Ered’Kiels Desolation (IC Closed 2)

It danced through her body, it flowed within her very blood. It power dark, destructive, devouring, intoxicating to all of her senses. Jericha could feel the dark corrosive taint lying deep below the surface of the dead earth, upon which she stood. It called to her, begged her to conduct it in a symphony of death, and destruction that would make worlds tremble. She can feel it flowing through her, filling her with unimaginable power. Sending her mind out Jericha wrests control of the void in the immediate area from the wretched Abdulbai. “So pathetic, without my void being locked away you are nothing. Just a little backside kisser with no real power or talent.” With that a half dozen tears open up around Abdulbai. Hundreds of tentacles burst forth from each, shooting towards the horrific undead Ethereal being. They swiftly wrap around his limbs, torso and head. Eyes widening Abdulbai makes a crushing motion with his hand. Jericha drops to one knee gripping her head and moaning in pain. When she looks up Blood is oozing from both nostrils and her eyes. She speaks a word in Shath’Yar and the tentacles tighten and slowly begin crushing their prey. Then Jericha Heard that horrendous voice within her mind. Mocking her threatening her children, in the most vile of ways.

Jericha goes to rip him apart when suddenly a pillar of void comes tearing down from the sky. It slams into her with so much force it causes both of her legs to buckle. Jericha tries to scream but no sound comes out, only void pours forth from within her. She can still hear that infuriating laughter filling her mind.

Jericha could hear Lord Salkeen speaking, she could sense his all consuming rage. Yet he felt further away, like the void filling her was trying to create a barrier between them. The pressure building up within, was staring to hurt. Veins, and arteries felt swollen to the point they could explode at any moment. Her bones ready to burst into a shower of shards and splinters, that would rip through muscles, flesh and organs. Organs that are ready to blow up like miniature fleshy bombs. Still the void moves through her filling her. Down from the sky, up from the earth, the two meet in the middle coalescing expanding. The tentacles holding Abdulbai rip him into pieces just as the twin pools of fire strike from Lord Salkeen’s eyes strike. The heat gives Jericha something to momentarily grab hold of. She reaches out and tries to take hold of the void tentacles and rifts trying to claim Jaseiah and Ahcire. That is when it happens, the unexpected…

Jericha wraps her mind around the tentacles just as Ahcire’s body explodes into a blast of holy radiance. It hurts it burns throughout her body and mind. Jericha is suddenly beyond angry, she wants to destroy anything, everything, she hates in ways she never thought possible. She forces herself to her feet, nearly all recognition and human emotions are gone from her eyes. A small part of her mind cries out to Lord Salkeen, in a faint almost lost sounding voice. To him it would seem weak like it was calling from worlds away. If he turned he would see his Jericha, her body pitted with void tears, her flesh cracked and bleeding out fel. It is then that he would begin to feel it, the fel being forced out of her. Just like Izzabelle’s body ejects plague’s and poisons, Jericha’s was now rejecting the fel. Where her mind is tied intricately to his own, the void starts to seep in painfully ripping the to apart. At first Millions of tiny thread like tendrils of Jericha’s mind reach, trying to become part of the burning soul they are being ripped from. To prevent this the void shreds faster than she can restore. In the blink of an eye Jericha vanishes from the shadow fel volcanic crater. She appears right next to Yumara guardian just as Yumara exits.

“So kind of you to supply me with what I need, I’ll be sure to thank you.” Jericha says Evilly as she blasts Yumara with a bolt of void that strikes her and sends her crashing through her forest. Where she lands Jericha opens a collapsing void beneath her. Hundreds of Umbral tentacles wrap around Yumara and crush her body before pulling her beneath the surface. Jericha knew that while it will hurt her it wouldn’t kill her, she just needed her out of the way. The void flowing through her her begged to consume, to corrupt. She could feel them, powerful beings ones that could taint entire universes, moving deep within the dark beyond. She would call them, she would open the path way, and the nature goddess would be the key. It seemed only fitting that the one who destroyed her body and soul, be the one to usher in the end of days. Jericha without hesitation starts to pouring massive amounts of void into the Avatar. Its scream could be heard for miles, the fey like primal living within its body, become horrific void mutations. The heart tree fights back bleeding out it’s purified water, in desperation only to be consumed in the end. In the end all would be consumed, totally consumed.

About 85 percent of the fel has now been forced from Jericha as the void claims more of her body more of her mind. Stepping back Jericha smiles darkly as she looks up at Yumara’s guardian, now fully obscured by void. Still grinning insanely she starts twisting her hands while chanting in Shath’Yar. Hidden inside the all devouring darkness, Stone is turned to dust trees crushed into splinters. Flora and fauna, rot and wilt. Jericha twists and shapes the Avatar into the perfect archway. An architectural pinnacle of void and corruption, a masterpiece of living death. Tainted vines entwined with void tentacles cover the entirety of the archway. Void mutated fey trapped throughout moan and shriek, as they feel the agony and despair of their bodies and minds being destroyed. Now that she had the archway she only needed a gateway. Jericha begins pouring all the power she can into opening a portal, the portal. When she is struck from behind, with enough force to snap her spine. She rolls across the ground, coming to a stop she turns and sees Yumara standing there. Parts of her body are still crushed beyond recognition. Jericha watches as her face reforms. “Jericha please, let Master help you, this will kill you, please…” Yumara begs dropping to her knees. “You cannot open that portal Jericha it will destroy you.” For a moment Yumara thinks Jericha might actually listen but those hopes are dashed with her next move. Without warning millions of void tendrils shoot out from every part of the archway. They entangle Yumara fully within their grip and pull her so that she is suspended in the center of it. Razor sharp tendrils start to burrow into Yumara’s flesh, ripping away chunks of it, as void continues to assault “Oh I remember now a powerful soul is needed to make the portal. Seeing as how you destroyed mine, it only seems right that you offer up your. Still first we must get rid of all that horrific flesh. Feel free to scream for as long as you wish. The greater your despair, the more powerful the portal…

Yumara screams while trying to pool her power to break free.

Suzuna looks around her… “Oh! Lord Salkeen has a Master…” she more muses than actually asks. She finds herself a little curious as to what the Goblin is doing. So she watches as he grabs a pair of metal rods and approaches a cage with two wolves trapped within. It didn’t take a genius to realize that those wolves, weren’t going to be pleased with whatever was about to happen.

She pauses and looks at the Goblin for a moment before answering. “My plan is not to die again… However giving Lords like Salkeen and friends like Jericha. Who Blow you up first and tell you to run afterwards. I’m not certain how well that plan will actually work.” Suzuna states as she watches the Goblin pick up the rods and bring them together on the two wolves. She watches in fascination as the wolves were ripped apart and meshed back together, into something much wilder and stronger. She wasn’t bothered by the display or the death howls of the lupine prisoners. Being what she was she had seen much worse when healing the minds of many of those that came to the Society as broken shells… some that would babbled senseless nonsense to anything that would listen. While other just trembled, and drooled, their mind a complete wreck. No if there was one thing Suzuna was effected by it would be the lengths of depravity that the creatures of Azeroth could sink to. “Nice… is it finished? or just getting started?” she asks, having been locked away she finds that she is interested in many of the things that are happening around her. However you urgency to return to Salkeen and Jericha was growing by the minute… Something was happening, something bad was happening, she could feel it.

Suzuna looks back as she heads towards the portal… “If it can shoot a beam that will disintegrate my foes, I’ll be back in like five minutes. If not that one that would undo the molecular structure that holds their cells to…” she never finishes her sentence as she vanishes through the portal and appears on the battlefield.

Suzuna appears not far from where Jericha is now trying to use Yumara to open a powerful gateway. Seeing that Jericha is busy she pulls a familiar peice of cloth from one of her pouches. Holding it in her hand she sprints towards Jericha as fast as she can. Chanting as she moves once she is withing a few yards the cloth disappears from her hand and reappears before Jericha. It swiftly wraps around her head and eyes, adhering to her flesh. Cutting off the power of her Artifact eye which was helping to feed the void. Jericha shrieks in rage and turns to Suzuna and detonates a Shadowfel Amalgamation beneath her feet. Expecting something like this, Suzuna uses her powerful legs to leap into the air, and lands between Jericha and the archway holding Yumara prisoner. Twisting her hand in a series of complicated patterns she summons what appears to be pieces of a globe made out of pure magic. With a final word she slams her hands together, as she does this the pieces of the Force globe close in around Jericha. It temporarily cut off all of her magic, however Suzuna know that she will only be able to hold the spell for a minute or two at most. The void and Jericha were already flailing against it.

Without Jericha attacking Yumara with continuous void bolts. Yumara is able to free herself of the tentacles holding her captive. The void with no one controlling it, starts to reach out corrupting and devouring, all in it’s path.

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Throggore merely observed as the deathknight chatted with first Varicar then The Master, his usual insidious tactics of trying to create a unfair deal when one of them was in a rather more downtrodden state… It was the same dirty tricks that ensnared Throggore into this twisted webs of horrific beings… Throggore grunted, it wasn’t like he didn’t enjoy killing, maiming, or assassination, he was Laughing Skull! Of all the orcs he was most likely to enjoy these dark tactics and cruel tricks, however Throggore was not a fool… The Orc had no desire to help put The Master forward in this world, help that fiend finish his ultimate goals and damn everything that Throggore held dear… There was one thing always on his mindensuring he stayed loyal, for the Orc knew the horrible fate that would occur should The Master decide to indulge his sadistic side… The Orc snapped out of his thoughts as Varicar conjured blasts of chi at the many wards in a attempt to set Korgorn free… After the second volley the wards were decimated enough that Korgorn gathering his power shattered free!

Throggore normally would have further observed the newer addition to their group but the sounds of quickly forming ice grabbed his attention! The human mage who had been guarding the undead creature had Incase itself in solid ice, Throggore peered into the clear blue crystal trying to see the mage… The look of pure terror on the human caused Throggore to chuckle, the Orc pulled out a spare knife and tapped on the solid block of ice trying to further unnerve the mage.

Throggore went to grab another knife, he would carve his name into this frozen magi’s ice block when faster than he thought possible the mage was free and blinked past the Orc and put the door! Perhaos by instinct or something else, Throggore’s first reaction was to toss his knives! The two knives, laced with poison embedded into the wall behind the mage inches from the magic caster, the Orc had reacted so fast a piece of the mages blue cloak was stuck pinned to the wall. The mage blinked farther and farther away leaving the group in the dust and screaming their presence down the hallways… Throggore being the subtle creature he was rather disliked that part, but glancing towards the others they seemed rather unphased by the action…

Sighing the Orc followed behind Korgorn and Varicar as they made a more bloody escape, the first group of guards that came died in mere seconds. Throggore didn’t have a chance to even participate, but it was probably for the best, in time the alliance would send more specialized units, perhaps stealth units designed to shut the deathknight down! In time the deathknight found this slow molasses like escape to be droll and awoke the recent dead to provide a distraction giving them a tad bit more of speed, Varicar had plans of his own unhappy with just the soilunds of combat he used his magic to make the hexed sleeping prisoners scream! The whole thing felt both sick yet Throggore’s Laughing Skull part made him laugh at the dark nature of the actions… As Varicar pointed out a way, Throggore followed behind the two undead creatures silently covering the flank.

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Myrandah ducks, twists to one side, sucks in her gut. Hop on one foot and then on the other, while tucking in her arms. Those watching her from a distance might think she was attempting some strange dance. Those closer would see that she was trying her best to dodge random rocks, and I’ve shards, that were ricocheted around the group as they traveled through the nether. Further ahead she sees the exit, something they are quickly approaching. Wait they weren’t slowing down, Myrandah watches as the nether seems to spit the others out first, before finally ejecting her. She comes cartwheeling uncontrollably out of the nether, and strikes the snowy ground face first. She somehow manages to slide about 10 yards on her face, before flipping onto her back and stopping when she hits a rocky out cropping.

She quickly casts a shield just a boulder comes flying out of the nether in her general direction. While the shield protects her from damage she still finds herself being thrown across the icy expanse. Once she catches her breath she approaches the others. “Does anyone need healing? We cannot know how long we have before we are attacked again.” Myrandah asks.

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Braumer shuffled behind a line of guards, they held their shields at the ready… Stormwind troops always reminded him of a gnomish machine, they all had a purpose and all did their job! When done right the machine of shields would move forward blocking all things before in one command they would attack at once! They were just pieces of this machine, to the horde they were probably faceless soldiers, each alliance helmet covering the face of the man underneath… In a way Braumer didn’t like how that was, the way it worked meant if one was a weak link in the chain they all failed… Braumer always felt like the weak link in my chain…

Yet the time had come to test that very thought, at first it was like a odd groaning but soon a moderate sized group of corporal undead charged the guard line! Braumer nearly gagged, it was the other guards Jakk had sent before straight towards that undead deathknights cell, they had been horrifically butchered and raised to send back at their own allies! The first impact was rough but miraculously the guards managed to hold the line, many of the guards had gotten extensive training on undead rushes after Northrend! With a kick move the guards pulled their blades free of their scabbards and stuck the thin metal between the tiniest cracks in their shields! With a angry yowl several undead monsters collapsed a lucky shot or two ending their existence! Braumer was surprised, the undead had barely caused any damage whatsoever but a few still remained, the things were more resilient than horde soldiers caught against the shields!

Now it was time for Braumer to act, gesturing in a large circle with his hands the mage caused a burst of ice to expand in the middle of the undead creatures attack! It was the moment the alliance needed, their prey now slowed and frozen the guards opened their shields and shattered the remaining undead! Some few guards looked down at their former comrades clearly sad at their misfortune while others cheered, however it was not to last! A hideous screaming filled the stockades, as if all the prisoners saw their worst fears and cried out from death! Braumer looked nervous, had the deathknight killed the other prisoners and now got ready to send a new army at them? The other guards thought similarly reforming up tjeir shield wall! Braumer knew they would have to fight the deathknight and his horde friends eventually, Jakk had stationed them in the only way leading out of the part of the stockades the deathknight was housed!

Another platoon of soldiers made their way past Braumer before tapping the guards back infront of them, they would be sent forward to find the freed prisoner and his heinous friends! Turning down a few hallways Braumer didn’t see them much longer… Something else made him worry more about himself though! Though the corporal undead were few and slain a different kind of undead were hire numerous in calling this hellish place their home!

From the darkness rushed forwards hundreds of faceless undead ghosts! The countless many imprisoned here until their death or the executed who found their spirits drawn to the place of their once jailed bodies! Several were much more notable, a ghost came cackling forwards as it rose a ethereal shiv, the once crazed soul of a serial murderer!!! Braumer yelped our as he thrust his hands forward conjuring blasts of ice, it however barely seemed to slow the things down! The guards infront of him groaned as the ghost like undead rescued through their solid shields taking at the defenders very souls! Braumer wondered how much longer they could hold on!?!

Isaik reformed aboard his own vessel, he had much to think about… Contracts with Yenme had failed, while contracts with Korgorn were in the works… Isaik examined his minions current visions, he would be better able to figure out where Korgorn would best fit by watching their escape… Korgorn seemed like a slow but powerful creature, what Isaik was truly trying to find out was if the creature exhibited signs of subtlety… If Korgorn did turn out not to be a being capable of subtlety, the master would count his troops among the ranks of those like him… Isaik’s most notable was Lord Salkeen, so arrogant was the lord, so easy to being offended by a word, the act of subtlety did not come easily to the demon lord… As such the demon elf hardly ever went near horde cities undercover… This is however why Isaik had the homunculi at all, when they assumed their covers, they easily moved among the factions undetected… Isaik grinned, it was this that made his plans so deadly, the alliance undoubtedly believed it was the horde attempting to free Korgorn at this very moment…

Isaik turned his attention from his own musings over to that of the battle below, he had indeed felt the void witch channeling a impressive amount of power… He had originally assumed it was merely because of her daughters apparent death… Jaseiah could still be felt by Isaik though quite faint, she might appear dead or taken… Ahcire, one that Isaik was sure Jericha cared less for definitely had died… Even then her soul still felt nearby though lost and wandering… Salkeen had definently rocketed to crazy heights with his power over losing such minions… Such a simple creature, controlled by his emotions… Still Isaik could hardly let all these individuals perish, they were still important… Still Isaik needed more information if he was to act properly, and without the callous issues he had faced with Jericha in the past, Yumara seemed more than ready to divulge such information.

The Master watched silently as the images were presented to him, in truth they reminded him of the days he fought for the legion… There were many battles that valiant defenders had come so close to attaining victory, They however had only done so because Zalak willed it… The then demon lord had relied much on dreadlords at that time, it brought him unimaginable pleasure to watch heroes turn to their comrades and find they were truly surrounded by demons…

Now that was truly interesting, the creature of a elf had made a work of pure defilement to summon forth the void lords… While Isaik was one to notice the pure revolting nature of the arch and find it pleasing in its very idea, he saw certain flaws… Had Jericha even succeeded in summoning a single void lord all of them would have perished… It was Isaik’s biggest hurdle for summoning one of his own, the void lords were living singularities, once they erupted into the reality they had to consume untold amounts of energy or be pulled back into the void… That was after they consumed everything around their area of reality breaching… Karesh had met a similar fate, but it had only been assaulted by a powerful void entity… Dimensius was not even considered a void lord…

Isaik watched as Yumara was almost overcome by the feelings of dread and death, it was not much to think that her younger more inexperienced days meant these battles still affected her more… Isaik watched as Ebony directed Jericha into activating the spellwork, her very soul used as the portal… Isaik silently thought the idea that perhaps Ebony had been reading one of his tomes, he had heard Yumara say such tomes existed within Ebony’s residence, but if Ebony had created a portal based on any information within them, they were made for apocalypse…

Isaik grinned wickedly, those incantations the urging to force a being under your will into summoning powers none could control were exactly like a very specific tome, Isaik had wondered where that tome had gone too… If that was indeed his tome that influenced this…

Isaik watched as they narrowly succeeded in summoning their doom before Yumara and their group managed to get in a shattering attack into both Jericha and Ebony… The crazed elf had been far to close to succeeding, it was fate he failed…

Isaik hissed low, “Not acceptable… It is not time yet to try and summon a void lord…” The undead creature growled in annoyance, he had seen Jericha apart of the day to summon the strongest void lord but it was too soon… Isaik roared condensing into a thick black fog and vanishing from his great vessel, he would need to deal with this…

The Master appeared right where he wanted to ethereal and unseen in the very shadows of the archway his ability to shatter such a construct just as strong as it was for her to make it… “That is quite enough!!” Isaik’s voice roared over the heavens, every single being on Centralis would hear Isaik’s commands… The ground begun to rumble and quake before great earth elementals burst forth from underneath the ground right beneath the archway toppling! The great archway bent and twisted as the very earth underneath it rejected its existence, Jericha was something to behold but Isaik had power and cunning but most importantly the experience to use it… Isaik now revealed himself being held up like a god upon one of the broken earth elementals hands, while the others continued to force their way free of the earth further destroying the archway…

Isaik stood radiating irritation, The Master fully expected his minions to control themselves and their minions… Salkeen had failed him again… “Lord Salkeen! Surely you feel your witch is no longer under your control, Shut her down… Or I will…” Isaik growled a dark warning, he knew very well of Jericha’s mental protections, if Salkeen felt the need to resist, Isaik would be forced to thrash Jericha’s mind until she went unconscious…

Lord Salkeen just finishing in obliteration of Abdulbai, stood in the molten ruins looking for his prey… He couldn’t have died?!! Salkeen would not allow that creature the freedom of death!! Salkeen glared around in a rage filled haze blocking his senses from nearly anything around him, he would find Abdulbai, that creature would know only torture and pain… Salkeen nearly heard someone calling him, someone he cared for… But still the fury and rage wanted the demon to find Abdulbai… The demon lord glared at a new source as it roared over the heavens seemingly even right at Salkeen… The creature that could command even the demon lord, his master… The haze faded slightly before Salkeen realized the true extent of control Salkeen had lost over Jericha… The demon lord growled at Isaik’s next words, threats of incompetence and harm to the thing he loved, but the demonlord understood Isaik was serious… Begrudgingly Salkeen called out, “Jericha you will sleep!”

It was the move Isaik needed, at least at first… If Jericha did as commanded and went down, Isaik would be the only creature in the area left to control the void, recreating its effects would be easy…

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Jericha screams in unconditional rage, as the anti-magic containment orb closes up around her. It cuts her off from all of her Void and her Fel. She beats against the orb, in a frenzy, as deep within she gathers her power. It would take more than Suzuna and her wretched magic binding to shut her down. Jericha swore once she broke free she would finish using Yumara to create the portal. Then she would use that trailer Suzuna as a sacrifice in which to feed it. The void beats against the shield, Jericha becomes still smiling as cracks begin to form, on the orb containing her. She taps them and grins watching intently as they fracture and spread. Jericha prepares to attack both Suzuna and Yumara again the moment she is free…

Jericha rages, how dare he destroy what she was trying to create, she would feed his damned wretched being to them first. Lord Salkeen’s horrific Master, should at least make a decent appetizer. Then this world and all those that dwelled upon it could be part of the main course. A second later the anti-magic orb shatters and Jericha can feel the void slam back into her from all sides… The small barely there voice calls out desperately for Lord Salkeen again. Please! Jericha vanishes and appears right behind Suzuna. She grabs either side of Suzuna’s head and casts void explosion. Jericha goes into complete void form, her mind now about 89% corrupted by the black chaotic magic, ripping through her body. Suzuna get a shield up, but just barely, one whole side of her face is destroyed. The skull partially crushed, blood and what looks like pieces of brain, ooze from Suzuna’s ear, mouth and empty eye socket. Jericha spins Suzuna around and rakes her from Suzuna’s neck, down to just below her belly. Greenish Black fel Blood sprays all over Jericha as her long razor sharp claws, shred flesh, muscle, and internal organs. Suzuna starts choking up blood, and tries casting a quick healing spell. Jericha turns her hand it’s her claws sunk deep in Suzuna’s abdomen. She drags her claws from one side to the other. Creating a grotesque smile that Suzuna’s guts are soon pouring out of. Jericha reaches and rips the binding cloth from her eye, tearing away most of the flesh and muscle. The eye flares to life “You will spend eternity regretting the day you ever attacked me Suzuna.” Jericha drives her hand deep into Suzuna’s chest and grabs hold of her soul. She rips it free from her body and her artifact eye starts to consume it. Suzuna gathers what power she can and tries to blast Jericha’s mind. Yet it is weak and her dying isn’t powering it up any.

Meanwhile, while this is happening, Jericha grabs hold of the void that flow deep beneath the surface. If Isaik thought she would just let him do as he pleased, he was sadly mistaken. Massive collapsing voids open up beneath the broken earth elementals. Gargantuan Umbral tentacles reach up from the swirling depths and encase the elementals legs, crushing them as the pull them down into the inky black depths. More appear and wrap around their arms, hands and chest, corrupting, crushing, devouring. Still many of the Massive tentacles are ripped up from the very depth of the darkness that is spawning them. Yet as they are turn free more appear, reaching, grasping, seeking… Jericha opens dozens of Void rifts and has all of them blast a non stop volley of Void Bolts at Yumara, trying to force her back towards the archway. If she could trap Yumara again, the Archway would be much stronger with a Goddess tied to it. As it is millions of void tendrils pull demons and fey creatures towards the archway. Ripping and shredding, flesh and muscles from their bodies. Thicker tentacles with gaping maws, devour, organs as they drop free, their bones are used to help rebuild the Archway. Still Isaik is tearing down the Archway faster than she can rebuild it, that infuriates her even more.

Yumara moves swiftly rolling, flipping, ducking, and dancing around avoiding the never ending volley of void bolts. Yumara back flips and pulls a pair of guns from her side. She spins them then opens up fire on the void rifts. A barrage of bullets burst from the barrel of each gun and rip through the air. A series of deafening explosions tear apart the sky, as over half the void rifts are. Destroyed. Yumara holsters the guns whips her bow off of her back pulling the string back an explosive arrow appears. She sends it flying at the crowning apex of the Archway. Yumara was damaged severely although she was able to hide it well. The destruction and corruption, of such a powerful part of herself, had caused massive bleeding from deep within. Yumara is thrown backwards as a few dozen void bolts strike home. Tainting and burning away large areas of flesh. Hundreds of thousands of tendrils lash out when she is within reach. Yumara releases an explosion of nature magic blasting them into ribbons. Thousands more appear and wrap around her legs pulling Yumara off of her feet, flipping her upside down then yanks her towards the portal. pulling her guns free once more she blasts the tendrils freeing one of her legs. The second is freed as a large glaive made of fel and wind magic cut though them, like a hot knife through butter. Unfortunately the poor demon hunter just so happens to take notice of Master. Lhashira is so terrified that she forgets to catch the returning blades and they sink deep into her shoulder and chest, nearly knocking her from the sky.

Jericha feels as though her body and mind are about to shatter. A pool of fel covers the ground beneath her hovering void form. It grows larger by the second, as the fel continues to pour out of her from the thousand of cracks littering her flesh.

*something was trying to speak with her, yet it sounded reluctant, like it wasn’t pleased with the idea. Jericha vanishes into a void rift and appears before Lord Salkeen, her mind now 93% void corrupted. She turns and looks at him before growing her other two sets of arms. “Lord Salkeen?” Jericha says her voice sounding small like she is speaking from distance. She places her lower sets of hands against Lord Salkeen’s chest and abdomen, 94% corrupted. Jericha reaches up and places her remaining hands on either side of her Demon Lords face, 95% corrupted. She pulls his face down, presses her lips to his through his mask, 96% corrupted. Tilts his head slightly so that she can whisper into his ear, 97% corrupted. Presses the hands on Lord Salkeen’s body more firmly to his flesh, while wrapping the hands on his face around the back of his head, 98% corrupted. “You shouldn’t be making demands unless you truly mean them Lord Salkeen. You sound like a petulant child being forced to clean there room.” Jericha sneers as she whispers into Lord Salkeen’s ear. As she speaks the final word, she blasts Lord Salkeen with a series of exceptionally powerful void bolts at point blank range, 99% corrupted. The split second she unleashes the void bolts, the command takes hold and Jericha collapses. The void pours into her still and a ripping sound can be heard as Jericha’s body starts splitting open in different areas. Bleeding out massive amounts of void, which start feeding and repairing the archway. In the distance high up n the atmosphere a second void rift appears. Outlined within it is a massive twisted black tower. Even from the distance the screams of tortured souls can be heard. A massive bolt of power bursts from that rift and goes ripping through the sky and strikes the void rift that is pouring void magic into Jericha. After a moment the rift begins collapsing in on itself.

Ebony stands within his tower, furious at this turn of events. His Granddaughter couldn’t summon a void lord yet, he had to reluctantly agree with the Dark Master on that. The tower and other portal vanish, as Ebony departs. Yet before he does he speaks. tis a shame that Abdulbai will only have one daughter to break. Still don’t worry to much I’m certain that he will be twice as cruel to the remaining one to make up for the loss of the other. with that all contact is cut off. Yumara turns to Master Isaik “Master, please take control of the void, before Jericha explodes.”

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In his intense rage he had barely been aware of Jericha’s loss of control her blatant assault on their allies! To the demon lord the objective of utmost importance was finding Abdulbai, and getting back his daughter from wherever she now was! It was then he heard those words, like a call for help in the distance, it nearly woke him from his rage filled stupor, it could’ve if it called again… But in the end it was the command of something larger, a boom over the heavens as if the air itself carried a decree from a god!

The very words Salkeen recognized as the only creature he felt above him though at times he loathed it… The relationship with his master was complicated to say the least, Salkeen despised being commanded but the power and places Salkeen had seen because of Isaik was worth it in the end. Salkeen cast his glare upon Jericha, she was definitely growing out of control, but as was Salkeen and this whole battle! The rage, fury and power of the demon lord and Jericha had killed many enemies and allies in its wake, woth their daughter missing Salkeen saw exactly why Jericha would be acting with such insane fury! Still The demon lord would not lose another, for if he did his rage would be unimaginable… Begrudgingly, and not because he didn’t wish to listen to Isaik’s commands but because the demon lord did not wish to show he didn’t believe in Jericha being able to control herself or that he couldn’t… “Jericha you will sleep!” Salkeen called out!

Jericha appeared by him, to Salkeen she seemed confused at his very commands, but when Salkeen finally did so his commands were his will! The two enjoyed a close embrace, Salkeen asserted his will more through his connection to her, she would rest…

Salkeen’s eyes widen as he knew what was gonna happen next! In a blast of concentrated void the demon lord was sent crashing into the earth far from Jericha… Salkeen roared grabbing the earth to catch his fall, gouging the earth with his class’s and glaring up at where Jericha had just fallen… Did she dare think that Salkeen didn’t mean his commands?! Salkeen roared grabbing a Boulder from the earth ripping it free and sending it towards Jericha’s unconscious body! The boulder landed hard to the left of her shattering into pieces! Jericha would be punished when she awoke, Salkeen would ensure it, none ever disrespected him like that!

Salkeen lunged forward, His fury now wishing to be directed on Jericha… With much effort however the demon lord would refrain from attacking her unconscious body, that however would not stop him from sending fel into her! The demon lord rose his clawed hands high gesturing to the sky around him, he would call forth his power from the pinnacle of his newest creations! Roaring with power the fel volcano groaned to life again, though void now covered the cratered peak from his Jericha, the true power of the volcano was deep within! Bursting forth from the earth great burning rivers of pure fel arched through the air before impacting into Jericha with enough force and strength to crack the ground around her… Salkeen would not give up what was his lightly…

Isaik was completely unfazed by the assault on the mind controlled elementals by Jericha, he had commanded the earth itself to rise breaking the ground… There would be no support for Jericha’s portal for miles on this planet… The Master was a creature with incredible skill in the void, but the mind was his favorite play place, a shaman knows that everything that is, is alive… Isaik has taken that knowledge quite seriously, everything that is, could be controlled… As the earth elementals battled with void tendrils and tentacles Isaik glared at the sky commanding it to his will… Unlike a shaman who might ask the wind to his aid, Isaik assumed control of their minds and made slaves of the very elementals themselves! From the skies hurricane force winds further crushed the archway down breaking it apart entirely into pieces… As long as The Master controlled the very elements around them all, nothing would be built here…

Isaik was far from finished gesturing with his hands he summoned words of power and sealing in mid air, ethereal letters created from the shadows themselves… Yumara herself might notice that her very flesh had similar words appear over every inch of it, any more void attacks directed at her would not inflict any pain, but instead grant her power… The words around Isaik and upon Yumara’s flesh continued to grow spreading out across the earth, words of shadows and void that would pull upon the void… The tome desired… The tome craved… The master tome in all its power could consume the void and store it…

Isaik watched as Jericha finally went down, itwas time to relieve her of her excess void… Salkeen it appeared seemed eager to give her more fel… The same words that covered the ground merely touched her flesh leeching excess power from her body, it too would go to the tome… Isaik stood watching and gesturing moving his words of power, he understood Jericha would likely resent every bit of this but Isaik saw it as the best way… Jericha feared the tome because of its connections… This particular tome was connected to every single other tome Zalak had ever created, the very tomes used to torture Jericha were connected to this master tome… In the same way Zalak and Isaik himself were tied to the tome, his affliction was present within the tome…

Isaik grinned as he watched another void rift appeared, sending a blast at the rift still powering Jericha… Even Ebony saw the same reason as Isaik, if Jericha died here and now, neither of the dark masters would get their chance at their goals and victory…

Isaik knew the very taunt from Ebony would send Salkeen into a rage, but first it was Isaik’s turn… Sending his voice back towards Ebony through the rift his will would be heard… “I am surprised you would reward your minions failure and incompetence with a chance to further bring disappointment and loss to your plans… It is his fault your very granddaughter nearly died…” Isaik hissed a voice that might linger near Ebony… The entirety of the failure at Centralis for Ebony was now squarely placed at Abdulbai’s feet, had he done as commanded, Ebony might have won, had he done as commanded Ebony himself would not need to act to save his own granddaughter… Abdulbai nearly permanently ruined Ebony’s plans of summoning void lords… Such failure would be met with unimaginable agony to one of Isaik’s minions… Isaik would have destroyed Abdulbai in his entirety, before making a new one as a homunculi, perhaps this new one wouldn’t fail him… It is exactly what Isaik did to the original Varicar…

Isaik turned back to his minion undoubtedly still horridly injured, all that the words touch will absorb the void… It will facilitate your recovery… And mine…

The rivers of pure burning fel struck Jericha hard and true, rapidly replacing what was being purged. yet the Void still poured into her, through her. She was the doorway, she didn’t have to create portals around her, she was the portal, the rift, the tear. Those that she called forth were of her own creation, their minds were hers. Still Fel filled her seeping in from all sides, while the void within her expanded. The two forces twist and swirl around one another, coalescing, binding, joining. When they reached there pinnacle the explosion of pure chaos would rock Centralis to it’s very core. Yet amid all this chaos something else is happening, something that would prove most detrimental.

As soon as the tome comes into play, Jericha’s eyes snap open, the look of absolute betrayal twists her face horrifically. A single tear escapes before she vanishes from Centralis, fear forcing her to flee, to the only place she would be safe. Safe from Isaik and his cursed tome, still once away the void starts to filter back into her again. Jericha curls up against the bone white wall of the room she is in. Why would Salkeen let the Master near her with that book, he knew how she felt about it, he knew her fear and what it had cost her. Still he would step aside and let his Master do with her as he pleased. Loving someone had never hurt this much, it should never hurt this much.

Salkeen roared, it was a shriek or that like a pure fury, so loud was it the demons of the planet heard their masters call! Wisely armies began to move away and prepare themselves into formations for their lords inspection… One type of demon however did no such thing, the fel bats of the skies swirled into a turbulent frenzy, a whirling vortex of claws, teeth and wings flew erratically overhead their lord… His roar a call to arms, the king of the flying creatures of the legion to them… “You know how that tome is to her!!” Salkeen roared, the bats overhead calling to his rage! “I know your power, you had no reason to use that tome!” Salkeen growled his form raging with flames…

Isaik slowly turned from his position his irritation of Jericha and her irrational fear of his tome vexed him considerably… “Should I be like you? Rage filled, ruled by simple emotions and then waste the potential power around you” Isaik hissed, constantly his affliction drained him, constantly he needed to follow his minions around and ensure they could do as commanded like they were useless… “You May be one of my chosen but do not know of the things I contend with…” Isaik said low and angrily…

Salkeen hissed pacing back and forth glaring at his master, his arrogant master that always seemed to care so little for all things… “How did it work out for you? She gone!” Salkeen roared, “You can’t leech her void now… Just go!” Salkeen snarled sending flames at Isaik in rage…

Isaik merely watched unfeeling as fel fire raged around him, it could try to sear his flesh, but the act alone was meaningless, Isaik was too strong to be injured in such a way…

The mere inaction of his master only filled Salkeen with more rage! Salkeen roared his eyes burning before sending a blast at Isaik with all his rage, the impact hitting the undead creature with a burning explosion that consumed the land around him… The demon lord opened his wings before taking flight glaring back at his master, before with a great flap of his wings Salkeen took off farther and higher away! The fel bats ever present followed their patriarch to the skies, as Salkeen flew faster great trails of fire enveloped him as if he was a Phoenix!

Salkeen roared hard beforecrashing into the peak of his pinnacle, the volcano that he had made! With a great roar the demon lord slashed at the great rocky formation sending cascades of fel rock crumbling down the mountain… Things never went as planned, Salkeen had failed to get what he wanted at Centralis, his daughter had been kidnapped, a clone he had just started to like was dead and Jericha was dying… Salkeen roared again balling his fist and slamming the ground causing a explosion of rock and fel to rocket up into the sky…

Glaring st the destruction around him, Salkeen knew he would never give in… Salkeen’s eyes lit on fire, swelling great flames as he sent force his will… She would not run from him, she needed him, in some ways he needed her… Salkeen has a plan… “Jericha, You are summoned!” Salkeen roared out to the heavens! “Jericha!! I summon you!!” Salkeen roared gesturing with his hands to call forth what was his, she would respond! “Jericha, return to me now!” The demon lord hissed a command that would feel unwavering… When Jericha came Salkeen would need to summon another… The demon lord affirmed his commands to his Jericha before pulling forth a gold coin from his person and holding it tight…

Isaik stood completely still as the item of his work simply vanished… This little girl had become increasingly frustrating to Isaik, her fear of his person based on a item he could hardly rid himself of anymore… The tome was him, as he was essentially the tome at this point… If the tome was destroyed, it too would likely destroy The Master… The silence of the departure was broken by the usual suspect, Lord Salkeen… The demon lord roared with fury as Jericha vanished from his presence, his rage further taxed, his life was a mess right now…

Isaik slowly turned from his position his irritation of Jericha and her irrational fear of his tome vexed him considerably… “Should I be like you? Rage filled, ruled by simple emotions and then waste the potential power around you” Isaik hissed, constantly his affliction drained him, constantly he needed to follow his minions around and ensure they could do as commanded like they were useless… “You May be one of my chosen but do not know of the things I contend with…” Isaik said low and angrily…

Isaik did nothing as the fel flames washed around him attempting and failing to consume his form, the demon lord was hardly strong enough to cause Isaik much pain… Especially after such a feeding…

Isaik felt the heat this time, Salkeen’s rage did indeed make him a possible adversary at times… Yet still the demon lords twisted emotions made him indecisive, the demon lord as quick as his assault was, finished and the demon lord leapt into the sky to leave his unfeeling master behind… Isaik only tilted his head at the act, he would allow such disrespects this time, Salkeen was already in a hell of his own making…

Isaik turned slowly, unfeeling mostly, trying to calculate the outcomes he could to get the best possible solution… “Come Yumara…” Isaik hissed, if Lord Salkeen could not control his minion enough to save her Isaik would need to ensure the others survival another way… Isaik glared at the mess of Suzuna, killed again by Jericha… It was truly a shame… With a small act of mercy unseen by him usually Isaik directed a dark spell at Suzuna… Her form shuddered as shadows enveloped it, and sank into the flesh… In time the spell would pull the pitiful creature back together so it might live… In the mean time, Isaik opened a void rift, this time it was not to his citadel, but to the forest of Yumara’s, he had to show her something…

Sericon glanced at the screen on the vessel at the detonation once more, “I concur we will not be getting involved in that family squabble!” Sericon said putting the ship in a spin as they strafed the guardian… As they hit his friend had to loose a small comment!

“Hey now I was getting you a good shot! I can fly better!” Sericon called dodging a errant vine that swung by the vessel! The next thing made Sericon gasp, a legion of wasps swarmed the vessel causing Sericon to spin it to the left and turn the vessel skyward! He jerked the vessel hard shaking free a considerable amount of the creatures before a blast of wind sent more of the wasps tumbling away! Sericon soun the vessel again allowing for another strafe of the guardian, a string of light arrows further clearing the sky before felbats cleared the rest of them! The battle was insane light and fel flew around the battlefield Sericon took the ship low to strafe Abdulbai’s armies, they would still refrain from going near that battle of titans! A massive flash of light shook the vessel taking all power offline for several moments…

“Wyrmtongue is you would…” Sericon said grasping at the controls trying to right the system… “Working on it sir!” The wyrmtongue hissed before finally plugging in a few systems and forcing a blast of fel into the magical matrix bringing the vessel back online finally! Sericon pulled the controls saving the vessel from its crashing burning demise… What he saw made him reassess the situation…

Sericon glanced at the crew behind him, “Looks like a squabble of gods… I’m pretty sure this vessel is not strong enough to handle it… Who’s up to see if the void fighter is finished??” Sericon asked. All of the demons immediately nodded and agreed wishing no part of being in that battle that would resort in horrid death! Sericon glanced at Izzabelle, “Let’s head back, we will help them if we get a better vessel!” Sericon took the vessel higher he would not bring them anywhere near that battle yet!

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Yumara’s body had been devastated by Jericha’s callous attack on her. Her mind splintering from both the loss of her Avatar, and the fact that Jericha had just tried to kill her. Even if Jericha wasn’t in complete control, it still angered Yumara that Jericha would try and use her, to create a portal. Yumara had just barely started healing the massive amounts of damage, when she feels it. Words of power spreading out from the heart tree withing her. They flow throughout her body, etching themselves upon her skin. Yumara knows they are from Master and they will make her better, stronger,. They will protect and help to heal the damage that Jericha had caused her. As the words flow from her body they absorb the void like a sponge absorbing water. They feed Master, and the Masters tome, which rests within her. the sheer amount of void allows for some of it to be used to help heal the most grievous of her woulds. Most of her flesh and muscles had been ripped from her bones in long strips.

Everything seemed to be going well until the words came close to Jericha, before they could touch her, she woke up and vanished. Yumara’s heart and mind froze for a moment when it happened. She had tried calling out to Jericha, but realized the futility in the gesture. She looks over at Master and is about to move close, when he is assaulted by the raging firecracker. Yumara knows that Master will not be harmed, and she has more pressing things to worry about. Without Master able to drain her void Jericha would most likely die. Claiming Her, Izzabelle, and Orion, in the process.

Yumara moves close to Master, her hand subconsciously reaching for his robe. Her fingers still healing close around the soft fabric gripping it firmly. She Follows Master through the Void rift without question. The moment they stepped withing Yumara’s forest, she could feel the very essence of it, flowing around her, rapidly healing the remaining damage. Yumara tilts her head and looks around her forest, before focusing her attention back on Master. “I suppose that Salkeen would rage if we tossed Jericha into the void engine of Master’s Floating Void Citadel. I mean it must take a bit of Void energy to keep it running.” Yumara says her fingers still holding onto Master’s robes. Still Yumara fears what will happen if Jericha should parish and drag them all into death with her.

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Isaik moved forward like a specter towards the tree in the center of the forest, “Lord Salkeen at this very moment would rage at anything we do harmful or helpful…” Isaik hissed, “But That vessel takes any object of power as a resource for fuel…” Isaik continued, he moved towards the tree gesturing with his hand to call forth the tome…

From the tree the book sprang forty slowly hovering towards Isaik tendrils is roots and vines still connecting it to the tree… Isaik grabbed the tome with his right hand before hovering his left hand over the tome and with his fingers gestured away from the tome… In seconds the tome grew much thicker, filled with numerous more pages… “I call this the genesis tome… It is the first, the tome capable of my rebirth and it contains the knowledge of every one of my tomes…” Isaik explained, he wove his hand across the tome causing it to open and flip many pages before settling on a chapter named Singularity… Each chapter in the master tome, was a full fledged tome somewhere in the universe… “This particular chapter is the specific knowledge of consuming, controlling and containing magic…” Isaik continued, Salkeen may have spurned Isaik but Isaik would not willingly sacrifice his minions without a attempt to ensure their survival… Isaik glossed over the letters before gesturing to the words on the pages and pulling upwards… From the pages the words leapt up seeming to multiply several layers of the same words… “The first words are mine, each clone of words is a copy of my work…” Isaik continued, his tomes had been copied many times by many races, each word remade would create a copy in the tome…

Finally Isaik forced his hands down banishing the extra copies of words, before turning the pages of the tome again… He found what he was searching for, a spell to create a physical object of magical sealing… Something to act as a massive wall for the holder so long as they kept it near them… Isaik turned back to look at Yumara before touching her face with his skeletal hand, he moved it up her face before grabbing a lock of her hair… Quickly the master removed a single lock of hair before examining it in his hands… “This spell will work better with a better connection…” Isaik continued before focusing his gaze harder and conjuring words of dark magic… In a flash of consuming black light the hair of Yumara’s shrank and turned into a great black ring… Along the ring burning in red letters on the inside were sigils if binding, the ring would act as a seal to prevent to much void from entering its user, it would prevent madness from the whispers of the void, and finally it would help act as a focus, a point for the wearer to regain control… Along the outside of the ring burned the symbols of the burning legion and a great Phoenix…

“Should they realize that I am necessary for her survival again, I shall give Salkeen this…” Isaik hissed, to him it was merely a tool to control and contain… To Jericha should it be received from Salkeen, it might mean the world to her… Isaik closed the tome, he had the knowledge he desired from it, it was merely used as a atlas, it’s effects and taint would not be on the ring… The ring and tome were nothing to each other. The tome hovered back to the tree before nestling back within, the ring now dropped into Isaik’s claws… “Now who to give it to them?”

Jericha has no idea how much time had passed since she had gotten here. To her every moment felt like a lifetime, a lifetime of pain and anguish. Why, they say she is important so why? Did Lord Salkeen force her into slumber, just so his Master could use that tome on her. the rational part of her mind knows that Lord Salkeen wouldn’t do that. However at this moment, the irrational part of her mind was in control. To it, it seemed like Lord Salkeen had made her sleep, just so his Master could use his tome. She wanted nothing from it, so why would he… a wave of unrelenting agony sweeps through her body as capillaries overflowing with void energy begin to explode. Jericha hisses in pain and pushes herself up to her feet. She stumbles across the room, fel, and void, leak from hundreds of holes and rips that are appearing all across her body. Jericha isn’t stupid, she knows that she cannot control the amount of Void flowing through her. She knows that at the rate t of s flowing not her, she will be dead in a few hours. The Fel that Lord Salkeen had fed her, had given her hours that she didn’t have before. Creating a Void rift, she steps through it, and into a expanse of nothingness, chanting beneath her breath she summons forth thousands of portals, from them void mutations crawl, seep and pour out. Soon the entire ground is alive, with the horrific macabre of mutations. They drag their half formed twisted forms across the ground. Void corrupted organs dangle from partially formed bodies…

Even in the midst of her madness she can hear him Summoning her, Lord Salkeen was calling her back, and she would be forced to return to his side. She could fight it while his Master was near, yet once he was gone… Jericha summons a vortex of void around her, and bring forth the strongest shield she had ever created. She wasn’t taking a chance, If Salkeen’s Master insisted on trying to use that tome, she would…

Jericha screams as veins, and arteries start to burst. Bones start to shatter and organs swell up and explode. She looks down and watches as her body starts to become Ethereal. She cannot ignore her Lords summons, she can feel herself being pulled from her sanctuary, back towards that place. His Master must not be in the immediate vicinity. Still when she appeared, even if she was dying, she would be prepared to fight. She would fight to the death, and beyond if necessary.

In an explosion that sends fel debris rocketing High into the air Jericha appears in a swirling vortex of unimaginable void energy. The rapid deterioration of her form evident for all to see. She holds herself up on one knee, and looks across the Volcanic crater, to where her Lord Stands. She can feel his power, his anger, his fel, emitting from him in waves so powerful that, she is almost thrown back by the sheer force. Lord Salkeen’s rage cowers Jericha a little. She desires nothing more than to be near him, yet she didn’t trust, she couldn’t trust. The irrational part of her mind begged and demanded that she flee… she was in danger here, she wasn’t safe. The sane in her brain, suddenly comes back into control. It knows one thing, Jericha belongs to Lord Salkeen, he had summoned her and she would go to him. She starts limping towards him, the void claiming more of her body, and mind with each step. Part way her legs succumb to the destruction and she is forced to drag herself using her hands across the ground. Bloodied Shattered fingers dig into the fel riddled earth. When she reaches Salkeen she looks up, one whole side of her face is split from her right temple to midway down her chest. Void tendrils slither out from the edges ripping it further. She speaks into his mind Lord Salkeen…please… then she grows still the Vortex of void around her becoming the storm of the century. She trusts that Lord Salkeen will not let his Master near her with that tome, or anything created from it. That and her mind and body had reached their maximum pain tolerance. About this time Lord Salkeen would start to feel Jericha’s mind fading away. Within Yumara forest, Yumara herself would begin to appear Ethereal. Orion can feel a flux in the time he controls. Izzabelle brings her hand up and watches as her fingers slowly disappear into wisps of white smoke. They still had a few hours, but as Jericha faded so to would they.

Yumara listens as Master speaks, let every word sink in, the tome housed within her was so much more. She would always keep it safe, any that tried to destroy it would be met with a permanent and painful death. She watches as the words are pulled from the pages and float freely about, before Master ceases them, twisting them to his bidding. “Masters Now that Orion’s been made aware of the dire circumstances. He will hopefully return soon and repair the original focus.” Yumara says while watching the Master cast his magic. Just being n the presence of it, made Yumara feel at home, it calmed and restored her center. Not since his death, had anyone or anything felt like this, she would stay with and by Master until death as long as she was physically able to do so.

Yumara doesn’t even flinch when Master removes one of her hairs. She gazes at Masters hand as he once more begins to work his Magic. She watches as the hair shrinks and reforms itself into a ring of the blackest obsidian. It’s power can be easily be felt by her. She grins slightly as the burning legion and Phoenix symbols start to etch their way around the band. “Master Jericha will not except the ring, even made from my hair, especially made from my hair. I house your tome, it is a part of my very being at this time. Jericha trusts me even less than she trusts you, because of it.” Yumara pauses for a moment to think, she wished there was a way to at least get her the consider taking the ring. “Perhaps using Something of Salkeen’s to form the ring would make her more acceptable to it. Still even then she might reject it, she is irrationally fearful and distrustful of the both of us. She views any spell from that tome, any gift from us as a way to control and destroy her. Jericha will see it as us trying to take control of her, and the power she possesses.” Yumara let’s out a long irritated sigh, Jericha was so freaking difficult to deal with at times. The fear that Master was trying to gain some form of control over her, magnified her other fears to points of irrational unheard of levels of sheer insanity. “Still I wish she would understand that we are trying to help her. Doesn’t she understand that I wouldn’t let anything destroy her.”

Yumara looks at the ring it truly was a piece of magical art. “Master I’m nearly certain that Jericha will not take the Ring from Salkeen, nor would she allow him to use it on her. She will know that it is not of him, or from him. At this point she desperately fears and despises the both of us. Knowing that I’ve started to form some sort of Symbiotic bond with your tome, she will not accept anything that she believes we had a hand in creating.” Yumara stares at the ring for a few more moments. Jericha wouldn’t accept it, even if the spell and the words were Masters, they came from the tome. They were lifted from it, they would bind her to it. No Jericha would not except it, Yumara also believed that if Salkeen tried to force it on her, it would end everything

Izzabelle laughs as she squeezes the trigger, letting loose a barrage of fel missiles on the wasps, void monstrosities, and Nedde’s wretched minions. “It’s alright dear,” smirks “your advanced age was bound to catch up with you at some point.” Still grinning she opens fire on a group of corrupted dryads and satyr that are lined up on one of the gigantic trees sprouting from the Guardian

The flash of light stuns Izzabelle momentarily, causing her to be thrown from her seat, as the vessel lurches and goes into a free fall. She watches as a Wyrmtongue scrambles about pulling this from that connecting that thingamabob there , to that whosamedingit, over here. Before long simply blasts the matrix with a good dose of fel, bringing it back online. Sericon pulls them from their nose dive, before the legion fighter could face plant on the fel cracked, void infused earth. Being this close to the ground gave Izzabelle a better view of the situation happening.

Izzabelle takes one look at the chaos and nods “I fully agree with you and our Demonic compadres. Going anywhere near that battle in this vessel would be suicide. So let’s go check on your Void Vessel Shall we.” Once far enough away Izzy would move from where she was closer to Sericon. “Help them, I don’t think the makers themselves could help that group of crazies.” Izzabelle exclaimed tossing her hands in the air.

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Ahcirej wept at the loss of her daughter, for she was her daughter, created using her body, her blood. Not her mind however, still the connection was there, and it was real. So Ahcirej wept tears that would never fall from non corporeal eyes. She had wanted so desperately to protect Ahcire, Yet now she was gone, lost to her just like she was lost. Trapped forever in a limbo between living and dying. Unbound she could move about freely, yet unless she found another area like the one from before, she would… Ahcirej’s thought are cut short as Jericha’s full void potential in released. She screams mutely in rage and despair. She had caused this, she was the one who had asked that Lord Salkeen destroy the amulet that bound Jericha’s Void. Ahcirej had though it only an object that was used sto Jericha from utilizing her power. Now she understood it was much more, now that it was to late to take back her foolish words. She watches in horror as Jericha attacks Yumara, destroys her guardian, completely shreds Suzuna, and then strikes out at Lord Salkeen in her Madness. It all come to a crashing halt as Master Isaik appears and moments later Jericha Vanishes.

Ahcirej watches as Master Isaik, and Yumara, step through a Void rift that he creates. She follows them through, she wishes to talk to Master Isaik. Ahcirej has no idea where she is, everything around her is shrouded in a deep thick fog. She is unable to interact with anything and everything in her current predicament.

It is when Master Isaik Talks of giving Jericha the ring that Ahcirej finally speaks. “Master Isaik, might I ask you a few Questions about the ring? Is it bound to you, is it bound to the book? What I’m asking is this, is the ring is used to control the overflow of void that filters through Jericha. If yes where does that overflow go, does it feed you does it feed the tome?” Ahcirej stops to gather up enough energy so that she might speak once more. “Of all I am the one who has had the closest connection to Jericha for I was her. What You have to understand Master Isaik is this. Jericha fears that book above all others because it is yours. Jericha fears that you are trying to control her and her power, because of this she fears, and hates you. These feelings magnify the irrational phobia she has of written spells.” Ahcirej is forced to stop once more as she runs out of the energy that she needs to speak. It is a few moments before she can converse once more. During that time her body fluctuates a few times, shimmering in and out of existence. “Master Isaik, neither you or you Phylactery exist in Jericha’s mind. She cannot see you, all Jericha can see is Ebony and the tome he ripped spells from that he used to break, and control all aspects of what she is.” Ahcirej starts to disperse into the air around them. “Don’t trick Jericha into taking the ring, give it to her yourself. If it feeds you and your genesis tome, explain that to her. If you are not trying to gain control of her, open her eyes and make her see you. As long as she sees shades of her Grandfather when she looks upon you, she will never accept and always flee from you.” Finally Ahcirej vanishes.

A frantic voice booms into the minds of all around They come, two who will claim the lost child. They come, two who carry with them an object to banish the dark and the fel. The come, two who will usher the witch of the void back into the sanctity of the light. They come, Make your choice Lord Salkeen.

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“Hah healing to a bunch of corpses!” Smuggs laughed, he glanced at Victur quick who began to seal up the nether rift it was unlikely they would be followed… “Brought is near our lonesome friend I hope?” Smuggs asked Victur pushing his rifle into the snow to prop himself up, he was getting much to old for this…

“You up here you old bear?? Smuggs called shuffling forward in the biting snow, Fushan had to choose here to repent and reflect… Smuggs sighed he hated the snow, that damn panda could’ve chose a tropical island or somewhere nicer in Pandaria but no he chose the very top of a ice cold mountain! Smuggs rubbed his arm together, they aches from the fighting and damage sustained earlier… Even with the healing it ached… But something was becoming more out of control as the others…

Smuggs knew it was the reason Isaik had such access to Smuggs when he was caught… Smuggs did not worry about the cold when he decided to peak under his armor at the affliction that plagued him, green leprous skin had been covering most of his body, the constant fighting and healing only fueled its growth… The affliction messed with his mind causing his aggression to rage out of control!

Smuggs came back to reality glancing around some more in the freezing snow before finally seeing a giant ball of fur sitting alone high on a rocky outcropping…

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