Ered’Kiels Desolation (IC Closed 2)

Skalaz approached Mirage the beast was clearly done, unable to take out one of the Master’s great commanders. It was not a slight that the creature could not take on the power of Skalaz, it was rather impressive the creature lasted as long as it did. But now the fight was truly over, Skalaz absentmindedly planed his hand in one of his pockets, sure enough the Master as he always had before placed exactly what was needed right when it was needed… Pulling the object out Skalaz remarked at the odd compass and the note attached to its side, the Master didn’t want such a important thing destroyed accidentally in the tumble between the arcane alchemist and the great beast…

It was time, Mirage still blindly snapped out hoping for some blood in his last breaths, the goblin dove in quick seizing the beast by the neck lifting its dying form. Walking forward the goblin pushed the great creature against a nearby wall before in a great flash the goblin converted half of the beasts water in its body to hydrogen and oxygen, the beast detonated in gore and steaming organs across the wall like a great red mural, the beasts body hanging like a crucified shadow… Skalaz wipes the minor pieces of gore from his form away before tucking the compass into a part of the neck that had survived… Skalaz turned ready to teleport out from the gruesome scene before fir all but a moment he had stopped gathering up a piece of burned flesh from the floor… Skalaz snapped his fingers teleporting back to the subterranean domain of the great Master…

With a flash of magic the gore that still stuck to his form evaporated as the goblin converted it to air, before the robed creature made his way over to several areas of his own laboratory that contained numerous vials and containers of every kind… Without a word the goblin dropped the burned flesh into a vial of viscous fluid… So much leaving the domain had quite slows down the goblin in his own matters, those of creating dark life… Skalaz pondered the great wolf he had fought, a beast under Yumara, the Master’s favored… Her skills in dealing with advanced life forms of incredible evolutionary ability was extraordinary, her skills were much like a nature version of what Skalaz had been learning by reading and studying much of Smuggs’s work… The basis of genetics, something Skalaz understood to a point but in not many ways held mastery over… The goblins great skill came from arcane and alchemy as one. The arcane ability to change the very fabric of the universe to ones design, using something akin to mathematical equations to shape the latent magic of order… Alchemy was different a version of chemistry that included more complicated ways of conversion of matter from what state to another, chemical bonds and molecules that made up the universe in all its majesty… The goblin was always quite confused why others did not see the great connection and power that could be made by understanding both arcane and alchemy in its most complicated ways…

Skalaz glanced at the burning chunk floating in the beaker glass, the creature quite dead, scattered across Yumara’s lab… A necessary evil to further the Master’s plan, yet also a possible wedge that might develop in Yumara’s heart that her beasts might die… Skalaz had yet to formally meet the favored of the Master, the killer of her beasts was not the reputation he wished to have with her… What would Skalaz even need to create a new version of Mirage if he could… Something that might alleviate the tension undoubtedly between him and Yumara over her pets death… Surely the nature inclined being would feel positive to the nature of death and rebirth… Skalaz focused, “five thousand four hundred and forty three grams of carbon, seven hundred and eight grams of phosphorus… One point six grams of iron, fifteen thousand three hundred twenty one grams of dihydrogen monoxide, and trace amounts of many other elements…” Skalaz stated almost like he was searching and learning the numerical amounts from a gnomish computer, as the goblin said the chemicals they would appear on his work station… A dark grin appeared over the goblin, when one had power such as Skalaz or the Master, death was hardly a obstacle… With a great flash of light the goblin began his creation!

Skalaz stepped away from the great chamber of amniotic fluid, now all he needed was time, the goblin watched as the first pieces of flesh began to twitch… It would take some time before the young homunculi was ready to be born… Skalaz’s first growing homunculi… Skalaz stopped as he heard the familiar sounds of the Master’s magic in the nearby caves systems… This was much to soon… The newly created life was still in its earliest stages, Skalaz could hardly show the Master’s favored the incomplete lump of flesh that would become his gift to her… Skalaz shook his head, It was now or never! The goblin made his way to the edge of what was considered his domain to watch what the newest and most powerful of those under Isaik would create in her own… The expansion was incredible, life flowed across the cavernous rock creating a entire forested world under the earth, Skalaz watched the new favored of the Master was a being unlike any other…


Izzabelle lets out a small growl as she smiles. She trusts that her Bonded would know if he needed to deal with the curse or not… but still. Reaching out she lightly punches his arm. “The dead man usually doesn’t realize he’s dead, until he’s looking down at his lifeless body.” Izzabelle says with a little smirk dancing along her lips. She is looking down at the prone form of Jambuku, when Rekkagg speaks, sending her into a mental break.

She couldn’t think, she couldn’t breathe, Where was she? Where was this? Despair, destruction, death, it was all around her. She brings trembling hands up to her face. Hands covered in blood, and gore. The flames engulfing her form grow as she opens her mouth to scream. She did this, she did this, why did she do this? Just as her mind prepares to splinter further, Sericon has her in his arms. Izzabelle is overcomes with a calming silence. Feelings of protection, love, belonging, safety fill her. They quickly sooth her fractured mind. Her body trembles slightly as it readjusts itself from its near break. She doesn’t speak for now the fears and questions are still there, her life mates presence keeping them at bay.

As Sericon says this

Izzabelle goes a little limp and leans against Sericon, as these broken foggy images flit through her mind. She can practically taste the alcohol on still in her mouth. How it felt as it flowed smoothly over her tongue. The slight burn as it slid down her throat. It was clear they were celebrating something, but what? Her head drops, and she finds herself looking at her hand and that of her Bonded. Gleaming in the light of the fel flames, are both of their rings. Oh God! Of course, we were celebrating or bonding, how could I have forgotten something like that? Damn I must have really gotten wasted but good. As Izzabelle thinks this a few other bits and pieces of memories flicker through her mind. Ones that had made little sense before, now have a more substantial meaning. She had recalled images of drinking, and being curled up beside someone that she had simply called Captain. Those images combine with the memories she has of Sericon and her in his Vessel. In her mind her Bonded, and the Captain become one and the same.

Wrapping her arms around her Bonded she Hold him tight her eyes closing. For a second she enjoys the feeling of him. Opening her eyes she looks down, her gaze landing on the unconscious troll. With it her ire seems to return, she looks up at Sericon. “I’ll get my spiders to help with the moving of my brood, if you would be so kind as to take that thing.” Izzabelle says motioning her head in the direction of Jambuku. She unconsciously moves placing Sericon, between herself and the madly grinning Orc. Part of her mind wanted to strike out… Kill it, finish it, destroy it, before it does you. like a flash those thoughts fill her mind, and spill into that of her Bonded. They vanish as quickly as they appear, but the feelings of mistrust still remain, this could lead to problems later,

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Jericha doesn’t use the mind manipulation of her void powers often. When she does it is usually to cause the greatest feelings of wretchedness, and despair. The few Orcs that are still u lucky enough to be alive are seated at the table. Their minds held prisoner, by the twisted witch hidden by the shadows. Gruesome void tentacles hold them in place, as all but one are missing their legs. Their legs had been slowly and with as much pain as possible ripped from their bodies. A few had died during the process. That was okay though, the weak didn’t deserve her attention. Jericha thinks as the odor of cooked meat fills the air. It mixes with the smell of blood, vomit, feces, and other bodily fluids. The pungent stench could easily turn the stomach of most anyone in the vicinity, yet Jericha remains un effected.

Jericha grins evilly as poor little Thrahm trussed up like a holiday pig, and cooked to perfection is placed on a large platter on the table. The only Orc with his legs remaining stands and starts to carve away at the little swines body. As the k Ive slices back and forth through its flesh, and into the meat insides. The eyes snap open and it starts squealing like a little piglet. The Orc sobs as his body moves without his control. Removing the first slice he places it on a plate before one of his friends. Trembling he continues to cut away at the little swine on the platter, until the all have large chunks of meat on their plates. Rolling the pig still screeching pig onto its side, he slices open the soft belly. Reaching in he pulls out handfuls of stuffing, and plops them on the plates. Sitting down the all start to eat, tearing into their meals like ravenous beasts. When they finish what is on their plates they reach for the still squealing slime. They quickly tear it apart, ripping off its legs, tearing into it with both fingers, and teeth.

Suddenly their minds are freed and the sounds of retching can be heard. “You vile disgusting evil witch, just kill us already”. The Orc who carved the meal screams, his mind nearly shattered. How the despair, the hopelessness he felt fed her madness, her disease. From her the shadows she grins “Kill you? Why I’m just beginning.” Jericha says it is followed by a cruel mocking laughter. “Unfortunately it would seem a few of your friends aren’t up for more fun and games.” Jericha continues the void claim g those that are plopped over lifeless in the rancid mess of their own vomit. Jericha pauses as she feels her Lords presence appear on this world. If he wanted her he could easily find her, she would go to him when she was done feeding. She stops though as she senses a battle being fought outside. Lord Salkeen was more than capable of taking care of himself. She would feed the best then return to his side where she belonged. She is moving towards the table when it happens.

It happens so fast Jericha barely has time to erect a shield. The few remaining Orcs explode into blood, gore, and bone splinters, from the external pressure. Jericha screams in both agony and rage as her arms and legs are crushed, along with her abdomen. Some of her organs rupture painfully within her before she’s able to conjure her void shield. Deep crimson blood spills like a fountain from her lips staining her chin, neck, and torso. She cannot speak, the pain, and agony are drowned out by the feeling of rage. A fury that is quickly grows encompassing everything that she is. There’s nothing left of the house, the Orcs she had been toying with were now all dead. That royally ticked her off, she wasn’t done yet. In the midst of her rage, her pain, she doesn’t realize that she is being drug down into the void.

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The Juggernaut watched as the portal system to his own domain whirled, Ahcirej was now out to face Salkeen, she would need to fight her hardest… Even with the power that her armor had Salkeen could eventually break her down! The Juggernaut turned back away from the portal device, he moved through parts of his domain, he had much to work on… The Juggernaut had been working on a pair of metal claws, a weapon of the sharpest and strongest ability that would be gifted to the only demon lord that Drednautt believed was worthy of using such power.

Drednautt stopped in his tracks, the slightest feelings to turn back and atleast watch Ahcirej and Salkeen fight… The idea mulled around in his head, before the orc relented, it wouldn’t hurt to watch how Ahcirej fought her own lord in combat… The orc walked back from where he had gone, the great portal room, to many a odd combination of science and elemental magic, before powering up the portal to take the great orc to the Kiln… As Drednautt moved towards the powering up rift he would not see the finest of changes in the start up sequences, he was not headed to the Kiln anymore… Moving through the portal the Juggernaut raised his hand to block out the bright sun of the green world… This was not where he had expected to go, The loud boom of power caused Drednautt to glance in the direction of Salkeen and Ahcirej but all was not as it should’ve been!

Drednautt growled, not because he had any explicit feelings for Ahcirej yet, but because that body had barely just been crafted and another sought to break it all down… Lord Salkeen glanced to a different direction, a look of furious rage, Drednautt looked to see another spot under attack by the consuming void… It didn’t take much to know that Jericha was also under attack, Salkeen needed help to ensure he didn’t lose both of his prized minions… Drednautt made the choice, normally commanders would not act in another’s domain unless they had permission, but Drednautt needed Salkeen to know he didn’t have to choose or seem weak to ask for aid. The orc roared in furious might before armor burned into being around the orc, a version of soul bonding, with another roar the orc launched into the air as a explosion of fire erupted under his boots!

The great orc landed atop many of the Void like tentacles crushing several beneath his armored boots, before slamming his metal shield to create a powerful burning blast of flames and sound! The great orc used the blast to send the tendrils away before tossing his might hammer at Ahcirej to knock her free of the dark gripping death! The orc grunted as several tendrils battered against him, the night orc calling a sword to his hands as he slashed with furious vigor at the offensive void! “You will not be taking her, today!” The Drednautt roared, another slash if his sword ringing through the air as burning furnace like flames washed over the void!

The Drednautt growled with tempered rage as the void surged back anew, the great orc slamming his shield once more to create the burning explosions of sound that had flooded over the void… The Juggernaut was the Wall, the great barrier of the master, and his master blacksmith, the burning flame of creation his ally!


Perhaps had Salkeen been a humble man, his minions words might have had a affect in his furious rage and pride, but arrogance was a key attribute of the Lord, his attention fully on the disobedience before him! The two clash again before the virgin volcano as holy fire with the power of a sun collided with pure volcanic fel! Ahcirej struck out at Salkeen with her blessed blades carving holy knicks in his unholy demonic scales, the sheer audacity of the attack only infuriated Salkeen more!

Salkeen flexed his wings with great power and fury causing a concussion force of fel wind to send Ahcirej crashing back away from the demon lord, the dark creature lunging in close before Ahcirej even had time to come to a halt, appeared next to her grabbing one of her robotic arms and slamming her into the earth with all his furious rage… The resulting impact sent tremors rippling through the earth around them, “You know better than to challenge my power!” Salkeen roared grabbing the women by her mechanical arm and slamming her into the rocky walks that had formed from their first impact! Had Ahcirej not been made from elementium it was likely she would have been destroyed! “You doubt my will??!” Salkeen hissed bringing one of his claws up to create a ball of entropic fel energy! “My flames would wash away the unworthy, purge the weak, destroy any in my path!” Salkeen roared tossing Ahcirej into the air before sending the bolt of fel energy crashing into her center! The fel impacted scattering raging chaos over her form! “They might scream in the agony, but my flames will never purge my blood!” Salkeen snarled he had said what he needed to, his fury unending he was ready to attack again when a familiar magic appeared…

Salkeen howled a demonic fury at the bold and vile intrusion of his will once more, this had now gone on long enough, the demon lords rage as he sensed Ebony’s magic assault another area of the planet, a spot near his Jericha! The demon lord growled in fury, he had to choose but in his arrogance he believed he could always save both… Before Salkeen could react a great orc in full armor crashed down from the heavens among the void assaulting Ahcirej, Salkeen growled still tempted to punish her, assault Ebony and demand answers of the Juggernaut, but his attention would still be directed towards Jericha… Salkeen knew if he were to ever send Ebony crashing down and render the creature nothing more than a burning husk beneath his hooves, his Jericha would be needed alive!

The demon lord roared, the great orc would combat the void with Ahcirej, Salkeen opened his great wings wreathed in horrific fel flames before taking to the sky like a phoenix in flight! Massive furious flames of chaos trailed from behind the demon lord not unlike how the great black dragon aspect had over Azeroth during the cataclysm! A great fury burning across the sky, all of Salkeen’s rage open to all to see, as he moved faster the beating of his wings like thunderclaps, his form looked more like a streaking fel meteor! Within only moment the demon lord crashed down upon the greatest of the void tentacles like a atomic bomb of pure chaotic wrath, causing a explosion of fel to wash off the demon lord like a wave of burning death, the force of his impact flattening the trees nearby! The demon lord arose from his impact crater the first tentacle utterly destroyed like a machine that would only stop once it’s ourpise was complete, the demon lord’s power like that of a leaking reactor, permeated the air causing the very ground to burn with terrible ionized fel flames… “I tire of your interference! You have finally made your last arrogant mistake!” Salkeen roared beating his demonic wings to cause another blast of violent fel to wash over the other tentacles… The demon lord peered towards them his great spectral sight picking out Jericha among the Void, within seconds the demon lord was atop the tentacle responsible for holding what was his! The tentacles horrifically burned, the constant barrage of rage and fel flames buffeting them had slowed them down, one great tentacle had manage to arch back before impacting into the great demon lord! Salkeen had already sank his claws into Jericha’s flesh before he was sent crashing into a nearby hilltop by the void tentacles brute force… Glowing green eyes could be seen in the settling dust, the battle was far from over, Salkeen had now completely decided in the total extermination of this arrogant fool!!


Rekkagg nodded that had been good enough for him, not that he explicitly had any real ability to sway the decision to bring the troll, nor did Rekkagg care if the troll was brought. The orc saw this task as it was his mission, elimination of the troll tribes above the subterranean domain, retaining the secrecy of the Master’s location and plans… In most cases Rekkagg was the glorified clean up and extermination crew, destroying any evidence left behind in a place that could expose them all… That of course kept Rekkagg on Azeroth, and most of the time with no interaction to Salkeen… When Salkeen attacked one could easily rule it up to a legion attack, a demon attack, warlocks grasping for power… When Skalaz or the Juggernaut caused crest destruction though it was much harder to cover up, they were unique elements that could give away what was truly going on in the Masters plans…

Rekkagg crosses his arms nodding, Izzabelle would do quite well within the Master’s grace, her thirst for blood, for spiting her enemy clearly a sign of her return to the side she belonged… The orc watched her, many things had however still changed…

Rekkagg turned to face the two elves, they were right the goal here had been completed and the mind numbing task of further destroying the ruins was not something most would find a bonding or enjoyable experience… The orc scratched his chin before finally coming to a decision, “Go you both are free to take time to yourselves… I will ensure this is finished here…” Rekkagg stated turning away from the two elves to watch the colossi shatter a stone spire and drag it to the ground… The orc extended his clawed hand summoning forth a rift to any location the user might wish to go, “Take the troll or leave him and I’ll handle it.” Rekkagg stated a large grin on his face as the colossi tore through seven structures with a massive swipe…

Rekkagg turned back to face Izzabelle, he said nothing, it had always been the option for the elf to take back her brood and prisoner back to the subterranean domain. Rekkagg merely had stated so because this was the less than glorifying part of the job, burying the ruins, placing hints that pointed to other individuals should the sight be discovered… The orc had no intention of destroying Izzabelle’s brood therefore harming the Master’s power or killing the troll, Izzabelle had incapacitated the creature the deathstroke was her honor…

Rekkagg did not move to intervene, she was not his bonded, it was not wise to involve himself in such actions he could hardly work against… The orcs eyes glowing darker as he worked to see the magic that afflicted her form… It would be up to her bonded… To rescue her…

Rekkagg watched as Sericon soothed the afflicted women, there bond a place of strength not weakness between the two… The orc pictured a scenario much like the Master had, the two elves facing off against the greatest of obstacles to the darkest plans, nothing the warlock could conjure would be able to break them if they remained together… The pale orc gave a dark grin, it would seem the Master was closer than ever to completing his glorious plans… Rekkagg felt a bit of mistrust towards himself as Izzabelle moved away from him, right now it would not matter, the Orc would not raise a hand to hurt what was the Master’s… As Sericon stood up Izzabelle behind him, he too felt what Izzabelle had but understood it had come from her, before the armored elf pulled Jambuku up and holding onto Izzabelle got ready to leave through the dark rift leading to the Subterranean domain.

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Ahcirej was starting to think that she bit off a bit more then she could handle. As a blast of fel sent her careening throught the air, away from her Lord. Before she can engage her wings he appears next to her. she hadn’t even seen him move. in a furious rage. Grabbing one of her robotic arms, he slams her into the earth with enough force to elicit a small earthquake around them. The impact knocks all of her systems of line for a brief moment, and jars Ahcirej’s connection to the motherboard. She reconnects just in time to be slammed into the rocky wall. the sheer force in which she strike the wall knocks a few of her elementium plates free. What was she doing? What made her think she could possibly challenge her Lord like she had? While she wasn’t worried about herself being destroyed, the cybornetic body was a different story. Even if she didn’t tire or feel the effects physically herself, the body was a different story. She wasn’t able to repair it as fast as Lord Salkeen was breaking it down. Her magic was also depleting, the might stones which helped to boost it had been drained of much of their power. Ahcirej starts repairing what she can before her Lord attacks again.

As Ahcirej repairs she keeps a close eye on her lord, and the fel orb that is growing within one of his outstretched hands. As he throws her into the air like a broken doll she is prepared. Just as the fel impacts her center, she opens a portal, which swallow most of the damage. What the portal isn’t able to negate washes over her mechanical body, in a wave of raging chaos. Luckily the Elementium plates along with her shielding stops most of the damage. Achirej knows that she wont be able to do this a second time. Creating the portal, and shield, used up what was left of the reserved magic in the mightstones. She would need a few minutes for them to recharge enough so that she could at least protect her host body. Knowing better then to open the exit portal behind her Lord, she instead open it high above her in the sky. To the inhabitants of the planet, it would look like a meteor rocketing through the sky as it exited. “I will not have a child made from my original form, screaming in agony. Just because you are to incompetent to control your rage Lord Salkeen.” Ahcirej says while her mind rapidly searches for ways to halt her Lords next attack so that she can refuel. “Also it was never about me doubting your will, or challenging your power. I did it becau…”

Achirej is caught completely off guard by the attack that strikes her from behind. She looks at her Lord with confusion, believing that the attack had come from him. She finds herself falling from the sky at an incredible speed. unable to engage her wings she strike the unforvinging earth with a deadly force. One of her mechanical legs nearly snaps completely free from the mechanical torso. it is only hanging on by a few wires, and a few metal plates. Not that it matters because in the next moment her form is being crushed. Never was she as happy as she was at this moment to have a body made as strongly as this one was. Had it been forged of weaker materials, it would have crushed. Much like a tin can in the hands of a giant. Using the last of her own magic ahe creates a blast of holy fire strong enough to completely obliterate the hand that is attempting to crush her. She has now depleted both her own magic and that of the cyborbs. I takes Ahcirej but a second of looking at her Lord to realize that the attack on her wasn’t from him. If not him then, who? the answer comes before the question even finishes forming in her scattered mind. Along with the answer the void strikes again, twice as strong as before. Not only is it trying to crush her, it is also trying to rip her newly aquired body apart. Ahcirej fights against it with everything that she has left, but it is proving to be a futile manuever…

The last remnents of Ahcirej’s protective armor is about to be torn free, when the Juggernaut strikes like a comet. The great explosion of flames, and sonic energy, send void, tendrils, and tentacles, blasting through the air in charred flaming bits. She doesn’t even have the time to be thankful when he hurls his mighty hammer at her form. it collides with her the force of the blow, knocking her free of the destructive void. Ahcirej expects to be shaken by the blow, instead she feels empowered. While she is unable to actually feel the cybornetic body being repaired. The fact that many of the destroyed systems are coming back online, tells her what she cannot feel. She is reconnected to limbs that had been lost, her sight which had been all but destroyed returns to her. Full body recovery at 86%, waiting on commands. Not only has the body been refueled, but the Might Stones have been powered up as well. Pulling power from the might stones Ahcirej is able to fill her own depleted magical reserves. Note to self do not Challange your Lord again. Ahcirej says to herself, just as the void strikes out at her again. Not only at her newly aquired body, but also at her mind.

Ahcirej quickly notices that as she is sent flying from the voids corruptive grip, that it moves after her. It doesn’t seem to be paying the Juggernaut any attention. Like a machine programmed to complete a certain goal, it would keep coming after her. It wouldn’t stopped until it was either destroyed, or its objective was finished. What is your objective, you vile wretch? Ahcirej thinks to herself, as void dozens of void stalagmites burst from the ground. Snatching up the fallen hammer Ahcirej barely avoid becoming a strainer as she takes to the air. Narrowly escaping the upward explosion of void stalagmites, she isn’t ready for the sudden onslaught of Void tendrils, and tentacles, that whip up and wrap around the lower part of her legs. It takes a bit of her strength to stop herself from being pulled back down into the ever growing sea of void. She cast both Consecration, and Hand of Hindrance at the void attacking her from below. The consecration destroys a portion of the void, but it is swiftly being reclaimed. Ahcirej can almost hear the voids maddening screams as it devours the holy magic.

Then she is struck from behind again, if not for the Shielding created by the hammer. This new body of hers, would have been hurting. Enraged she spins around and looks to the sky just as the void rifts open to fire again. Pulling her hand back she powers the hammer up with massive amounts of holy energy, and lets it fly. Hammer of the Righteous! she screams as it goes careening end over end through the air. The series of explosions when it strikes, not only lights up the early morning sky. the sonic waves from the blast are so powerful they are felt and heard for miles. The concussive force also eradicates the tentacles, and tendrils wrapped around her legs. Still before she can breathe a sigh of relief she is being assaulted again. From both the ground and the air, the void strikes, she is about to retaliate again when her mind comes under attack. While Ahcirej cannot be made to feel pain, she can feel things like hopelessness, sorrow, loss, despair. Those emotions which can mentally destroy you just as fast as any physical damage. Ahcirej starts to go limp as she is overcome with hopelessness, and despair.

Meanwhile Drednautt, has most likely realized that whatever magic was being used Ahcirej was the target, it seemed to be ignoring everything else. Whether there was a time limit to how long the spell lasted, or if it would try and follow her if she was removed from the planet was unknown.

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Throggore had continued forward through the Stormwindian muck of the sewers, glancing back ever so often his mask devoid of emotion but his mind still reeling from the betrayal… The orc had made considerable distance, pushing towards the salt water streams that lead inevitably down and to the harbors, that was there escape… The great orc halted as he found what might be a suitable exit for the group, moving up the orc pushed free a metal cover that had been made to let the humans service the sewer tunnels… Throggore glared back into the darkness spotting the hundreds of eyes of vermin, Faendrel, Witch of Vermin, before the orc pushed the metal cover aside and made his way into the surface streets… It was a cool dark night, a slight fog settled over the cold stones, a thin crescent moon in the sky above… The orc glanced around before spotting a lone guard standing watch, with a swift move the great masked orc moved behind the tired man, grasping the man by the chin and upper head before a quick rough twist ended the man’s pitiful life… Throggore quickly took the man’s body in his arms before silently lowering the man into a nearby sea water, the man’s armor meant to protect him would now conceal the body beneath the waves…

Throggore glared at the metal cover to ensure the others had followed, though in many ways the orc just wished to leave the witch here damning her forever to the muck she deserved… Throggore made his way forward silently passing rough made tents and sleeping areas the refugees of the night elves from the earlier points in the war… This was the make it or break it point, the alliance warships sat idly sloshing against the docks awaiting for their next orders, they only had to make it there without awakening the elves… Throggore moved through like a shadow stepping between two tents, watching carefully as the night guard moved his glowing torch giving away his position… The orc halted as he heard a night elf women toss and turn in the night, she began to grab her arms tirelessly covering her face… “Flames… the flames… Help them…” She murmured in her sleep, should she awake the orc would need to slid his blade into her throat…

Throggore slid through without much effort, glaring back this time his vision caught the human commander standing at the top of the docks… That prison warden had yet to give up on catching his quarry! Silently Throggore watched the armored man direct guards to search down into the harbor before the man himself began to move down as well… Throggore scurried up the nearest warship before turning back to ensure the others made it aboard…

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Ire, rage, fury, all these emotions and more tore through Jericha’s mind. As she lay crushed nearly to death, among the wreckage of the Orcish abode. She couldn’t feel the lower half of her body, nor could she speak. It felt to her, like something large was lodged in her throat. They external pressure was becoming worse, she felt the bones in her shoulder start crack. There’s a wet sounding pop, followed by this horrific crunching noise. She shrieks in her mind, wet guttural intonations coming from her mouth, as the bone splinters and rips through her flesh. Then it stops, the building stills for a moment, then she feels the familiar heat of her Lords raging Fel flames. The furious flames decimate much of the debris, along with some of the void that was holding her immobile. She can feel her Lords fury, and it adds to her making it grow. She still cannot see or speak but her upper body is free. Reaching with her one good hand, her fingers close around a large jagged piece of wood. At the same time Lord Salkeen’s powerful demonic claws wrap around her from behind, sinking into her flesh.

They strike the hilltop hard, Lord Salkeen taking the brunt of the damage, his powerful demonic body acting as a buffer, against the destruction. As the dust settled the damage caused by Ebony’s attack became much more noticeable. The lower half of Jericha’s body was wrecked, disfigured beyond recognition. Her legs, or what remained of them, where nothing but a mangled mess of meat, flesh, bones, glass, and wood, drenched in blood. from the knees down both of her legs were missing. Shredded strips of flesh, dangled like streamers, nerves, tendon, arteries, hung out like broken cords. A part of her intestines were wrapped around the ruins of what appeared to be a table leg, that had punctured clean through her stomach. The whole left side was crushed, one could no longer tell where her arm ended and her torso began. Large wooden splinters and shards of broken glass, stuck out of practically every part of her body. Jericha grasps a large sliver of glass, and rips it from her face. Once removed the empty socket suddenly is filled with burning fel flames. She looks across at the destruction of the house at the void. She grabs at what she had thought was a piece of wood earlier. It isn’t it’s the cooked brittle bone of a little piglet, that had pierced her neck, preventing her speech.

Jericha watches incensed as the house, along with the best part of her meal, was drug into the Void. The next second it the void lashes out, hundreds of fresh corrupting, razor sharp, whip like tendrils, strike out at the two of them repeatedly. hundreds, become thousands, they strike so fast that they cannot be seen. Millions of little nicks, like being stung by hundreds of thousans of wasps, is what Jericha feels. Still withing the agony the fury crests, and she lets out a deafening scream of madness. what remains of jericha switches to her void form as she speaks. “I wgah far’al zuq ni shn!” The assaulting tendrils freeze then corrode, falling like blackened dust towards the ground, evaporating as the fel flames claim them. Jericha’s form rapidly disperses into a combination of fel, and void. It shoots up into the sky, then back down. It strikes the fel torched ground with enough force to turn what remained of the hilltop into a crater. She then vanishes beneath the earth, Lord salkeen feels it as she spreads out in all directions. She moves like a disease through the land, seeping into the homes of the unsuspecting inhabitants of this once quiet, and tranquil planet.

Like fog she rises, a sickly black mists oozing up from the floors, from the mists thousands of eyes gaze out. How disgustingly quaint, adorable couples curled up, dreaming sweet dreams. Children snug in their beds, sleeping so peacefully. Jericha hisses to herself her mind filled with rage. You will all feed the beast. The sickly black mist rolls up over the beds the sleeping citizens. It vanishes into their ears, their mouths, their, noses, the sound of coughing and choking abruptly breaks out in all of the houses. Void portals open on the beds beneath them. Long serrated tentacles burst from the swirling vortexes and wrap around the Orcs. The Orcs clutch at their throats as blackish blood filled with little void parasites spills from their rapidly dissolving lips. That quickly changes to them gripping at their beds as their bodies are being crushed, as they are pulled down into the void. Fitting a healthy adult male Orc through the hole the size of a dinner plate tend to be a little painful and messy. It took less than a minute for the void to devour them all. It took even less time for the blood to burst from the beds like a geyser. Splashing across the ceiling painting it crimson before dripping down the walls. The portals vanish the black fog reappears, denser and much stronger then before.

A gasp is heard, followed by the sound of small feet running down stairs. Jericha grins manically, and lazily moves after it. Run, run as fast as you can… A door slams open, the sound of a small figure is heard falling to the ground, before the quickly stumble back to their feet. As void mist she moves above them, below them, around them. Just a few more feet and they would be safe, they can see the light from the late night shop. They can hear the old Orc tossing out the garbage, just a few more fee… The mists washes over them a wave of claws and teeth. The Old Orc looks to the sky, he knew, he remembered. His attention is drawn to the alley behind his shop, did he hear something. As he steps closer a child’s ball comes bouncing out past him. He lets out a startled grunt, then silently weeps as the blood covered orb rolls to a stop. near Lord Salkeen Jericha reforms her body a mixture of fel, and void. All Lord Salkeen can pick up from his Jericha is rage, as she pulls not only from his fel, but also from the uncontrollable void. Above them the sky is becoming a vortex of fel, and void, below it Jericha continues her outburst. “You want to attack while I’m feeding you abominable wretch, I will end you.” The sound of mocking laughter washes across the land, Thousands of void tainted blades of different shapes, and sized darken the sky. Each shadowy blade coated in some insidious poison, or plague. the hover for but a moment before blasting towards the two death bringers like they were fired from a cannon.

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Ebony sits at his desk awaiting the return of Nedde when his mind hears Lord Salkeen’s

My, my, it would seem the little half-breed is showing his claws, I planned on just letting the attacks play out. yet now I think I will have a little fun. He smirks maliciously, being tied to Jericha made his mind much easier to access.

As Jericha’s ethereal form vanishes benreath the fel scorched surface. Ebony strike out at Salkeen, not physically, but psychologically. Salkeen finds his mind being bombarded with images.

“We will fall this day Salkeen, but I will not let you fall by their hands.” She rips his mask off, and presses her void tainted mouth to his fel one. Then proceeds to cast Void explosion right where his wings connect to his back.
She speaks in his mind (I will never ask forgiveness, because for this I will never be sorry)

Yet out of the corner of his eye in the vision, he sees his Jericha, smiling and talking with Eago, the insufferable Warlock that tried to kill them.

Jericha brings her mouth as close to Salkeen’s as she can. "I wish you had understood me better Lord Salkeen. I didn’t give control of my life to you because I wanted you to have it. No I needed you to have, and I needed you to use it. I get lost in my madness so easily, and your control would have helped prevent that."

Turning she looks at Varicar "NO! he lost me the moment he gave me the choice. I will not serve someone who is so weak, when it comes to taking command. If he really wishes for me to remain, and help, then he should stop being a coward.
She stops and looks over her shoulder "While you are rebuilding him, do give him balls this time. I fear he’s greatly lacking in that aspect."

“Well well well… Jericha, what a nice little new body you have there? Made for you by your new knight in shining armor?” A familiar voice tries to communicate within her head.
“If you needed a new body the legion has millions, something I could rip apart every day for each time I would transfer that soul of yours…”

Salkeen is suddenly besieged by images of Jericha being brutally tortured and killed, her soul ripped from her twisted wreck of a body and cast back into another. over and over she is broken until she is nothing but a mindless drooling mess.

“You will serve, you will do as I command… But first you will suffer, for your transgressions you will burn!” Salkeen roared as the fel flames danced across Jericha’s flesh.

The flames burn uncontrollably, she screams as her flesh dries and shrivels up like parchment paper, followed by muscles, organs, bones, soon nothing remains.

“So relaxed and calm already in my domain? I thought you would be unable to even close your eyes near my presence… Perhaos you have forgotten already what I did to you??” The Lord growled.
“Forgotten what you did to me, I will never forget what you did to me Lord Salkeen. No amount of fel flames, no amount of deaths, could begin to compare to that pain, so no I have not forgotten.”

Salkeen sees Jericha she looks tired, and weak, nothing like the Void Witch he claimed as his own. Yet even in this state she is trying to destroy herself. He can tell by looking at her it is the most horrific pain she has ever experienced. Nothing since has come close except once.

“Your insolence in challenging me shows your incredible arrogance…” Salkeen hissed sending fel bindings shooting from his hands! The fel bindings wrapped around Jericha holding still her hands and legs, and forced her back against a nearby wall…
“I gave you ample warning!” Salkeen roared as he turned his back on her, bindings from Jericha’s shoulders slipped to her neck, constricting her breaths… “Now I must make a example…” Salkeen continued, the bindings around Jericha’s neck tightening, until a sickening snap was heard…

She doesn’t rise, she remains lifeless on the floor at his feet, Salkeen watches as the flames of his rage wash over his children, his armies. He finds himself standing on the ruins of a desolate world, devoid of all life. Jericha dead by his hands, his children destroyed by his rage. The Kiln and his armies erradicated by the very flames of his unrelenting fury. In the end you will be the Lord of nothing, no one will remember you! Everything you strive for, will be taken from you, by your own hands. Starting with my precious little granddaughter. Then he saw her dead, truly dead with no way of returning. This is her fate little Demon Lord, you know this… Ebony uses his magic to block Isaik from hearing what he says next. he breathes the words into Salkeen’s mind before Isaik can break through the walls he erected. Do you truly Believe that your Master will not on sacrifice your Void Witch to summon a Void Lord. You are all but pawns to his goals, all expendable. Jericha will die, and you will be the one that hands her to him, I will not let that happen… The sound of mocking laughter washes across the land, Thousands of void tainted blades of different shapes, and sized darken the sky. Each shadowy blade coated in some insideous poison, or plague. the hover for but a moment before blasting towards the two death bringers like they were fired from a cannon.

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The Juggernaut gave a short gruff laugh, whoever had sent such brazen attacks had now made their first mistake… Ignoring the great orc only gave him much more impunity to work with, while ensuring the orc suffered none of the strain of combat… The great orc charged forward his sword in hand, before tossing two small devices at the ground behind him. With a resounding droning buzz the devices burned up before forming a temporary telemetry beacon focus, the buzzing grew even louder before two full sized modified iron horde tanks appeared on top of the devices… The tanks a modified version of the iron horde technologies used to once threaten Azeroth were more refined in design, lower to the ground with much more metal plates to reinforce the design, the main cannon had been built lower into the chassis to protect it from damage! The Juggernaut hoped this attacker wouldn’t mind that if the great orc was ignored he would bring some heavy fire power to the battlefield… With a roar the orc would punish the arrogant fool who choose to ignore him!

The Juggernaut moved into action, jumping into the air as the iron tanks started off forwards with a speed one might not expect of a vehicle so armored. With resounding blasts the tanks opened fired at the void erupting from the earth shattering stalactites with explosive rounds, several more however remained… The Juggernaut was not dissuaded as he pushed the treaded vehicles into the void spears that shot forth through the sky! Much like the Juggernaut himself the tanks were quite durable, noted as a single tendril perhaps by accident crashed down upon one of the tanks causing it to shake violently but structurally she was relatively unharmed. The tank lurched but began to recover with a few short blasts from her cannons the tank set about bringing the void to ruin… The Juggernaut standing atop one of the tanks cannons glanced skywards at Ahcirej as she sent a massive blast of holy fire at the grasping void!

It seemed the tanks would not be enough, their sturdiness and robust power made cleaving any ground opposition easy but they were far to outnumbered… The Juggernaut has one more plan, holding his hand aloft he summoned back to him his most powerful weapon, his mighty hammer before with a great swing the orc struck the very earth below him with such a force the ground shuddered as furious red flames washed over the void surrounding the Juggernaut! The orc was far from over, striking once more the fires grew more concentrated before with a great roar the orc seemed to swing his hammer against the mighty flames themselves causing a great crescent of flames to arch into the skies turning the light red as it expanded like a bomb of brilliant orange furnace flames!

The Juggernaut only had one goal as he readied himself catching the metal women as she went limp and fell from the sky! Diving as she fell The Orc rolled to a skidding stop as he set her behind his shield… “This is your final warning…” The Orc growled he had figured it was just a spell but he knew it was likely he was being watched… The orc gripped his hammer tight, he was ready to show why he was a commander under the Master…

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The way that Yumara claimed her domain was more more personal than the others… It was a extension of her being, not a built monolithic temple to themselves as the others had done in their own way… The dark Master would need to have the other commanders reinforce their own domains, none could be allowed to intrude to such a place…

Isaik watched as Yumara glared down into the domain of the Devourer, the great beast that now laid in the deepest pits… Perhaps Anomaly had not done what she had expected, the dark tome no doubt taking the once guardians purpose and twisting it beyond any hope of recognition… Isaik simply gave a short nod to convey he understood…

You felt as I do, she will only grow more unstable especially with such wild elements around… Isaik responded, the Dark Master now doing more than just talking to the chronological feline…

Isaik hissed in agreement, the preparations required for a chronological spell that would not draw attention from the bronze dragon flight was a necessary evil… The meddling of the flight would only complicate things… As you may have guessed, we will be taking Izzabelle and ourselves only… Sericon is unnecessary… The bonded elf already waiting for her… Isaik would elaborate if they misunderstood, to minimize potential issues they would bring Izzabelle back to the younger Sericon, it would be as if they met all over again, yet at the same time always knew each other… Our involvement is simple, remove or correct any potential issues that might arise in this endeavor… You both have lived with Izzabelle as she grew, we cannot allow Izzabelle to stumble upon the same places and possibly herself… Isaik hissed into their minds, When the bonded are done with their liquors we shall move… Isaik stated, he glanced at Orion for any objections…

The Dark Master however had something else draw his attention, a great opportunity arose… Before Orion could respond the Dark Creature would reach out among his own bonds just as he felt Ebony do…

Isaik watched as Ebony twisted and played with the demon lord emotional state, a rather poor choice, it would only serve to earn the demon lords immediate actions… The Dark Master felt Ebony build walls to keep him from watching his next vision, the likeliest would be involving Isaik himself in some way. The Master powerful as he was could hand easily tested such a barrier but perhaps his own arrogance prevented such a thing, Ebony would be dealt with in time. Isaik has watched the creature attempt to twist Salkeen and returned to listen what Orion had to say.

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She slips through the damp musty smelling passageways like a shadow. Her foot steps make no sound as she moves through the murky water. Insect and other vermin move around her, they ensure that she will leave no trail. Faendrel looks ahead the Orc she had condemned was a bit further ahead. He was most likely seeking an exit out of this place for them all. It would be easy for her to vanish into these rat infested sewers. What most saw as a hell, to her was nirvana. Yet she needed to remain where she was, remain with these two. Two who claimed they could take her to Jericha. Faendrel hates the uncertainty that she has felt since speaking with the fel cursed monk. Her attention is drawn back to Throggore as he stops moving before a heavy metal cover of sorts.

Faendrel felt the Orcs eyes on her, although she couldn’t see them. She shakes her head as if trying to clear cobwebs from her mind. She couldn’t afford to let regret, and uneasiness, control her. She had condemned people she was much closer to, to worse fates. While she felt bad that it had to be done, she wouldn’t let it fester in her mind any longer. One day he would seek his revenge, she would wait for that day. For now her only goal was getting to her sister, she cared not what was lost or destroyed in the process. She dismisses her guides as the Orc vanishes through the opening. She looks back at the Fel Monk before quietly making her way over to the exit. She could feel the breeze as it lightly ruffled her hair, she could taste the salt in the air. They were down near the docks, it helped to explain why there were more Vermin around.

Faendrel slips out past the metal grating and into the cool night air. She looks around her at all the Night Elven refugees. The homeless rabble, forced from their homeland, their tree put to the torch. She carefully steps among them tents dot the area all around her. Large felines sleep outside some. Something latches onto her leg, “Help me, help me, it burns, ahhh!!! please, please.” She looks down to see her ankle in the grip of a Young night Elf female. She might have at one time been beautiful, now her face and upper body were burnt beyond recognition. Slowly she reaches down and pulls a small stone from her pocket. She places it against the moaning female, silently mouthing a few words. Beneath the cover of darkness her soul is drawn from her body. When her corpse was found later, it would seem that she had just succumbed to her injuries. They were almost free of this place Faendrel wouldn’t allow some wretch with bad dreams ruin that.

Faendrel curses silently as she realizes they are still being persued. She swiftly follow the Assassin, scurrying up one of the ropes she drops soundlessly onto the deck. her mind connects with those pests hiding aboard the vessel. She looks through their eyes for a place to lay low until, they were safely away from this place. She looks towards the Fel Elf and the Laughing Skull Orc. She would see if they had any plans before doing anything on her own. It would be best however for them to move below deck as soon as possible. Being up in the open made them to vulnerable. it would only be a matter of time before a patrol would come around. She watched the area around them through the eyes of her rodent friends. “We need to find a place to stow away at, before we are discovered. from what I can see through the eyes of the rats. We have a patrol approaching us from the left. While we could easily kill them, it would raise suspicions that are best left resting.” Faendrel hisses her voice barely audible.

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“Foolish… Stupid creatures…” Ahcire muttered with Jaseiah’s hearing range…

Not all demons are wise dear sister, too many probably wish to further their own power… Ahcire responded back to Jaseiah within her mind. He felt as she did a bit of worry for their mother but he was far from like these predatory demons he never believed his mother could possibly be overtaken by such unworthy filth…

Now that they had both decreed what they were the Kiln seemed to react, the first among the many demons to respond was a fel lord… As the two children of Salkeen made their way along rafters towards the sides of the Kiln, the demon approached averting his gaze… Not to disrespect but for the greatest respect, he was no worthy to look into the eyes of his Lords spawn. “Those challenged the Lord’s Queen are destroyed, arrogance and ignorance did not allow these fools to avert their eyes and remove themselves when the Lord had done something personal to his Queen…” The fel lord stated walking off to the side and behind the two commanding offspring… “The Kiln has grown stagnant in your Farther’s absence… They challenge not because of a grasp for power but from the ignorance in disrespect…” the fel lord stated, he stopped and kneeled he was now ready to receive punishment for any of his transgressions…

Ahcire stopped turning to his sister… It appears the Kiln requires two elves to command it into order, the sloth and stagnation has made them weak… We will make them strong for Father… Ahcire communicated with Jaseiah… “Demon what is your name…” Ahcire asked without a hint of mercy… The fel lord responded quickly and concisely, “I am fel lord Zarken, I will serve in any way required…” The fel lord stated. Ahcire gave a small grin, one of these demons had still retained his edge worthy of following the Lord… “Do you need anything more from his sister?” Ahcire asked.

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Jaseiah brings her hand to her mouth, to help hide the laugh at her brothers comment. “Sadly stupidity seems to be a rather dreadful disease. Easily spread, no cure besides death in most cases.” Jaseiah replies beneath her breath so only Ahcire will hear.

Jaseiah looks at him for a moment, mulling over what he had said in her mind. After a moment she nods her head in agreement. It wouldn’t surprise her if some foolish demons would questioned their mothers rule. Some of the more foolish ones might question Their Lord Father on his choice of Queen.

Jaseiah wasn’t sure if all of those that challenged their mothers rule were destroyed. Yet there were ways to find these things out. She listens as the Fel Lord speaks about how their Lord Fathers floating Fortress has grown stagnant in his absence. How they have become restless moving about with nothing to do. Many of theses demons required war, and destruction. Jaseiah doesn’t know what transgressed between their Lord Father, and their Mother. Yet whatever it was it had caused Their Lord Father to become enraged enough, to start cleansing the Kiln. Jaseiah turns to look at Ahcire for a moment, then turns to face the kneeling Fel Lord.

It would appear dear brother, that you are correct. This slothfulness has lead to plague of disrespect, and insolence, that we will not allow to continue. Jaseiah says telepathically to her brother, her eyes never leaving the Demon that knelt before them. Jaseiah brings a finger to her chin, idly tapping it in contemplation, to her brothers inquiry. After a long drawn out moment she speaks, “Lord Zarken, you will take a battalion of ground forces, along with an armada of demonic vessels, once they have been cleared to Centralis. Your Lord recently brought down the great Plague Lord Reavrix, claiming Centralis as his own. You will go forth and reinforce both the ground defenses, and air around the planet. You will seek out any pockets of Reavrix’s supporters that might be hiding. Those that survive will either except reformation, or you will make examples of them.” Jaseiah commands “Leave now, and assemble your army.” She orders before turning her attention to all. She takes a look at the massive destruction and acts.

Jumping down Jaseiah lands effortlessly between a group of kneeling Mo’arg. “Rise! You are being given new orders. Remove what has been destroyed, salvage what you can, then start rebuilding. When your Lord returns it will not be to the ineptitude that lead to this ruin. Gather those that you require for the job, then get it done.” Jaseiah demands her voice full of authority. The legions engineers would need to remake all that was let when their Lord Father razed the Kiln. As she moves among those kneeling in respect before her, she hears a soft grumbling. Jaseiah stops before a younger looking FelBlood Elf. “Do you have something that you wish to share with us, do not mumble speak up.” Jaseiah hisses into the woman’s ear. The Fel Lord comes to her feet and strikes out at Jaseiah, who easily dodges her wild attack. The woman then looks at those who are kneeling, “Why are we kneeling to these intruders, what proof do we have that they are who they claim to be.” She shouts. Some murmuring can be heard before Jaseiah reacts, it’s both swift and brutal. From her back Phoenix like wings dripping with void magic sprout. Flexing them her hand shoots forward, clawed fingers wrapping around the foolish woman’s face. Who seems to just now be realizing the error of her lack of intelligence. Thick iron nails like spikes puncture through her flesh, and skull. “Proof is it!” Then Jaseiah’s hand erupts into her fathers hellish red flames. They scream lasts for all of a second before the stupid woman’s head is completely engulfed in fire. It burns so hot it not only melts her flesh but also her bones. A few seconds later all that remains is a pile of slime that is rapidly spreading across the floor.

When next Jaseiah speaks her voice booms like thunder across the Kiln, reaching every area. “Is there anyone else here, that wishes to question the validity of what my brother and I claim, speak up now.” The silence was nearly deafening. “To long have you stagnated here without proper leadership. Your Lord has returned and this wretchedness will not be allowed to continue. Take the bodies not destroyed by Lord Salkeen’s rage and dump them into the feeding pits.” Jaseiah orders as she walks through rows of kneeling demons. “Rise up and bring this place back to glory, we are the Phoenix’s Legion. We do not crawl around in sloth like those weaker races. We are the destroyers of worlds, the conquerors of entire star systems. Yet we have allowed ourselves to become lazy, and complacent. No more! We will burn our way through the very cosmos our Lord leading the way. We will leave a path of destruction so wide that the makers themselves will fear us. Because we are Legion.” Jaseiah screams her voice echoing throughout the Kiln reverberating off the thick metal walls. The demons jump into action, the more powerful taking command and barking out orders.

Jaseiah turns to her brother Dearest brother would you be so kind as to speak with our Lord Fathers most devoted. They should have prevented this stagnation from taking place, I will finish up here. When you are finished please meet me in the control room. Our Lord Father probably has thousands of eyes in this place. I wish to see what transgressed between father, and mother. We ourselves will then be able to judge whether all were properly dealt with. Jaseiah’s exclaims her voice flowing into his mind.

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Salkeen recovered he was now sure he had indeed managed to grab his Jericha, her condition wasn’t ideal but it would need to wait as the void struck out again! Thousands of tendrils lashed out at them Salkeen instinctively covered what was his opening his form to much more of the punishing assault… The tendrils that struck his form caused nicks at first unable to initially penetrate the demon lords scales, but as the assault continued more of the the lords demon flesh was stabbed tendrils beginning to draw fel blood…

Salkeen gave a crazed grin beneath his mask, the void witch had reached her limit before he had, using her powerful ability Jericha called forth words of power vanishing the offending void before taking to the sky and plummeting into the earth. Salkeen began to build up his own rage, Ebony would pay, the demon lords rage would be uncontrollable!

Salkeen hissed, this would not work as well as Ebony had thought it might, the Master had already used such things against Salkeen numbing him to the attacks and yet… The Demon Lord remembered then moment of death, facing so many heroes before him including the old teacher of his Master… After such a moment would Jericha forgive Eago so easily… He stood against them…

Varicar the fool, he had been greatly punished for such misuse of words, it was his fault she left and her own disrespectful mouth had challenged him why he was still recovering… Now at his apex he could remind her of such transgressions again… Why wouldn’t he? demon lords had done far worse torture to creatures for far less…

Salkeen hissed at the images, that foolish Eago had tried to craft for Jericha what was Salkeen’s by right! The demon lord did indeed have the power to recreate a new body for what was his a million times! But the last of the images began to give away what Ebony was doing, a drooling mindless mess? A small flash in the demon lords eyes signifying the psychic attack was not as damaging as previously thought… In no case would Salkeen ever leave what was his mindless, it wasn’t personal in his torture unless she felt every single part of it… Still more images came to try and force the demon lord back…

Salkeen watched but again pieces of such a psychic attack broke down, it was of no doubt the demon lord would use his ever burning flames to enact his terrible punishment on Jericha, but burning her away to nothing… Salkeen hissed a dry laugh, that would end the pleasure of the punishment… Salkeen would always protect Jericha’s essence, his bond with her, her mind… Even if the Lord had seemed it necessary enough to burn her body away piece by piece, carving her flesh to pieces with his claws, he would never let it kill her…

And yet the visions continued, Salkeen watching another instance between him and what has his, The demon lord had only been trying harder to break the mental hold. Just as those versed in the void could do such great psychic attacks so too could great demon lords exert great mental force to cull and pacify their victims…

This vision is what truly made Salkeen fight, even at his most furious rage, his uncontrollable wrath, a mental state where he could rip any creature apart… The demon lord could not harm his bloodline! It was perhaps a odd thing to have for a demon lord yet this was Salkeen’s nature… The demon lord who had both a mate and blood legacy! Not Sargeras, nor Kiljaeden, Nor Archimonde, Zalak or Jarraxxus had the sane thing, no personal mate or children! What Ebony had not understood is Salkeen’s greed and arrogance was beyond measure but it was those same sinful traits that made the demon lord a unstoppable beast when one threatened what was his!

Salkeen’s eyes burned with great fury his attention fully on the fool who whispered to him… You underestimate what I am… Salkeen hissed back at Ebony, the demon lords mental force growing more powerful as his rage to protect what was his grew wildly out of control!!

Salkeen’s eyes began to glow, with great burning fury it’s fel green light sparking around in his mind. Not even the Master will take her from me… She won’t die, she is MINE!! Salkeen roared in his mind at Ebony his eyes fully alight within his mind and in the physical world! As darkened void needles plunge from the sky a lancing beam of pure radiant fel energy so blisteringly hot it flowed green around its edges with a furious red center impacted the at the center between the deathbringers causing a explosion of massive proportions which shook the very foundation of the world! The sky erupted in a cascading blast of violent flames that roared over the atmosphere turning clouds to ash! The added attack of Jericha’s only fueled the inferno causing a reality shattering detonation so strong Salkeen had to grip the earth or be thrown by their combined force! The demon lord had reached out to grab Jericha as well his wings yet again folding around them as a wave of black and green erratic flames washed over their bodies… When the ground ceased to rumble Salkeen opened his mighty wings still smoking from the terrible force they had created to see a great chasm, in its center could be seen other worlds… The great force they had used was so strong they had weakened the very walls of reality allowing the Twisting Nether to be seen… “None will ever take you from me!” Salkeen growled in rage…


Jericha stood in front of her Lord Salkeen, rage, setting every nerve on fire. A storm of utter chaos brewing in the sky above them. Lord Salkeen’s unrelenting fury, fed her never ending rage. Her endless anger, fed his unwavering fury, a continuous circle of rage. The ground they stood upon cracked, and burned, beneath the combined weight of their destruction. She hears the insidious laughter, she wanted to silence it, oh! How she wanted to silence it.

A split second before Jericha acts her Lord unleashes his rage, in an explosion of fel and void that shakes the very core of this once lively, and peaceful planet. Jericha sees the violets cascading flames claim the town she had attacked just moments before. A lone Orc holding a bloody ball, bows his head solemnly as the fiery fel washes over him. It reduces him to ash before he can even think to scream. Suddenly Jericha vision is cut off as Lord Salkeen grabs her. Pulling her against him his wings close around her. At the same time her spell collides with his, the resulting explosion threaten to send them both flying. Jericha can feel her Phoenix’s grip as he keeps her wrapped in his wings. His claws dig into the rapidly disintegrating earth, the explosion sets off small earth quakes for hundreds of miles in all direction. Rivers of fel, and void spring up from the blackened earth. Explosions of pure chaos erupt all around them, as streams of void, and fel come together. As Lord Salkeen opens his wings Jericha looks upon the destruction. In the distance she can see small villages and some farmsteads that have been completely eradicated. The nightmarish flame and wisps of void can be seen from here. Still her fury builds.

Jericha runs the tips of her fingers along the side of one of Lord Salkeen’s still smoking wings. She hisses softly, the heat lightly burning her fingertips as she smiles. As soon as Her Lord speaks, Jericha’s hand wraps around the back of his head. Pulling herself up she kisses him hard, “I will never let myself be taken from you Lord Salkeen.” She says I to his ear as she pulls back. Jericha can feel her fel being powered up, it isn’t until she looks down that she notices the true extent of the damage. At the center of the massive creator of destruction The Twisting Nether can be seen. A mad smile curls the corners of Jericha’s mouth, she looks at Lord Salkeen both Artifact, and fel gifted eyes, burning brightly.

With her hand still gripping the back of his neck she speaks. “Help me Lord Salkeen, I wish to send my Grandfather a little gift from the two of us.” Jericha hisses the fury evident in her voice, Lord Salkeen doesn’t need to ask, he can see it in her mind. The two would create an explosion of total chaos that would shake the rack the very planet they stood upon. Jericha in her mind was throwing open the closed portals, her void power building up to nearly uncontrollable levels. Lord Salkeen’s fel flames erupted from him like the fury from thousands of volcanoes. Both of their Magic’s crest in both power, and fury. Lord Salkeen takes control of both Magic’s just as Jericha opens a void portal of her own. “Now!” She screams, as Lord Salkeen sends the massive spell hurdling through the portal. They both feel and hear Ebony scream of surprise, rage, and agony before his mind vanishes.

Just as Jericha opens her mouth to laugh, she is overcome with with agony, pain that is physical, emotional, psychological. Fear, despair, hopelessness, anger, loss, all tear through her mind. All of her nightmares assault her at once, every death she has felt she feels like she is reliving. Her body feels like it’s imploding, being crushed down into the size of a child’s marble. Before bursting out, her very essence spreading across the cosmos. It sting, it freezes, it burns, it aches, bones are shattering, fresh is drying up and peeling away, muscles are melting. All these things strike Jericha’s mind so fast, so furious that she cannot even scream. As Jericha doesn’t have a soul of her own, the spell backlashes over the piece of soul of Lord Salkeen’s that Jericha’s mind is bound to. How this will effect the Burning Lord is hard to say.

From Lord Salkeens point of view his Void Witch, looks pleased at the result, happy to have finally been able to strike back at the one responsible for so much of her pain and torment. As Jericha looks at him, he realizes that she isn’t breathing, a tiny trail of blood leaks from the corners of her mouth, both ears, and her nostrils. Then she goes limp falling against him. For a brief second his connection to her is gone, the place she occupies in his mind, his soul, suddenly become glaringly empty. As soon as it vanishes it returns, but is exceptionally weak. It flickers like the dying flame of a candle, before finally settling. Not only is his Void witched been severely damaged by the backlash of what happened. She has also been cut off from her main source of void energy. Salkeen recalls the feeling from when they had fought with Reavrix.

In Yumara’s Domain, she listens as Orion speaks with Master. Without warning she collapses to her knees, her body becoming non corporeal. A large piece of her newly created forest crumbles into ruin. Creatures both dark, and light, weak and strong, implode into bloody little balls before blinking out of existence. For the briefest of moments Masters tendril that flow throughout Yumara grasp at nothing. Orion stiffen up and falls over sideways off of his broom. He strikes the floor momentarily limp, and lifeless. Yumara starts to recover slowly, one could tell she was shaken by what had just happened. Orion seems to be recovering a bit faster than Yumara is.

Miles above them Izzabelle crumples to the ground, as time restarts on her body. Parts of her quickly begin wasting away. It only lasted for a split second, still the damage was somewhat noticeable. Her eyes snap open and she looks to see if whatever just attacked her, had attacked the others as well.

Orion looks at Isaik first, then Yumara, “We might not have the luxury of letting the newly bonded enjoy a drink or two…” Orion is cut off as Yumara speak “Something has happened to Jericha.” Of all that might have experienced what happened Isaik is the only one who knows what it is.

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Ebony sat relaxed at his desk as he spoke into the half breeds mind. There would come a time in the future when he would be free of this particular nuisance.

Dark laughter fills Salkeen’s mind. Would she forgive him? Who made that new body that she had? Who carried her in his arms when she couldn’t walk? With whom did she hide so that you could not reclaim her, when you first wished to do so? Ebony inquires

Had Ebony been paying closer attention he would have realized that his words were not having the desired effect. Or better yet they were having the right effect. The effect just wasn’t being turned on the targeted audience. Yet Ebony was to convinced of his own abilities to think he could lose. His arrogance had always been his undoing.

It is about this time that Ebony starts to realize that things aren’t going as he had planned. The wretched Demon Lord, was filling with uncontrollable fury. Yet the fool wasn’t directing it towards his dark Master, and his Void Witch. Ebony had tried to break the Demon Lords mind with the image of Jericha killed by his own hands. It did not have the intended effect.

If Ebony wasn’t so conceited he would have broken the mink link with Salkeen. However his pig headedness didn’t allow for him to think that the Demon Lord could actually harm him. Yet when Salkeen roared in his mind the sheer strength of his anger reverberated through Ebony’s own mind. Ebony let out a curse, his head feels like it has been squeezed by a vise. recovering from Salkeen’s mental blast of fury, he is unprepared for what happens next. He expected an attack on himself, not one against the tower. As the spell hits it rips through the bottom part of the towers, shattering dozens of rooms. Walls made of bones and souls explode freeing those trapped within.

Ebony screams in agony as his body is shredded, the massive amount of damage breaking apart his ability to hold a corporeal form. He rages, how could he have been so stupid as to forget to protect his tower against his Granddaughter. Shrieking in rage his he swings his arm out clearing his desk. Large tomes tumble to the floor, glass beakers and vails, fly across shattering into tiny shards as they smash against the wall. You horrible wretched little girl, You will know pain like you have never experienced. You will be broken until there is nothing left. His insufferable granddaughter would pay for this, they would both pay for this insult, Ebony thinks before his mind shuts down. The Towers defense comes into play as its shields come up. The damage is excessive and Jericha finds herself cut off from it.

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Lord Salkeen stood before her, she could feel his rage, his disappointment in her. “I had such great expectations of you.” He states, while running one of his fel tipped razor sharp claws along her neck, and up under her chin. “You’ve turned out to be such a failure Ahcirej.” He continues, an evil smile forming beneath his mask. Wrapping his hand firmly around her neck, he starts to apply a little pressure. “It’s a pity that you couldn’t have been more useful.” Lord Salkeen hisses into her ear, as he drives his free hand through her stomach. It doesn’t hurt, she feels no physical pain at all. Yet her mind is crumbling to pieces, with each word that falls from his Demonic lips. Worthless, useless, failure, each one was a red hot spike being driven into her head. Why has she come back? Lord Salkeen didn’t need her she had nothing but a let down.

Ahcirej feels herself growing weaker in her Lords grip, she can no longer hold her head up straight. It has fallen limply to the side her neck bone crushed, and severed from her spine. As her head flops spout uselessly, much like her she sees it. Lying strewed about the floor are her insides, most of her organs have been crushed, and shredded. She then hears the sound of flesh ripping as her Lord takes hold of her head. Twisting it like a screw he rips it from her destroying body. He then tears out her tongue, driving his claws into her ears he scrapes out everything inside of them. She is now without sound, or voice, the last thing she sees before he pops her eyes out, is the look of disgust on his face… Ahcirej doesn’t know how long she has been here. Lost, trapped, without a body, without, a voice, without sound or sight? Hours? Weeks? Years? Time has no meaning…

Deep within the recesses of her broken mind a voice penetrates the silence. Their is something familiar about it, it takes Ahcirej a moment to recall where she had heard it. With the memory comes a plethora of thoughts, and images. Lord Salkeen while greatly angered wouldn’t just get rid of her. He would not of have gone through such trouble for her, if he truly thought of her as useless. A void tendril wrapped around her mind shatters, and disintegrates. He might cause her pain, but would not leave her broken. More tendrils go up in flames. She was not a failure, or a disgrace. Light fills the room, she is in, thousands of cracks appear along the walls. She was Ahcirej, Jericha’s other half, and a high Ranking General in her Lords great Legion. The last of the tendril are destroyed, as the room shatters. Ahcirej quickly realizes that she isn’t in a room at all. Then it all comes rushing back, Lord Salkeen, the Children, the fight, Ebony’s interference, the Juggernaut. Turning she sees him standing before her, an unbreakable wall of power, and strength.

Just before the explosion of total chaos goes of, the Great Orc, brings his mighty hammer crashing down upon the ground. The thundering boom can be heard echoing across the planet. A nearly impenetrable wall of stone, iron, rare metals, and earth. Bursts forth from the planets crust, shooting up towards the sky. It creates an extremely powerful barrier between them and the two calling down their combined wrath down upon all. Then it hits Ahcirej brings a shield of holy magic, and protection from fire up around them. She uses them to help augment Drednautt’s own shield. As the chaos magic strikes, they both watch as the wall seems to warp. It holds for a few moments before it explodes. Flaming bits of rock, metal, and earth fall around them like rain. A few of the metal plates on Ahcirej’s cybornetic body are smoking still smoking from the blistering heat. As the dust settles the two of them can see the full effect of the devastation. A single piece of plating over one of her arms falls free, and tumbles to the ground.

Ahcirej’s eyes widen, as she comes to the conclusion that those two idiots weren’t done. Cursing like a sailor she grabs hold of Drednautt. Hoping her body can withstand the extra weight, she activates her rocket boosters. They are both sent hurdling into the air, just as the planet below them vanishes into a sea of raging fel fire, and void. For a moment they vanish as it washes over them, only to burst free of it a split second later. The Juggernaut roars while holding his still flaming shield. Ahcirej mechanical body trembles slightly from the exertion of holding the Great Orc aloft in the air. She watches for the smoke, and dust to clear. Would the two commanders be uneffected by the sheer magnitude of the destruction?

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