unworthy… Ahcire responded back, he watched arms crossed as Jaseiah took the lead in reforming this domain that had fallen into such disrepair…

Ahcire commanded the fel lord before them to do her bidding, he was quite lucky… Had the siblings been less forgiving even the most loyal of demons could be punished for these unforgivable transgressions… What had Zarken himself done to prevent such grave sins of the Kiln? Did the fel lord keep his own underlings under a strict control that kept them from such sin? These were things the two siblings would no doubt learn in time…

Ahcire’s sister shook the very Kiln to its core with her commands to order, calling out the sloth and failures of the legion and the Kiln… She was met by resistance by a arrogant and foolish fel blood female… The pitiful creature stood no such chance against the superior genetics and power that Jaseiah possessed, a example had to be made… Ahcire watched as his sister focused her power reducing the worthless fel blood reducing her to nothing but melted gore filled slime. Ahcire watched with a dark smile, Jaseiah had done well but killed the fel blood much faster than he would have…

Ahcire nodded, she was correct, the stagnation of the Kiln was the fault of the Lords most devoted and they had much to answer for… Yes dear sister, I will ensure they are taught a proper lesson… Ahcire responded mentally back before using what little knowledge felt right of the place to teleport himself to the upper echelons of the Kiln… Large hallways filled with carved fel crystals and rooms filled with those worthy of pain… Ahcire entered the first of many rooms, a lavish place filled with soft beds and lounges yet beyond that lay a entire room of emerald eyed blood elves waiting in full armors… Ahcire narrowed his eyes, had they not moved from this position or sensed his coming and assumed it?

“The Burning Blooded? I presume? My father’s most devout?” Ahcire hissed in question, he still held onto the demon axe he had picked up earlier… The soldiers only moved slightly signifying they had heard and listened, “Yes, Great one…” They responded in unison… Ahcire moved in front of them pacing like a predatory beast looking for the weakest member of the herd… “Your respectful nature and desire for perfection for your lord is indeed well done… However in your strive for such perfection you have become imperfect…” Ahcire hissed, “Tell me, do you expect the Lord to personally command and punish each worthless demon, to create order from legions of insignificant demon slime?” Ahcire asked, it was a loaded question as such he waited for no answer… “So busy you were with becoming the idols of perfection to your lord you forget that those beneath you are also a reflection of yourselves and the Lords armies? Do you see yourselves as so above the rest of the Lords armies that you yourselves, are above forcing them into perfection?” Ahcire snapped he had begun to drag the demonic axe behind him creating a dull sound of metal scraping metal… Ahcire watched a single soldier shift uneasily, within moments Ahcire was before him… “Each of you are replaceable! Your spots in the upper echelons of the Kiln, easily taken from you!!” Ahcire roared his fury growing not unlike his father’s might, with a quick motion the fel blood’s legs were separated from his body as Ahcire swung the demon axe before him spraying green blood across the room and over many of the Burning Blooded soldiers present… Ahcire grabbed the fallen elf by the back of his armor pulling him forward with rough jerks before moving towards a opening that let one view the areas below… Ahcire was furious at the arrogance of these most devout to believe they were so above the others they need not ensure the lord will was spread, as the fel blood protested in agony, Ahcire tossed him over the edge to a cruel death below…

The fel blood released from the Lords sons grip fell from the pinnacle of the Kiln, narrowly missing the consuming fel Star in the center, his flesh scorched away by its radiant power and heat before continuing to fall all the way to the pits belows… The elf’s screams could be heard around the Kiln before it ended with a hard wet thump… Ahcire turned back to the others, “he is now nothing but worthless food for the legions mutts… And that is how I see all of you!” Ahcire roared, “Redeem yourselves before I personally make sure you are nothing but felhunter feces… This entire Kiln will be perfect before the great Phoenix returns! Now go!” Ahcire commanded, the sheer force of his will reminding the devout of a spitting image of his father… Within seconds the room was empty, the Kiln would be made perfect…

Ahcire sighed letting go some of his anger before he felt it! agony and pain! The son of the demon lord fell to the earth as he felt a pain unlike any other, his father had been injured… Ahcire growled his fists beating the fel steel floor as he fought back the agony, it’s existence only making the young elf more furious with the Kiln’s imperfection… Ahcire looked up quickly as the agony ended, where was Jaseiah?!


Sericon hissed in agony as something seemed to rip into him, he watched as Izzabelle crumpled to the earth, the time magic that sustained her simply ceasing to exist for a precious few moments! In those moments Sericon had felt entirely alone… More alone that he had in the entirety of his life, the bonds to the Master not even filling this void! Something that seemed to always have existed even before the two elves had officially made the pact was missing! Darkness crept in Sericon’s mind, without her and the bond, he hardly had much reason to do anything… The feelings of nothingness vanished as quick as they had come, a bond felt between him and his other reestablished… Still Sericon’s level of adrenaline has sky rocketed to combat levels the elf was nearly ready to lunge at anything that could prove dangerous to him or his bonded…

Sericon immediately glanced towards Rekkagg, the Orc had not been effected by whatever had just happened… The orc had his arms crossed, his face mostly neutral except for the slightest of frowns… Sericon under the orc trying to cover emotions of worry… Did he recognize the oblivion spell, Sericon relaxed, it was likely the orc saw a spell no others were supposed to have… Sericon locked eyes with the orc, they both understood that this event meant that the drinking would have to wait… Sericon grabbed Izzabelle’s hand helping the women to her feet, “It seems we have to get that drink later, I believe we will be needed by the master…” Sericon said a grave tone hidden at the back of his voice…

Sericon knew that the only reason Izzabelle’s body could react that way was if Orion had been harmed or effected some how… Even in the worst circumstances, it was wiser to be near the master… “Move through the rift and I will follow…” Sericon stated he still held Jambuku but opted to drag the troll instead now…


They swarm down from the trees, bringing spider-silk woven cocoons behind them. They work in unison like a machine to get them to the ground. Looking upon the cocoon is like gazing at maggots, or grubs they way they twitch about every now, and then. One of the victims hasn’t been completely wrapped, most of his head is still free. Izzabelle can see the sheer horror in his eyes as he gazes upon the ruins of what should have been the beginning of a new life. As he looks at them Izzabelle can see that must of the flesh, and muscles, of his lower jaw have been eaten. His tongue hangs down through the remaining strips of flesh. It flops about like a fish out of water, pathetic creature trying to speak. Izzabelle thinks just as one of her mutant spiders drives its bone piercing fangs down through the tortured trolls skull. The silk encased body starts flopping about madly, as the doomed Forest Trolls brain is being drug out of the bloody hole in his head then eaten. He lives for the first few seconds of the exquisite torture.

“Looks like that one isn’t going to have the pleasure of feeling the pain of slowly being devoured.” Izzabelle says with a cruel smile on her face. She turns to her Bonded who is still holding the unconscious Troll, as she goes to speak it happens. Agony that she cannot begin to describe rips through her, her entire body feels like it’s beet set a blaze. It’s followed by the feeling of knives being stabbed into every part of her. Flesh being sliced into streamers, and ribbons, before burning away. She screams, craters and holes start to appear as her parts of her body start turning to dust. Izzabelle watches her eyes filled with terror, as her body starts to crumble. Then comes the loss of memories, things that she once knew are being torturously torn from her head. Despair, misery, wretchedness, is all she knows as her soul is burning away. Then it ends as soon as it began, leaving Izzabelle, still reeling in agony from from the loss and the damages. At first she cannot speak, when she first looks at Sericon he can see the look of confusion and fear in his soul mates eyes. It wasn’t directed at him, but more at what had just happened.

It takes a few shaky minutes before Izzabelle can move again, when she can, she slowly crawls towards her Bonded. As she reaches for him she notices the holes and craters in her flesh. The hand that she rests against Sericon’s leg is missing the last two fingers, along with a chunk of her palm. Luckily she doesn’t require her tongue to speak with him. Sericon what just happened to us? Why wasn’t Rekkagg effected… she suddenly stops telepathic communication as dozens of her mutated, fel plagued, spiders, rush up over her body. They climb into the pits and holed that decorate her form. Izzabelle watches in pain, loss, and rage, as they slowly mutate, becoming one with her flesh. She can feel the symbiotic connection to each one vanishing, as it becomes a part of her.

Izzabelle moves forward still trembling from what just occurred. Wrapping her arms around her Bonded, she clings to him for a moment. So much was lost, she needs to not only see he is there, she needs to feel it. She nods her head against his chest, to let him know she heard and understood him. She silently commands her brood to take the second generation and their hosts through the portal. She faces down at the hand gripping Sericon’s arm. Fingers made whole by the sacrifice of dozens of spiderlings. I believe that you are right, we are both bonded to the Master. It is very likely that he felt this attack against us. Who, or whatever did this used the bond we have to hurt both of us. Izzabelle hisses into his mind, she knows she has lost things but she cannot recall what they are.

On shaky legs she carefully makes her way towards the rift, that will return them to the Master. The fury at what had happened was starting to catch up with her.

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Faendrel didn’t need to be told twice, she follows Varicar’s command like he had always been her leader. A small smile twists her face at the thought of taking over the vessel once they were out to sea. There are many different types of pests, a few that were created by her cruel eccentric father might come in a bit handy. She would speak with the Fel Monk about them once the three of them were safely tucked away aboard this doomed vessel. “We will have to be careful on how we go about commandeering this vessel. It will not be so easy as it seems like this ship is traveling with a war fleet.” Faendrel says softly her voice so low that Varicar needs to strain a little to hear it.

The stench of human sweat, breath, and gas, makes Faendrel want to gag. The sewers that they just left smelled better than this wretched place of human scum. As she slips past one of the many hammocks she feels a large disgusting hand smacks her on the backside… “Yeah baby! Shake that big…” the rest was lost to a loud snore as the scum grunted and shifted positions. She feels Varicar’s hand close over wrist, her small buckle knife a millimeter from the mans throat. A look from him has her angrily putting the blade away, before moving on. When they took over the vessel, she would be certain to give that grub special attention.

Faendrel follows the two into the underbelly of the vessel, rows of crates and barrels fill the area. They are stacked in various heights, some only a few feet from the planked floor, while others are stacked to the ceiling. She is moving about silently using her vermin to keep an eye on everything around them when it happens. It hits so suddenly she doesn’t even have time to utter a sound before she goes into shock. As she is moving between crates the whole lower half of her body explodes. Small bloody chunks, and fragments of diseased insect ridden muscle, and flesh are sent blasting in all directions. Bone shards and splinters stick into crates and barrels like hundreds of tiny quills. The upper half of her body drops motionless to the floor, landing in a pile of guts, and gore. The bloody mess starts transforming into her vermin, but something is wrong. Many of them are curling in on themselves letting out little little shrieks as the start burning away. Some make it back to the bleeding half an elf, and painfully start the process of reconnecting.

If Faendrel wasn’t in shock she would be screaming about now. Her legs aren’t even partially reformed yet, and there doesn’t seem to be many vermin left. What ever happened the effect on her had been physical. In her mind she kept repeating the same phrase, Something has happened to Ebony’s Tower, something has happened to Ebony’s Tower, something has happened to Ebony’s Tower… the words fade along with her consciousness as her body, reaches its limit for pain.

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They had done it striking directly at the fiend Ebony in his tower, their combined might even something to fear for the likes of that creature… It seemed that with the dark elf veteran back that Jericha and Salkeen would get time to move forward without the dark man’s influences but that would not be so true! As Jericha felt for the first time a horrific rebound from their attacks so do did the demon lord!

Salkeen howled in agony as waves of fel energy erupted off his form, the demon lord not unlike a wild beast that had been injured! Salkeen had felt for only but a moment his connection to Jericha had flickered, the demon lords great power lanced out seeking the bond that had been severed before Salkeen felt the withered but still intact bond between him and what was his… The demon lord now kneeling hard on the ground as his own body had responded to the attack and rebound, the demons lords claws had gouged deep into the earth around him as he attempted to rise… Salkeen’s eyes flared with cold fury as he gripped his side with one clawed hand and took Jericha into his protection with his wings… Around them the land had been scoured of life, dark hard earth remained, a barren land of red not unlike what happened to most worlds the legion had conquered… The demon lord glared at the epicenter of the powerful spell craft that had been used to send Ebony away once and for all, this world would serve as something new from this point forward… Salkeen moves the arm from his side with a slight since of pain before entending it towards the unstable walls of reality that had been birthed into being by their power…

“Azhir Uval Umbra Haguul
Elas umanes azaranath rakas ibna
Belanora mordanos nenaar ila mornu farlos kada
Anach Umbra Katra zil shukil!” Salkeen hissed each word filled with fury and power as he chanted in eredruin to call forth new purpose to this world! “I deem this world, Umbra Shukil!” Salkeen commanded causing piercing blasts of fel energy to lance up than back down forming demonic portals to Salkeen’s other controlled worlds. The demon lord glared at the rifts before the first of many felguard marched into the dry red dirt, Salkeen knew even injured the demons would recognize that the demon lord was a god among insects… “This will be the staging point against the grievous of enemies, the one most deserving of my furious wrath… Contruct the greatest of fortresses and stabilize the tear in this world!” Salkeen commanded, he had finally had quite enough of Ebony, despite the evil creatures resounding defeat the demon lord was not one to let his enemies recover! From this world, Umbra Shukil, Shadows Perish, the demon lord would wage war with the elf in his tower! The demon lord was clever choosing this world because of what they had done, it would be much easier to link the two points together like Draenor and Azeroth had been… Salkeen observer the demons before him carefully to ensure they understood their lord will, the demon lord not allowing Jericha to be taken from his side…

Salkeen began to channel energy once more as three legion ships appeared in the sky… The demon lord now was focused on ensuring his Jericha would recover, they would both need to be at their most powerful and healthy if they were to fight Ebony in his own tower… Salkeen glared forward as a new rift formed that would lead him back to the Kiln…


Yumara nods her head in understanding at what is being relayed to them. “Yes Master, I to can see the where it is best to only bring Izzabelle and ourselves back.” She pauses her fingers slightly gripping his robe. A few thoughts cross her mind, she considers them for a moment then turning to Orion she speaks. Orion, Master is going to need to use a bit of mind manipulation on Izzabelle. I tell you this because I know you don’t like the idea of her mind being messed with. Yumara tell the cat, who lets out a slight growl at her words. Now before you get all hissy, hear me out. Yumara says to the cat as it paces the length of its broom in agitation. Orion stops, sits then turns to Yumara to listen. To relive her life without complications, Izzabelle cannot bring the future into the past. Master will need to block the memories she has now. All that has happened from then until now will need to be locked away. She states, breathing a slight sigh of relief as Orion relaxes his posture.

Yumara agreed their involvement would have to be minimal. Not only did they have to keep Izzabelle from crossing paths with her past selves. They would need to try and avoid their past selves as well. “Master this Lifetime of Izzabelle’s Orion kept an eye over her. It wasn’t until she was older that we met again…” stopping she releases her hold on Masters robes. Bringing a hand up she places it to her head as she thinks. “This is going to be a little tricky, we will not be dealing with one past self for Izzabelle but two. Both the one from this lifetime, and the one from the original.” Yumara says, as she starts to look around her domain.

Yumara turns back to Master I’m more then ready to get this started Master. Yumara states as she senses Masters attention being drawn elsewhere. She cannot help but think, which one of them needs his aide this time. For all the strength the boast about having, Master was always having to bail them out…

Yumara hits her knees, the second it strikes. She doesn’t scream, she doesn’t have a voice, no sight, no sound. Everything is gone from her existence, a void of absolute nothingness remains. She reaches for something, anything but it is all gone, swallowed by this oblivion. An Oblivion that she has felt so many, many times before. Countless times beyond number, fear, loss, anger, fill her as she starts to vanish. Suddenly she is reconnected the vines within her blindly reach out for the thin tendrils of the Masters that are a part of her. Yumara desperately needs to reconnect with him. Master can easily feel that Yumara has been completely thrown off balance. She is confused, frightened, angry, frantic, this year s evident in the way she is gripping his robe and trembling. It is also seen in the way the forest in her domain is fluctuating. The two guardians are trying to fix the destruction. Yet Yumara seems to be having a negative effect on both at the moment.

Still clutching Masters robe like it’s a lifeline, Yumara speaks her voice unsteady, and shaking “Nnnnott aaaagain, pppplease, nnnott, aaaaagain.” Orion who has just recovered himself, jumps up onto Yumara. To most it would seem like a cat trying to comfort their person. Yet Isaik could both feel and see the massive magnitude of magic flowing from the feline into Yumara. He was using his Magic to keep the chains in place until Master could calm her frantic mind. Yumara looks up at Master “Something has happened to Jericha, something bad has happened to Jericha.” Yumara states in a voice that is filled with fear, tinged with fury. “She died, she really died for a moment. I didn’t remove her from my protection, and give her to him, so he could get her killed.” Yumara says her levels of madness growing with each word. “I gave her to him, thinking that he was strong enough to be able to keep her safe.’’ Her breathing, and heart rate, are becoming erratic. She is gasping for breath between words, her forest starts to become twisted. Master can easily sense that Yumara wants nothing more then to go to Jericha and take her from Salkeen. The only thing stopping her from the attempt. Is her overwhelming need to be in his presence, while in this state.

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Jaseiah Grins wickedly between her brother, and her, they would have the Kiln in perfect working order before their Lord Father, and mother returned. It filled her with an unending rage, to see the sloth before her.

Jaseiah watches as Ahcire activates on of the Kilns teleportation crystals, vanishing to the upper echelons of the Kiln. With a sigh she turns back to the Demons that were still kneeling before her. She approaches a group of Fel Guards, “Follow.” The rise and fall in behind her without question, a few Felstalkers prowling along beside them. As she moves through the rows of demons she looks for signs of uneasiness, sloth, disrespect. Those found guilty swiftly find their limbs severed from their bodies Their arms, and legs tossed down into the feeding pits. Their torsos jammed down onto cruel iron hooks, that are coated in astral glory that line the walls of the lower levels of the Kiln. It isn’t long before the Kiln is filled with chorus of screams. After ordering another group of demons to cleanse the fel iron flooring of the blood of the unworthy, she is ready to head to the control room.

As she moves to the area of the Kiln her brother had used earlier, she hears a scream above her. An evil smile twists her face as she watches one of Fathers so called devoted fall from grace. She paused to listen to his screams of fear and pain until it ended with a satisfying crunch. She then continues on her way to the Control Center. As she enters all the Demons, and Demonesses, stand to attention. “Do yo believe that you are above punishment?” Jaseiah says, as she slowly walk towards them. Fel, and void energy start swirling around her. “You who sat ensconced away in hear, are some of the guiltiest of all.” As she speaks her power starts to build. “You who had a perfect view of the stagnation taking place.” Jaseiah stops before the large Eredar male standing before the command chair. With a flick of her wrist he is thrown back into it. Fel bindings appear, wrapping around him holding him in place. He goes to speak but Jaseiah doesn’t wish to hear his pathetic excuse. A thin void tendril shoots from her hand. It wraps around his tongue and rips it out. Fel Blood spurts out of the useless hole in his face. “There’s no need to possess something that you fail in using.” Jaseiah explains before addressing the Felguards that had followed her. “Slowly drain him of his Magic,” she calls forth an inquisitor “as they do that, take him apart piece by piece.” The horrific demon floats towards his victim and starts the process. Roars of agony soon fill the room.

Jaseiah sighs, she would wait for her brother before continuing. As she moves towards the sides of the room it hits. She screams in absolute agony and hits the floor writhing about. Her Guard rush to her side along with some of the other Demons in the room. They quickly scan the area trying to find what might be attacking their Lord’s Blood. They quickly set up a barrier between her and those that might see this as an opportunity. Luckily all in the room with the exception of the one being tortured, seem extremely fearful at what is taking place. A Shivarra takes notice of the fact Jaseiah’s body is convulsing so hard that bones can be heard as the start cracking, and splintering. She reaches for the girl, using her strength the attempts to keep her still to minimize the damage. Void tainted fel blood pours from Jaseiah’s mouth, soaking her chin and neck.

Jaseiah is trapped in a loop of pain, despair, and emptiness that she has never experienced before. She feels as though her entire existence is being ripped away from her. She is feeling the agony from both of her parents. She is also feeling the overwhelming loss and emptiness from her connection with Yumara. Everything hurts, everything is being destroyed, she cannot see, cannot hear, something feels off. After a moment Jaseiah collapses into unconsciousness. The Demoness continues to hold her as the others look on with terror. They had allowed harm to come to the Daughter of their Lord.

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Isaik nodded, tampering directly in the past had the chances of causing great harm towards the future… They would need to act like unseen guides ensuring that the timeways stayed stable despite the existence of two or more beings from different points on the timelines in the same time… It was highly likely that the Master, Yumara and Orion would need to ensure the bronze dragonflight were uninvolved in such matters, lest they decide to change it to what they felt was right… Isaik halted listening to Yumara communicate, he wouldn’t speak however, she seemed like the best option to communicate with the stubborn feline… The master would keep any manipulation to a minimum, he wasn’t changing who Izzabelle was, he was merely going to condition her mind to be ready for the time period she about to be thrust into.

“Yes when the time arises that Izzabelle must meet your past selves we will have to place the original on that such path, when she is on that path we can not interfere in any memorable ways…” Isaik hissed, the best they could do if things got wildly out of control was to fix the corrections and hope that a mental adjusting would fill in any gaps… The Master had heard of such things happening to people when the infinite dragon flight altered the timelines, when the bronze corrected the errors they would give those involved the memories of the original events… The Master however was attempting to guide them all down a path that wouldn’t lead to such drastic measures, if the original and their own Izzabelle were always accounted for in their locations, they could be made to avoid each other… The Master considered other events as well, at the opening of the dark portal, he himself would be reborn, The Master would need to shroud himself from his past self, such intricacies would arise from such a event… Finally there was Orion and Yumara who had to avoid their own past selves…

The Master had just sent the Juggernaut to help engage with Salkeen against the same elf that just wouldn’t give up… The Master though watching was quite pleased as they began to beat the shadowy fiend back… That was until…

With the attack striking Ebony and the tower entirely, the Master observed the damage backlash back into Jericha, a familiar backlash Isaik himself had felt before! Before the Dark Master even had a moment to react, a surge of damage ripples through Jericha, Salkeen, Yumara, and many others! So vast was its spread even those not linked directly to Jericha, Yumara or Izzabelle were effected, they were effected because of the strings Isaik had weaver himself!

So many individuals were effected before Isaik himself extended his great willpower and halted the radiating agony and pain from the soul crushing attack! So many had been effected, Varicar, Faendrel, even Corttez and Rakuta… The Master stood tall energy expended trying to hold back the full force of the attack from effecting everything connected to him… Barely the dark creature had succeeded, he was actually surprised at the great power Salkeen and Jericha had brought to bear upon the one who stood against them… But also what caught the Masters attention was the way the rebound had attacked burning away at his connections harming everyone before Isaik had blocked it…

Isaik though curious about how such a event, knew that Yumara’s balance was not a thing that had time to wait…

Isaik extended his tendrils control over his further destabilizing minion before releasing Cannabidiol and Melatonin, the two powerful chemicals inducing a intense state of calm and sleepiness… “I saw exactly what happened…” Isaik stated a low hiss, “I must say it is hard to surprise a creature like me…” Isaik continued, “Salkeen and Jericha were assaulted by Ebony once more, in a valiant effort they pooled their power and struck out at the man in the Ebony Tower… Judging from the pain, it would appear Jericha has a phylactery inside the tower, if that phylactery isn’t Ebony or the tower itself…” Isaik hissed using his connection to show the events described as he spoke in Yumara’s mind… Isaik pauses for a moment unsure whether to share the littlest of details, how Salkeen’s part of the attack had been so filled with passion and fury he had lashed out to strike at the soul… The spellwork only known to Isaik to be used by his arch rival… Raveintis…

Isaik focused his eyes on Yumara placing a skeletal hand on each shoulder, “Salkeen and Jericha did not intend to get so harmed by their own might… The attack was made because they are so…” Isaik paused for a second as he found the right word… “Bonded…” Isaik gave a clever undead grin… “At the moment Salkeen is heading back to the Kiln to ensure his Jericha recovers…” Isaik stated, “We could be there when they arrive, however I doubt such things would go as planned… The Demon Lord is only more stubborn and dangerous when injured and protecting what is his…” Isaik stated continuing to fill Yumara’s mind with the calming chemicals… “At the moment, I believe Izzabelle will need our attention more…” Isaik stated, he understood how Yumara felt, But Salkeen and Jericha had people there for them, they would recover… The Dark Master would only be needed to perhaps intervene in the demon lords plan to assault the tower… Behind Yumara a rift appeared before the image of Izzabelle appeared on the other side…


Just before the explosion caused by Jericha and Sslkeen goes of, the Great Orc, brings his mighty forged hammer crashing down upon the earth. The thunderous boom resonated outwards echoing across the planet. A nigh impenetrable wall of stone, iron, rare metals, and earth. Bursts forth from the planets crust, shooting up towards the sky, Creating an extremely powerful barrier between them and the two elves calling down their combined furious wrath down upon all.

Drednautt could see the rock walls warping from the unbridled chaos that washed over the land like a surging storm… The orc counted the moments watching the instabilities form in the earthen barrier finally the formidable wall could take no more, first it was boar line fractures then the whole wall destabilized into whatever solid rocks remained from the raging chaos showering Drednautt and Ahcirej with debris… Drednautt did not faulter raising his great shield, he chose to weather the blistering chaos, a immovable force among the destruction, Ahcirej behind him… When the surging erratic flames dissipated Drednautt stood unmoving, his armor glowing red in several places, he and Ahcirej had been moved back at least a few hundred feet… Drednautt lowered his shield, such power was beyond amazing, had the attack been focused on Ahcirej and himself instead, Drednautt would not have been so sure of their survival… Still the orc saw they might be forced to weather another blast as Salkeen in his fury and Jericha began to pool their power once again! Drednautt readied himself, the chances his armor would fail this time was quite possible, his true form revealed…

Drednautt had been surprised, Ahcirej took them into the sky high above the whirling chaotic devastation that engulfed the ground below them… What had caught the orc of guard was not the need to protect him, but that she could lift the orc so high at all. Drednautt was a bit heavier than a normal orc his great armor giving more weight to what he was truly behind that orcish mask… As the flames subsided the orc glanced back at Ahcirej a short nod of thanks before pulling himself free and falling back through the sky. The great orc could not fly, so as he moved closer a great blast of fire sent the orc hurdling towards where Salkeen and Jericha had been… Falling like a burning meteorite the great orc landed with a resounding crack, before rising from the crater to move towards his old friend…

“Such power, it could only come from one such as yourself, Lord Salkeen…” Drednautt stated, “Such a hateful being that opposes you… Know that you will always have my aid… What do you intend to do next?” Drednautt stated, he expected Ahcirej would arrive soon behind him to greet her lord…

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Ahcirej reels back a bit in shock as her Lord howls in agony. What had caused him such pain? Even in the fight against the Plague Demon Reavrix, he had not given indication to his pain. His fury? His rage? Yes! His pain? No! Ahcirej using both her own sight and the cybernetic technology build into her robotic body, does a scan of the surrounding area. She shifts a little, The Juggernaut was getting heavier by the second. Much heavier than an Orc of his size even in full armor should be. Damn What are you heavier on the inside. Ahcirej thinks, feeling that she won’t be able to keep them both in the air for to much longer.

Now that the dust had started to settle, she looks upon the devastation the two wrought. It quickly fills her with both awe, and mournfulness, Those that she had attempted to save, were nothing more than dust. Complete towns, and peaceful settlements, had been completed obliterated, she knew, she could see them she could feel them. Lost, confused, wondering about, without existence. They blindly search for something for something, that will remain forever beyond their reach. Then again, perhaps it doesn’t. Yet for now her attention was drawn to whatever the two on the ground had done. The scan had shown nothing visual or hidden, that could of caused that type of reaction from the two of them. She engages her back up thrusters, looks down at Drednautt. Lay off the stone soup, when they talked about Orcs eating rocks. I thought they were joking. Ahcirej says to herself.

Ahcirej watches as the first of the massive gateway appear. As the Demons March through onto the barren red earth. Ahcirej realizes that she will have to go down and join them. Her mind fills with a bit of trepidation at the thought. Yet she needed to face the consequences for her earlier acts. Not only had she attacked him, she had interfered in an disciplinary action. She expected to be greatly punished for this, while he couldn’t make her feel any form of physical agony. Emotional anguish could sometimes be so much worse. She thinks back to the vision she was trapped just minutes ago. So much worse. There’s only one thing Ahcirej can think of, that might grant her even an inkling of mercy on her Lord’s part. If she hadn’t attacked he wouldn’t have been here, when Ebony had made his move. Still it was time to face the music, that and the seconds were ticking down. Soon she would be forced to either dropped Drednautt, or go crashing down to the earth with him. Ahcirej was non-excepting of either scenario.

For a brief second Ahcirej notices the flash of Surprise in the Orcs eyes. surely he didn’t think I was going to leave him down there, with the destructo duo? No that’s not it… She cannot help but grin a little. “I’ve been a priestess for centuries, you would be amazed at what a levitation spell can do.” She says. Just as he nods in thanks, and pulls away the spell winks out of existence. She watches as he plummeted towards the ground. She didn’t fear for his life of safety, more feared that as heavy as he was, he would knock the planet out of orbit, when he struck it like a Meteor.

Hundreds of thousands of voices call out to her, as she lands beside Drednautt. She doesn’t speak, she drops to her knees, bowing her head in subservience to her Lord. As she lowers her head she sees Jericha held safely within the protection of his wings. Ahcirej cannot bring herself to feel an smidgeon of pity for anyone who would try to take Jericha from him at this moment.

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It isn’t something he would notice at first, but as the moments ticked by it would become more pronounced. It would first be just the slight uneasy feeling of something be off, something missing. It wasn’t until Lord Salkeen focused his attention on his Void Witch, that it became apperant. He wasn’t recieving any void magic from her, not even the tiniest of trickles. Since receiving the stone from Isaik, Lord Salkeen had been on the acquiring end of a steady stream of void. now there was nothing. If he focused his otherworldly sight an looked into her mind he would see things looked much different then the last time. the last time it was a chaotic mess. The dome she stands beneath is riddled with thousands upon thousands of rifts tears and portals. There should only two openings, one for allowing the void in, the other for releasing it after it was shaped. This time it was nearly destitute of any void. Looking Lord Salkeen would notice all of the void rifts, and portals are opened. Yet the magic pouring from them is vanishing into a massive swirling vortex. The opening that feeds her her Void powers, is now devouring them. Lord Salkeen will know that the opening cannot be closed, doing so could prove to be fatal.

In his mind Lord salkeen can feel it, hands wrapping around him from behind. The weight of a familiar head coming to rest on his shoulder. “I’m sorry Lord Salkeen. I should have thought before striking out, but I was so angry…” both voice and sensation start to fade fore a moment. Only to return with the feeling of claws digging into his thick demomic scales, as she tries clinging to him more tightly. “so very, very angry. I wanted to cause him agony like he hadn’t felt befo…” once again the impression of her being there begins to dissolve, returning a moment later. “The Tower was the key, if we damaged the Tower, we would damage him…” Lord Salkeen can feel her trembling as she tries to remain adhered to him. “Harm him we did, Lord Salkeen. Did you feel it that glorious moment when the Soul Thief was in absolute agony.” Lord Salkeen can feel it as his Void Witch smiles into his flesh. “It was magnificent… It was already to late when I realized the folly of my rash actions. Ebony’s Tower is just as much a part of me as it is him. It is from there that I receive all the Void power that I possess…” Her grip on him tightens. “It is my magical core, and I destroyed part of it, without thin…” as suddenly as the sensation appears it vanishes, leaving Lord Salkeen mind.

In the distance a dozen or more Void Gateways, and Portals appear. At First the Demonic army Marching from Lord Salkeens’s other worlds onto Umbra Shukil, draw their weapons, preparing to battle what ever was coming in from the other side. They stand at the ready awaiting orders from their all powerful Winged God. The first thing Lord salkeen notices, it the portals, and gateways have traces of Jericha’s magic. It isn’t his witches magic, yet from what he can pick up. Whatever made these portals, was at least trained by his Jericha at some point.

The first to step through the largest of Gateways was a Shadowmoon Orc. Her body covered in scars, she wore each like it was a mark of honor. Flanking her were 4 Void Ethereals, of great power. They hovered over her like shadows of impending doom. The Orc woman approaches Lord Salkeen, the Void Ethereals Follow her lead. As she moves an Army starts to come through the Gateways. Ethereals, Voidwalkers, Voidcallers, voidshriekers, abominations, sha, oozes, fleshbeasts, k’thir, broken, humanoids of nearly every race, and more. Each touched by the void in some way. Soon an army of between 5000-7500 stood before Lord Salkeen

The Orc woman stops about 50 Meters away from him, when she speaks it’s loud and clear. “I Kasakura high overlord of the Shal’gaz, pledge myself, and all the armies of the Shal’gaz to the Great Demon Lord Salkeen. We pledge our lives, our deaths, our souls, our children, into his servitude. Everything we are, will be his to command, we will nolonger be just the Shal’gaz, but the Burning Shal’gaz.” She stands tall and pulls forth a cruel looking void dagger, with a curved blade. She slices across the scarred palm adding another to the dozens that are all ready there. “By my blood I bind us as so.” the ethereals move each reaching into her and ripping out pieces of her soul. “By my soul I bind us as so.” One could easily tell that the Void shaman was in a Tremendous amount of agony, yet remained standing while the ritual continued. When done both Black blood and soul, formed a swirling orb. The orb was sent to Lord Salkeen, floating before him it awaits his decision. As he decides the entire army, kneels, and bows, in fear, and respect, before the one who would soon be their god.

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Yumara’s grip on Masters robes tightens, a small frown appearing on her face. They would have to be extremely careful. One wrong move could have the Bronze Dragon flight breathing down their back. They sure as hell didn’t need that to deal with, on top of everything else. “This is going to be a bit trickier then when Orion, and I, did it the first time. There will be three versions of Izzabelle running around.”Yumara says with a slight sigh. Ringing up her free hand she drags it slowly down over her face. Stopping and resting her thumb, and pointer finger on her chin.

“Orion should go to the version of Izzabelle that was found, and raised, by the Gnome. As he has been through it before with her. He should be able to keep the Izzabelle’s from meeting up.” Yumara explains, to which Orion slightly nods his head. “I would have to know that while I’m away keeping an Eye on that Izzabelle. The only messing with this Izzabelle’s mind, will be done only out necessity, not for personal gain.” Orion says, speaking clearly to both Yumara, and Isaik. Yumara looks at the fickle feline, rolling her eyes. “You worry to much Orion, Master’s contract with Izzabelle prevents him from messing with her mind unless it’s necessary.” Yumara says, as she turns her attention back to Master. “Master, we will have to keep the two versions of Izzabelle that are walking the same path from meeting each other.” Yumara states, her finger idly tapping against her chin. “For that, I think Master ability to manipulate minds will come in handy.”

Yumara was in a fear induced rage, If Salkeen was incapable of keeping Jericha safe, she old go and take her back. What the hell had she been thinking, what ever made her think that he was strong enough to protect her. He sure as hell didn’t do a great job of prote… the thought is cut off, as she tries to stifle a yawn. Her mind that was going wild just a moment ago. Now seemed to be having trouble keeping a grip, on that all consuming fury she had been feeling. As Master speaks, the slight hiss in his voice soothes her even further. Still shaking slightly from what had happened she looks at him, waiting for him to continue.

Yumara lets out a small growl of anger, “Why can’t the annoyance just vanish already.” She say a look of pure hatred filling her eyes. The sheer amount of hate coming off of the Nature goddess when Master mentions Jericha having a phylactery. Strangles, and kills, everything within 15 yards of where the pair is standing. “That freaking jerk, why am I not surprised that wretched slime would tie Jericha to him in such a hideous way.” She growls, growing silent onc more as she watches the events unfold that lead up to what had happened.

Master’s skeletal hands resting on her shoulders, brought her full attention completely to him. For a moment there was no Jericha, Salkeen, Orion, Izzabelle…etc, it was just her and Master. As swiftly as formed the illusion shatters, “As angry as I wish to be at Salkeen for not keeping her safe. I can see that it was just as much, if not more Jericha’s fault.” Yumara says the tension leaving her body, causing her to slump slightly as exhaustion settles in. “Still I don’t think either of them stop and consider the consequences, when they are in a rage. Jericha knows that Ebony’s Tower is her magical core. If Master is correct, and Ebony has made himself Jericha’s phylactery. Then it is a small wonder that she was killed if just for a moment.” Yumara says in a tired sounding voice. “I’m certain Master, that causing massive damage to you Phylactery, and magical core. Probably isn’t going to feel that well, and lead to horrific consequences in the long run.”Yumara says her head lowered, lightly resting against Master.

Yumara stops and thinks fore a moment about what she truly wished to do. Now that she knew the series of events, that lead to what transpired. “Master is correct, it wouldn’t go as planned, even in an unconscious state Jericha would most likely flee from you. The chances are good she would take Salkeen with her.” Yumara says leaning on Master a little more. “Besides there will probably come a time when Salkeen and I will have to work together. Taking Jericha from him won’t go far in soothing the animosity between us.” As Yumara says, she suddenly straightened up her her head snapping up. Her eyes glaze over for a second as she reaches out through her bonds to all she’s connected too. Searching for one thing, a connection to the one she had remade, the one she now viewed as her son. She lets out a gasp of relief, when she feels him in her mind. Varicar would feel the slight sensation of a hand caressing his face, as energy, and power are poured onto to him.

Yumara looks through the portal that is forming. She can easily see that Izzabelle isn’t in the best of shape. “Once again Master is correct, Izzabelle should be our primary concern. Much is dependent on her, besides the problems with Jericha, and Salkeen, will still be here when we return.” Yumara then turns to Orion “Start preparations for time travel Orion.”

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Salkeen had nearly made it within the Kiln’s rift when he heard the most familiar of titanic booms, the shattering of earth as Drednautt landed nearby… The demon lord had been lucky that Drednautt had chosen to come, the demon lord was not in doubt of his abilities that he might fight a battle on two fronts saving Ahcirej and Jericha, but Drednautt was apart of the reason that the demon lord could’ve struck out at Ebony at all! Whether that particular strike had been wise now hung in Salkeen’s mind… He felt Jericha, her form feeling devoid of her magic…

Salkeen turned to regard Drednautt, one of only very few he trusted under the master’s control… “You speak as if you foolishly believed I could not bring such wrathful force to bear down upon my enemies!” Salkeen taunted, he did not truly mean the insults but meant it as perhaps a reminder that he was always growing stronger… “That insidious force you faced was the dark power of the creature Ebony… A obstacle I will remove…” Salkeen hissed speaking of the elf who had become the entirety of the thing he despised so much! Few held such a spot near that damned elf in Salkeen’s mind for vengeance… “As for your aid? Do you mean the aid of your orc? Or as what we both know is something more…” Salkeen hissed, his words tougher than perhaps intended, the demon lord knew what Drednautt was… Why the being choose to remain in the form he was vexed the demon lord, Salkeen would never desire to hide his perfect form behind a imperfect form… “As for my divine intentions? I will siege that great tower, and bring that elf to his own personal hell in the most powerful of fel chains…” Salkeen hissed he would end this once and for all!

Salkeen narrowed his visage at Ahcirej, she awaited him on her knees now totally subservient, a contrast to the rebellion and fury from before… “Do you think I forget your interference of my will?” Salkeen hissed, moving towards Ahcirej… “I know quite well your new body presents a inability to cause you physical pain…” Salkeen hissed, reaching a single claw out to move Ahcirej’s head so she would look at him directly in his burning eyes… “I know I have a solution to such a problem…” Salkeen growled before pulling away abruptly… Salkeen moved to make his way towards the rift once more before pausing…

Salkeen stood strong, returning his own voice to that of Jericha… “Do not apologize for power, for the will to act and drive those enemies before you!” Salkeen commanded, his voice stern, “I would not have acted any different…” Salkeen hissed…

”We are but two gods who flew to close to the sun and smote our enemies with the very fire that burned our wings!” Salkeen responded, “Do not apologize… Our bodies may be burned but we have dealt a blow that has not been felt by that creature ever before… We shall recover, but Ebony will forever know we can harm him…” Salkeen hissed, even though they were both beaten down, injured… The demon lord was arrogantly filled with pride that they still harmed Ebony…

Salkeen growled low as void portals appeared in the distance, this world was crowded as it was for the condition that Jericha was in… The demon lord turned to face this new and unwelcomed guest to his world, fel bindings appearing around Jericha as the demon lord switched from carrying her with his wings to his back… The demon lords wings extended out wide from his form completely blocking the condition of Jericha to any infront of Salkeen… Salkeen hissed as he crossed his arms a slight pain still from the battle before… The only reason these people hadn’t been purged from the planet by Salkeen and his awaiting demon army was the trace of Jericha’s magic…

Salkeen watched unmoved as this Shadowmoon orc stood before him, pledging their lives to the demon lord, his deeds and name must have spread far to gather such a unique army before him… The demon lord has seen many demon armies do this same act before since the fall of the burning Titan… Salkeen only began to move his dark visage moving from the Shadowmoon orc to the blackish orb of blood and souls, reaching out the demon lords razor claws seized the binding power, taking his claws over it ever so slowly as he made his decision… Finally Salkeen glared at the orc once more… “Your choosing to follow under me is the utmost wisdoms…” Salkeen taunted, “Do not think I will go easy on you! You may carry the signature of what is mine but do not begin to think I do not know what is connected to such a signature!” Salkeen growled a powerful warning, any amount of treasonous acts would be met with unbelievably overwhelming force… The demon lord trusted Jericha, but he knew full well Ebony was her blood… “You are now mine… There is no return from such a contract…” Salkeen hissed crushing the blackish orb and pulling the magic into his own… “There is much to be done! Your god demands a fortress unlike any other, raze this earth and construct my monolith!!” Salkeen commanded gesturing back to the area behind him already becoming reinforced by the legions demons…


Ahcire rushed forward through the Kiln his arms eager for blood, something had struck out at him, his family and every demon that had failed to respond was now guilty! The armed elf stopped before a eredar warlock, “Where is Jaseiah?!” Ahcire demanded, the demon however was to slow caught off guard it had no answer! Ahcire sneer as he swung the felguard axe at the pitiful creature separating the demons head from its body… Ahcire glared at the demon beside him a bow cowering succubi… “The control center, oh great one!” The creature stated falling to her knees begging for her life… Ahcire was now satisfied with a answer but the sniveling creature was weak, and weakness was not worthy of serving under Salkeen in the Kiln! Ahcire sent his axe down into the creature from the top carving a bloodied path through the succubi’s chest and leaving the floor spattered in her blood… Ahcire was off moving with a divine purpose, before he finally made his way to the control centers great doors!

With a great heave the elf forced them open causing them to swing hard and slam against the walls as Ahcire glared within…

Ahcire glared at the demoness holding onto his dear sister, before speaking with such a harshness Salkeen’s own fury could be felt… “Speak filth… What has harmed my dear sister?” Ahcire growled loud like a wild great cat on the hunt… Ahcire in a fit of rage buried his axe in a felguard merely standing nearby, before with a heavy roar pulled it back and hacked into the demon a few more times… The demoness spoke, saying all she could… “Your sister, convulsed attacked from a place we do not know yet still she lives, we are ready for your word…” She spoke, for how could she know the attack cane from far from this fortress? The actions of Jericha and Salkeen on Umbra Shukil… Ahcire glared at the demoness and her response, he was nearly ready to send the axe at her, and purge her with fel sicken light before the answer came to him…

“Prepare the Ignis’Avim and the fleet… I will bring several legions with me to my father… You dark lord, the Phoenix of the Legion!” Ahcire commanded, if both he and Jaseiah had been effected that meant their father had likely been injured as well! “Cleanze this Kiln of the unworthy… Or my wrath is the least of your concerns… The demon lord himself will come to cleanze this realm…” Ahcire growled before turning his eyes back upon the demoness… “Bring my sister to the Ignis’Avim, she will be healed by the time we reach father… Or I will sending you crashing to Salkeen’s world from orbit…” Ahcire commanded, he turned his form to leave his axe in hand ready to act!

Moving just a few feet down the hall a imp ran after Ahcire with big news… “Great one! One of your father’s newest recruits has captured escaped prisoners!” The imp squeaked out fearful of the possible repercussions of such a minor demon speaking to such a higher up… Ahcire glared down at the pitiful squirming creature, “Send her to the Ignis’Avim, I will see this newest recruit and what she has done…” With that Ahcire dismisses the minor demon to head aboard his father’s great vessel… Woth no other in command, Ahcire settles in the commmand throne, he would await this recruit and Jaseiah there…


The Shivarra, just barely started recovering from the shock of the attack on their Lords Daughter. She looks about the room about to speak when Ahcire enters in a fury that would make their Lord proud. The low menacing growl that came from him, as he demanded to know what had happened to his sister. Caused all the demons in the room to quake a little in fear, and pull back a little. All but one, The Felguard standing next to the Shivarra, was caught with his halberd down. The First blow from the mighty ax cleaved the demon from his right shoulder, and half way down his chest. Foul fel green blood sprayed on Shivarra, and Jaseiah. One could hear the bones crunching as the ax busted through them. The second blow followed the first and ripped down through the doomed demons stomach. The howls of pain became silent as the third strike with the ax cleaved him in two.

As both halves start to fall, the Shivarra watches as the Lords son spin his ax, with an upward swing catches the Felguard beneath the chin. There a loud crack the sound of flesh ripping as the head, along with part of the spine is torn from the body and sent sailing across the control center. It hits the fel steel floor, bounces a few times, then comes to rest near a group on Gan’arg engineers. The Shivarra, not wanting the same fate quickly lowers her head, in respect, showing a healthy amount of fear for Ahcire’s station. She quickly speaks “Your sister, convulsed attacked from a place we do not know yet still she lives, we are ready for your word…” She spoke, trying to keep her body from trembling slightly, as she await her fate…

At Ahcire’s command the Control room snaps into action. “As you command.” The place goes from being frozen, to being a flurry of activity, as those that are in control of the lesser demons start barking of orders. Make Sure the Ship if fully stocked. Weapons, fuel, food, healing supplies. Send our best healers to that vessel." As the commands are spoken, gan’arg, wyrmtongue, felguards, and other demons, rush from the Control room, eager to fulfill their Lords wishes.

One of the higher up spoke with deference, “Yes my Lord, we will have the Inquisitors, sweep the vessel,for those no longer worthy. Those found unworthy will feed the both the Kiln and the mutts below.” The demon turns to send out Orders to a group of the Inquisitors. It would be impossible for them to hide their true nature from them, unless they were exceptionally powerful. Any Demon attempting to hide anything would be punished to the utmost extent.

The Shivarra still holding Jaseiah bows as well as she can. “Yes My Lord, your Lady sister will be taken to the Ignis’Avim, I will personally see to it.” She promises, her form quaking in fear. She watches as he leaves, his ax in hand, it isn’t until he vanishes around the corner that she relaxes just a little. She looks down at her Lords Daughter, “Lets see about getting you a little cleaned up, and the physical damage healed shall we.” she says as she carries her from the Control Area. Four Succubi fall in beside her along with two Manari females. The group heads towards the Ignis’Avim, they head first to the healing chambers.

Upon arrival one of the elite medical units is already there and preparing their equipment. The slight turning of one of their heads. Is the only indication the Shivarra has, that they know she is their. “The Lords, and his Witches daughter, Yes?” The Shivarra nods, “Yes!” The one that spoke, along with another, swiftly stop what they are doing. Place her on the bed there, and be careful. Just as the Shivarra lays her down, they swiftly move over to examine the Unconscious girl. While one scans her for physical damage the other seems to be looking for mental, or emotional damage. The one scanning for physical damage heals the cracked bones, the shredded blood vessels, bruised organs, and torn flesh caused by whatever had hit her. With her body healed, they set about trying to discover what force has her in the nearly catatonic state. After some contemplation they call in a Mind, and soul specialist. He looks her over for a moment then speaks. "She has strong bonds to those around her. One of those bonds has pulled her into an unconscious state. I cannot sense any maliciousness so I believe once she has recovered some of her senses she should start to wake up. The Shivarra thanks them all, “The Lord will be most pleased to know this.”

She lifts Jaseiah, now healed, clean, and in new clothes, and carries her to the Helm of the Ignis’Avim. Certain that the One in charge would want word on his sisters condition. As she leaves, the little entourage follows, reaching the Command area of the great vessel, she takes a deep breath, then steps inside. Warily approaching the Command seat, She kneels. Still Holding Jaseiah she speaks, “My Lord, they couldn’t tell what was ailing your Lady sister, so they called in a specialist. He claims that she is closely bonded to one who is in a catatonic state of sorts. It is the strength of that bond, that pulled the Lady Jaseiah into a comat…”

The words are cut off as the upper half of the Shivarra’s chest and head hit the floor. Blood explodes from her severed torso like it was a geyser. The two closest Succubi don’t even have a second to react. As a claw of fel, and one of void, punches through their chests, ripping out their hearts, and lungs. One of the other Succubi, slips on the bloody floor as she turns to run. She finds herself swiftly relieved of her head. It is then thrown with such strength, both it, and the fleeing Manari’s skulls explode on impact. Fel burning vines burst from her hands encasing the other two. The look of horror, is accompanied by a foul stench. With a flick of her wrists, fel vines tighten, Screams of agony last for all of a few seconds before their bodies hit the floor in hundreds of pieces. Each one cauterized by fel fire. Jaseiah spin around and sees Ahcire, at first her eyes hols no signs of recognition, only fear, and survival. Then she blinks, and they start to clear. She is across the room and throws herself on Ahcire, wrapping her arms around him. “Ahcire? your okay, your okay, it was awful, the pain, the loss the despair, the emptyness…” Jaseiah says as she holds onto him, blood dripping from her hair onto him, from the carnage she left behind her.

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Lhashira is leaning against the wall, sharpening her blades, while conversing with one of the Demonic Guards. As she draws the blade across the whetstone he speaks. “Would you like to see me of the ways we deal with traitors, and runaways?” He asks a cruel sneer twisting his face. Sheathing her blades Lhashira laughs, “Why yes I would love to see this.” She replies pushing herself away from the wall, she follows the Tothrezim down the corridor. They reached a large iron door, with two Felguards standing outside of it. They look at the two them, good Vera knowing nod, before throwing open the doors. Stepping inside of the room, the first thing one notices is the gods awful foul stench, that permeates the air. The smell of decaying flesh, vomit, bodily excretions, blood, and salt, assaults the senses. The second would be all the devices used for torture, stained with the blood of thousands. Then there was the endless cacophony of screams coming from those, who earned there way into this macabre hell. Newly arrived were the prisoners that Lhashira herself had helped to bring back in.

Two of them were strapped down onto metal tables, the one that had freed the prisoner. The one who had fought in the pit with her, was begging for forgiveness, it was rather painful to listen to. “Please, please, don’t do this, I didn’t betray anyone, I wasn’t running away.” Suzuna sobs her voice hitching as a few gan’arg approach. “Please, I’m sorry, we were coming back, we were coming back, please don’t, I’m begging you.” The Man’ari was completely unmoved by her blubbering, and motions for the gan’arg to continue. They move to the foot of the table, in one of there hands they hold what appears to be a shoe. One that would fit against the cloven hoofed feet of an Eredar. In the center of this shoe is a fel iron spike that is at least a foot in length. It their other hands are large mallets. Grinning they both place the burning fel spike against the center of Suzuna’s cloven hooves.

Tears pour down her face, “PLEA…” the word ends in a Gods awful howl of absolute agony, as the two gan’arg swing their mallets. Everything she had eaten over the past week, ends up all over herself, and the floor. Suzuna’s body jerks about mindlessly, as the fel spikes a driven through her hooves and up into her calves. Those loverly shrieks only rise in crescendo as they finish nailing them in place. When finished Suzuna is going into pain induced convulsions, sobbing, and begging, for forgiveness. As she continues to convulse, and wail they fit fel Iron shackles around her calves, and forearms. The ones on her legs reach from her ankles to about two thirds of the way up her calves. The ones on her arms, go from her wrists to a few inches below her elbows. Lhashira notices the holes that line two sides of the shackles. “What are the notches for?” Lhashira asks of the demon who invited her to watch. He lets out an evil laugh, “You will like this, he replies a grin breaking out across his face. While speaking the gan’args that had hammered the shoes onto her feet, pull out sets of three fel iron spikes. They shuffle over to a fel forge, heating them until the are nearly white hot. They then move back over to their terrified victim. Lhashira didn’t think the woman could scream any louder than she already had. She was proven wrong, three white hot fel spikes each were driven through her arms, and legs. They gan’arg twist them about as she bellows in pain, and despair. Once finished they pull the spikes free, and replace them with these large fel iron m shaped bolts, and screw them into place.

They finish by hooking a harness like contraption around her. Forcing her mouth open they drive a hook through her tongue. Pulling her tongue from her mouth they take a short piece of chain, Lock one to the hook in her tongue, the other to a iron ring on her harness. They then use short lengths of chain to connect her arms to her legs. Needless to say she wouldn’t be walking far as she was now, neither would the one she had tried to free. As she underwent the same horrific treatment. The third however was still unconscious, which was a shame because her screams would have been the icing on the cake. As it is she appears almost like she’s been crucified. A fel iron pole had been driven up through her torso along her spine. Thinner ones had been driven through her palms, and along the lengths of her arms, before being connected to the larger pole. The demons working on her were wearing protective gear. After loosing nearly a dozen, to the acidic secretions coming off of her tentacles, and the foul void maggots. Even with the protective suits some were still dropping. The would flop about before growing still, blackish mists rising from their bodies. Once prepared she is hefted up by a pulley system.

The door to the chamber flies open, standing on the other side is an Imp. “The Boss, be telling me that the Lord wants the prisoners, brought aboard the Ignis’Avim. From there they will be taken to his newly claimed world and dealt with by the Lord himself.” The Imp says with a sinister smirk. The demons in the room smirk, “You heard him,” they force the two sisters to walk, each step more agonizing than the previous. As they pass Lhashira can feel the sheer hatred coming off of the one called Suzuna, directed at her. As they wheel out the third, the guard she was speaking with, and her go to follow… “No so fast there Windy…” Lhashira spins around, glaring at the Imp. “What the hell did you jus…” “Now, now, don’t be getting your panties in a twist now Windy, the Boss be wanting words with you in person.” The Imp says interrupting Lhashira midway through speaking. “She was going to kill that annoying little bas… “Move it along Windy, the Boss isn’t the patient sort.” The Imp snorts, as he blasts some fel fire at her feet. Lhashira has him pinned to the wall by his throat.

“Come now Windy, who’ll bring ya to the Boss, if ya kill me.” The Imp asks, pulling out her blades she slices off one of its ears. “Do not call me by that hideous name, or you will lose more than just an ear next time.” Lhashira growls out angrily. The Imp grumbles something beneath his breath while leading her to the Ignis’Avim. “I be telling you the Boss be the mad sort, if you value your neck, ya won’t be getting on his bad side.” The Imp warns as they step onto the vessel. As they approach the command bridge, Lhashira notices the bodies of the dead Succubi, and Man’ari. “Ha! See it’s like I was saying, the Boss doesn’t hesitate to strike down those who he finds unworthy. Better hope that you don’t end up like that one.” The Imp laughs as he points to the pile of cubed demon, “or worse.” With those final words they step onto the command bridge. Both drop to a kneeling position and wait for Ahcire to speak.

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Throggore himself made it below deck with the others sneaking past the humans that laid resting… In a moment the orc could’ve slaughtered everyone of them aboard the vessel, but that fel cursed monk had other plans… They made it below deeper into the boat a deck of cargo, mostly crates strapped down by rough netting and rope when a opportunity struck?!

The traitorous elven sewer slime had felt a ominous attack to herself sending bone shards all over the lower deck! Throggore had raised his weapons as the body detonated blocking several shards from puncturing his face but had atleast three rip into his arms… As Throggore lowered his guard to gaze upon the horrific stare tgat Faendrel deserves he realized he didn’t feel the overwhelming force of the mask exerting down unto him… The laughing skull pulled his arm back ready to exact some needed revenge as the elven women collapsed into unconsciousness, he could easily render her head from her torso in one quick move! The orc grinned slightly as it seemed Varicar was also distracted by the weird attack, the Orc could actually do it! Throggore lunged forward only to be halted mid thrust as the mask regained control over the orcs body… Throggore struggled inside his mask as his arm refused to continue forward and end the pitiful women… With a quick movement the orc pulled his blade back and with a quick lunge across the deck placed himself near the descending stairs into the cargo hold…

Arching his neck the orc listened closely, the faint sounds of human snoring still filled the deck above, the incidents occurring to the group had fortunately not been heard. Throggore glared back at Varicar who had just recovered and Faendrel’s still unconscious form they would need to clean up this mess before they were discovered! It was far to soon to have crew members go missing! Throggore growled low, he would cover the door Incase despite the sounds of sleep some unfortunate alliance fool cane to investigate…

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Ahcirej remained on her knees as Her Lord spoke with Drednautt. Her bravado from early had all but vanished, the attack from the Soul Thief still fresh in her mind. She had felt strong, determined, optimistic, before he had assaulted her mind. Now she was struggling, she felt worthless, overwhelmed, unsure. Now that she was no longer in battle all of what the Soul Thief put her through came rushing back.

He isn’t going to do that, Ahcirej. Get a hold of yourself. It was just the Soul Thief trying to destabilize you. Ahcirej knew this, yet she was hesitant, overwhelmed, and filled with apprehension.

Her Lords powerful rage filled voice directed at her, pulls Ahcirej from the muddy quagmire of emotions, that she was drowning in. At this time Ahcirej felt only two things. She was paralyzed with fear, completely, totally, irrevocably terrified. Was this but a smidgeon of what Jericha’s experiences in Master Isaik’s presence? If it was she understood why she ran. Yet Ahcirej didn’t have that option, her fear held her trapped before the fury of Her Lord. That and she knows that she deserves whatever punishment Lord Salkeen decides to give her. She had acted without thought, and while she doesn’t regret doing it, she is regretting the price she has to pay for her rash actions. I wouldn’t have had to interfere, if you actually thought, instead of raging all the time, about everything. the thought flashes across her mind for a split second. She finds herself pulling back slightly, hoping that her thoughts aren’t like an open book to her Lord.

Fear gives way to anger, as she is forced to look into Lord Salkeen’s fiery eyes. He is holding her head in place, with a single Demonic claw beneath her chin. She knows this, but cannot feel it. “My inability to feel pain has nothing to do with this body, Lord Salkeen. You could put me into a million different bodies, and it wouldn’t change.” Ahcirej says apprehension, and aggravation, warring in her mind. “It isn’t just pain Lord Salkeen, I cannot feel, or be made to feel any sort of body sensation. I would take an eternity of being burned by your hellish fire, Just to feel Jericha hugging me one more time.” She is trembling, she cannot feel it, but she can see it. “I will never know that sensation again Lord Salkeen, any hope I had Vanished with Izzabelle.” Ahcirej knows that she is most likely digging her grave deeper, but as Lord Salkeen walk towards the rift leading back towards the Kiln, she stands and walk the other way. Stopping as the void rifts open, she arms all of her weapons systems. It didn’t matter what she was feeling, she would fight to the death for her Lord.

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