Ered’Kiels Desolation (IC Closed 2)

Smuggs felt unnerved by Sericon’s tale and Izzabelle’s worsening condition… This was more serious than he thought… He would need to get back to Raveintis on everything he knew… Now that Sericon was awake, it did give him a ample opportunity to leave the group… She wasn’t alone with Fushan now, not that he would ever do anything harmful…

As Izzabelle ducked out the front door Smuggs pulled out a gadget and furiously began to tinker with it. He needed to call a ride, he needed to rearm, he needed to go back to Stormwind…

Smuggs worked tirelessly before accidentally nudging the egg within his armor… It forced him to stop… How did he truly feel about this beast? It was a abomination… A genetic monster, the creation of a mad gnome under a dark mad man… The thought of it made him shudder in sickness, perhaps it was morally right to just crush the egg and it’s monster out of existence…

Smuggs took the small egg from his best and into his hand, he could do it too, crush the shell and kill it before it was even born… Scenes of Gnomeregan played in his mind, reminding him of the other monsters he had seen… Troggs crushing his people into sickening bloody splatters… Orcs, a hideous race, rampaging through the snowy mountains, killing dwarf and gnome alike… The thought appeared of his daughter, her mangled body, twisted in agony but a jeering smile locked on her face… The thoughts only drive Smuggs more to crush the infant, his hands closing over the egg, the slightest sounds of cracking as Smuggs began to tighten his grip…

Fushan had seen enough, Izzabelle’s state was pretty dire. The whole state of the pain these people had gone through hurt Fushan inside… As Izzabelle ducked out the door, Fushan walked out the back door, seemingly in his own hurry… As Izzabelle moved down the stairs, Fushan walked on air opposite of her planning his own interception… In a split second she was below him, Fushan moved smoothly as he made it to her level and reached out to press his thumb to her forehead.

As he touched her a new feeling might erupt, calm… Her mind would be calm! Fushan was not just a shaman of amazing skill, he was also a trained monk, his path was just that of befriending the elements… Fushan silent for those earlier moments did see the damage inflicted on Izzabelle… Fushan calmed his own mind welcoming the tranquility of the water, He would do what he could to slow or heal the damage to her soul… Fushan pushed healing water over her, it would flood over her trying to heal her body and soul… “I apologize… I did not ask, but if I had waited…” Fushan whispered channeling his energy into healing her.

After letting the water heal her for all it could, Fushan took a step back and bowed his head, he would accept her actions towards him for healing her… “I know you just met me, But I know you more than you think…” Fushan said respectfully, although he didn’t know Isaik, the dark master wasn’t the only one that could see glimpses of the future… “The elements, told me, you are more important than you know.” Fushan whispered.

What should of calmed her mind did not, the split second Fushan’s thumb lightly grazed the burning flesh of her forehead, Izzabelle reacted. She flips backwards whipping out her blades and striking out at the tea drinking panda ,she thought was a friend. She isn’t slashing out to kill but to keep him away. She has no idea what he plans to do, she won’t let anyone else mess with her. She feels like her mind is being attacked, that makes everything much worse. Had she feared the wrong people manipulating her mind. Or were none to be trusted. Her wings rip free from her back as she prepares to take flight. “I trusted you, how could I have been so foolish. You are no different than him, doing whatever you think is right.” Izzabelle screams at Fushan.

Izzabelle sets her body ablaze with the fel flames, burning away as much of the healing waters as she could. She takes flight shooting up into the air… Some of the physical damage to her body is healed, as well as some of the physical damage to her soul. The mental and emotional damage however worsened as Izzabelle rages. She opens dozens of miniature rifts all around her. She fires force blasts at the Pandaren She now views as an enemy. These are meant to knock him back away from her. “Of course you didn’t ask, nobody ever freaking asks! Oh no! don’t ask the little rogue girl, we know what’s best for her.” Izzabelle spits out along with over a dozen of her spiders. They rapidly grow taking up defensive positions all around her… “I will not let my mind and body be continually manipulated, I’ll fight until my death if I must…”

Although much of the physical damage had been healed. They healing had nearly destroyed what was left of her mind… The emptiness of her soul was much more noticeable now that the physical pain was gone… That pain was beyond comparison to anything that she had ever remembered feeling… She screams in pain and rage turning her fel on her self she tries to destroy her own soul… tries to set it ablaze once more… ‘Get the hell away from me… you are the same as them… the exact freaking same. Is the Gnome even free… or was this all part of Master Isaik’s plan to destroy me. I will not let that happen…” Izzabelle shrieks in fury as she rips into her body with her own clawed hands… Tearing away chunks of demonic hide and muscles. She shreds one whole side of her face, leaving the flesh and underlying tissue draping in bloodied strips from her face… Her spiders beneath her command begin attacking her. Biting into her flesh they release their toxins. which begins slowly dissolving the the bodily tissue around it. “I will destroy everything… you had no right.” When she says this… she no longer sound enraged, she sounds broken… she cast blind on Fushan then Vanish on herself before taking her nearly destroyed body and attempting to flee, less this new enemy attempt to harm her further.

She makes it as far as the shore when the pain becomes to much… She drops drops fro the sky and collapses to her knees. She opens her mouth and speaks… “Ebo…” but nothing else comes out. She feels like she has been immersed in frigid water, it numbs everything. She feels like she is being attacked but is unable to understand why. It doesn’t hurt, it feels like anything at all. Her body feels heavy, yet light… she is walking on air, while sinking into the ground. Her body is dying multiple deaths all at once… All the deaths she had recently suffered from, her body is going through again. Yet she feels more like a visitor watching the process, than the actual owner of the body, in which this was happening… Thousands of deaths all happening simultaneously… not just to her body… but to her soul and mind as well… As the magic keeping her alive begins to erode, Izzabelle feels terror… but also a sense of relief knowing that soon none will ever manipulate her again…

She lays sprawled out on the sandy beach… her body broken and mangled. She rolls partially onto her back, her fragile broken wings snapping beneath her. She gazes up at the blue sky… would Jericha miss her at all… she is certain the great and powerful one, is breathing a sigh of relief… There’s one nuisance I no longer have to deal with… she lifts her twisted fel burnt clawed hand up into the air. Watching as the flesh dries and cracks it resemble centuries old paper, before crumbling into dust, vanishing completely… Tears drop from her eyes and roll down her face as she sees and feels her body turning to dust… Soon her hand and part of her forearm is gone… Other parts of her body begin drying up and eroding as well…Her face, her leg, her left hip, part of her lower back… everything turning to dust… that dust vanishing and leaving nothing behind, not even microscopic particles. This process isn’t only happening to her body it is also happening to her soul and mind… She cannot think anymore… was there something she was forgetting… the sky is such a lovely… to visit the Sun Well… floating in a sea of fluid… who was she? What remains of her lilts lifeless to one side as death claims her. Her body continues eroding becoming nothing but dust in the wind before that too disappears.

About a third of Izzabelle’s body is gone, more of it rapidly vanishing, when a heavily cloaked figure appears. His power flows off of him in waves. He reaches down and easily lifts Izzabelle’s broken body from the ground. Turning away from the sea, he walks away taken her with him. Ahead in the distance a portal appears. If one listens they would hear the sound of bells.

The blades cut deep into Fushan’s paws, but he did not flinch, he felt her rage and he deserved the pain. He had been trying to save her life, but in his haste he had made mistakes, mistakes he had to atone for.

The shaman felt her words and let her berate him, he could tell her he followed the elements plans, but it would do no good, Fushan could see that now…

Fushan took the blast as well, feeling her fury he stayed low, never responding to her attacks with violence. One didn’t need to ask when a planet needed water if they had eyes… Still this was his punishment for acting so rash.

Fushan said nothing, keeping his head bowed, he could do nothing to help her if she fought him… She began to rip her own flesh apart once more, a sight that only saddened the old pandaren.

She looked as if she was trying to commit suicide, Fushan had to wait, if she dropped from the pain and near death, he would try to heal her back to consciousness again, if she harmed him again so be it, he would never raise a hand to harm…

Fushan stood ready to feel her wrath once again, as she threw the blinding sand however the wind knocked it away… Fushan in great sadness watched the broken women crawl away broken, dying… He had failed… With a great heave of sadness wind enveloped the pandaren and he vanished without a trace… above them all in the hut he called his own the lights extinguished, and everything was silent, Suut was gone… The wind itself stopped blowing, the waves barely making a murmer… Fushan had to atone for his mistakes…

The lights abruptly went out leaving Sericon and Smuggs in the dark silence… The suddeness of it caused him to stop his assault on the small egg, Smuggs set it down on a nearby dresser and walked towards the window… He saw it, another dying, Izzabelle wasting away before finally ceasing to move… She was retrieved by a man in a cloak, before he walked back through a portal with her… Smuggs was devoid of emotion, he literally couldn’t begin to try and feel, it was not unlike the days of how he felt after he lost his family… The gnome looked down, there was nothing left for him here, Smuggs watching as Sericon moved towards the window decided to duck out the back…

It would be a long trek back to Stormwind… He first had to head south to Paw’don village… The gnome slipped down the stone spire with great speed using his electric staff to help him down via a hook and metal cable… It took only moments for Smuggs to reach the beach a bit south from where Izzabelle had died, he could not face that place and instead dove into the dense trees of the jade forest…

Sericon nodded, but she had seen it a bit off, his mind was not messed with by the master, Salkeen’s mind was his own. Maleok has been altered, but only increasing aggression and brutality, beyond that he was nearly the same… Sericon had even seen the old Maleok still show its self when he was alone, holding a small crystal feline… Sericon could have informed the masters of such behaviors but he didn’t… Maleok seemingly returned the favor at times…

Sericon tilted his head, had he destroyed everything she was? From a Azerothian point of view he could see that, but Salkeen and Jericha were more than that now. From the point of the burning legion they had merely made Izzabelle stronger, more durable, deadlier, what they did to her they would have seen as a gift. Sericon certainly had felt gifted when he had been given the power he now wielded…

Sericon nodded he would return with her, they would bring with them their side of what happened! Varicar has acted out in attacking the group! No doubt it was faulty programming Sericon thought.

Sericon tilted his head in confusion, her mind was being destroyed? Sericon didn’t even know how to begin to help with that, he could destroy, his healing was nonexistent.

Sericon finally spoke but it was a small part of how he felt. “I think your wrong.” Sericon said, he could continue, but he was still worried about her being destroyed… demons lords couldn’t show caring, it showed weakness…

“I could have chosen death.” Sericon reminded her, though he didn’t choose death. He knew in his heart that the master could cure him, but that required a give and take. Izzabelle spoke like the master just readily gave up such things, but did a farmer just give his crops away to the wandering lost? Sericon could ask, but he just never got around, he had become something different. Plus what would the price be to fix ones mind? Sericon watched her walk outside and down the steps. Fushan seemed to follow…

It wasn’t long before Smuggs had his own problems nearly crushing the life out of the egg he held, the lights extinguishing halted everything… Smuggs places the egg down, but Sericon quickly snatched it up, part of Smuggs still cared for the creature even if he couldn’t see that now… Smuggs moves towards the window before the color drained from his face, Sericon moved to see as well…

On the beach head was the body of Izzabelle, lifeless… It wasn’t long before a cloaked man came to take the body away… This was it, a dramatic incident so profound it did something more to him… Sericon looked out and yelled in pain and rage, hellish green fire consuming his form and burning out around the hut utterly destroying it! Sericon stood on the edge of the stone spire falling to his knees, she was gone… He was alone… He sat there dead of emotion watching the spot she had once been… What would happen now?

Yumara’s foot comes down on what is left of Reavrix’s skull, the heal of her boot grinding it into dust. She speaks in a soft voice that echoes across the chasm that separates Master, and her, from Salkeen and his little minion family. “You think you are so great… so powerful… In many ways you are Salkeen. Yet if it had not been for Master, you would be nothing but a forgotten set of bones, bleaching in the outlands sun.” Yumara moves closer to Master but doesn’t grab for his robes this time. “It makes me laugh knowing all the power you possess, is because Master, saw the potential in some dying wretch in Outlands…” Yumara lets out an angry hiss, Why did she always do this, she wanted to come to some sort of comprise with Salkeen. Yet whenever she spoke with him, her brought out the worst in her. She had watched as the child she sheltered grew into a beautiful young woman, even with her demonic attributes. She had watched as Orion attacked Salkeen’s mind and he retaliated by destroying him. In return she had destroyed Reavrix.

She finally reaches for Masters robes, her fingers close over the soft material gripping it slightly. “Master, It wasn’t Orion’s death that made me retaliate. Orion could have gotten away, he was testing Salkeen.” Yumara lets out a sigh as she turns to face Master, keeping her mind and body ready for an attack, she was sure was coming. “Salkeen Killing Orion… actually killed Izzabelle as well. You see what most don’t know is. Izzabelle’s immortality comes from Orion’s time magic. Decades ago her mind, body, and soul were destroyed while protecting Jericha. Orion used his time magic to bring her back.” Yumara shakes her head, she wasn’t even sure if this was anything Master cared to know. “You see whenever Izzabelle dies or takes a massive amount of damage. Time reverses undoing the physical damage. With Orion choosing to remain dead, the time magic will stop working. Every death Izzabelle has suffered, all the damage the time magic reversed will be undone, over the period of moments.” She looks at Master. “I didn’t think Orion would let her die, but still, he was rather upset by the damage that had been done to her, Master.” With a sigh she turns to face Salkeen’s wrath with a little of her own.

Salkeen snarled in irritation then rage as Yumara took Reavrix and killed him in the most brutal of ways… She was trying to rob him of his victory his prize! “You think his death will stop me? This whole world is inhabited by demons who have seen the Maw of the Damned! I will find Nihilam!” Salkeen roared at Yumara, he readied himself to attack.

Salkeen growled low like a beast, if Orion didn’t wish to die he wouldn’t have assaulted the Phoenix, the lord of hellish flame! Salkeen roared getting ready to launch into action…

Salkeen had heard enough, launching forward he would inflict upon Yumara a new cursed scar that made the other pale in comparison. Salkeen crashed down upon Yumara’s position, like a burning infernal! The demon lord rose from his slammed position glowing green eyes amongst green and black fire…

“You are nothing as well you heartless wretch! You are filled with his influence, at least I am free!” Salkeen roared before sending a blast of fire towards Yumara again! Salkeen was nearly ready to launch forward again his rage was being enhanced by his feelings of Izzabelle’s death!

“I am my own! I lead the armies because I was the best!” Salkeen growled pulling back from his burning assault. Salkeen readied himself for retaliation and prepared to fight this battle for the long run… His own punishment was not even a fleeting thought on his mind.

Isaik nodded his head, he had suspected that kind of magic was in play around them in a way. Orion was a sometimes irritating being that interfered with Isaik’s plans but his own power was considerable.

“If needed I still have my own tricks to try and bring her back, yet I suspect she is not as gone as she seems…” Isaik said knowingly, he still spied on Izzabelle a bit, mostly through Sericon’s eyes… The poor elf was ever so distraught by her death, the gnome had fled no doubt to inform those who needed to know nothing… The curious part was a pandaren, someone Isaik knew nothing about… However it had seemed Izzabelle still had a bit of Isaik’s or something worded influence… She sent the unknown variable away…

Isaik wondered if he should commandeer one of Salkeen’s commanded minions to go tie up the loose end… Isaik knew it wasn’t just Salkeen who would die to the mark of the warlock… Isaik himself was also destined to die from a creature with that mark… Smuggs has to be eliminated, lest he inform him of Isaik’s plans.

“Varicar…” Isaik commanded telepathically… “Take care of the loose end… Dead or alive… It matters not to me…” Isaik communicated before ending the link. Isaik had more pressing matters, Yumara and Salkeen were closer than ever to a full blown fight of ages, Salkeen nearly burned the area next to Isaik, however the master had much practice with fel, he feared it not.

“Go then, fight…” Isaik said to his minions… “This will be the last fight however, whoever wins the other must submit with respect…” Isaik hissed, he had just permitted them the duel of ages, the winner would be the dominant being, the loser would be forced to show respect forever… Isaik didn’t say it but this duel gave neither winner commanding power over the other, it was just meant to finally curb the aggression. Isaik turned to Yumara, “I will take Reavrix’s soul… It was never Salkeen’s in the first place… It belongs to another…” Isaik commanded, he didn’t say who but it was someone in particular who had suffered more under the demon lord than every other.

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Yumara said nothing, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if Izzabelle completely died this death. Nothing could save her, nothing could bring her back. Every single part of Izzabelle in existence, spiritual, mental, physical, no matter where it was, when it was, why it was. Or how it was. It wouldn’t matter, who, what, when, where, why, nothing could stop the complete obliteration of every aspect of her being. There would be nothing left… not even a microscopic particle… Still she says nothing, Master is extremely powerful. Although there’s times when she sees him as being just as arrogant as Salkeen. Yet unlike Salkeen, Master had the power to back up his arrogance. “Master is right, I don’t think Orion will let Izzabelle truly die…”

She turns towards Salkeen, a let’s out a mocking laugh… “You poor, delusional, little man, you just keep right on telling yourself you are free, and one of these days it might even be true.” Yumara tsks and shakes her head with sadness. “Tell me Salkeen, was your brain always this badly damaged?” Yumara sarcastically asks with mock concern lacing her voice. As the fiery blasts of Hellish fel flames crash down on her. Yumara with a simple twist of her hand, creates a vortex of frigid magical water. That dances. twists and swirls around her, offering protection to every part of her. The magic water purifies and douses Salkeen’s raging flames. What little flames make it through Yumara easily extinguished without much of a thought… She gives Salkeen a rather exasperated look “are you even try…”

“Are you now… and you think I am not? You have no Idea why Master must have the control he does of me…” Yumara doesn’t strike back as Salkeen ends his fiery assault. She has no reason to actually fight him, He killed Izzabelle, she killed Reavrix. In Yumara’s eyes they were even. She would however protect herself from his attacks. “You lead armies because you were the best. If you don’t mind me asking… what happened. You lost two ships, got two of your minions killed, and you cannot even protect Jericha without signing a contract.” Yumara sighs as she speaks Jericha’s name. The way she feels for Jericha hasn’t changed in the slightest. Even though Jericha now despises her, she would never do anything that would make her unhappy. Jaseiah was needed, that’s all Yumara knew, that is why she sheltered her instead of destroying her like she had promised. Of course Jericha was never one to understand these types of things. Attacking Salkeen would upset Jericha, and that isn’t something she will do. She prepares to defend herself from Salkeen’s.

Yumara releases Masters robe and steps away from him. “No! I will not fight nor will I ever submit with respect to Salkeen. If after all you have seen me do, with what you know about me, you would say this.” Yumara moves further away from Isaik with each word she speaks. “I’m not just some pawn that you can put into play, to battle against your other pawns in some twisted game of power.” Yumara begins slowly burning away the tentacles within her. “I came back to you Master because I needed you to keep me in balance not destroy it.” Yumara suddenly experiences the feelings of hate despair and betrayal she had felt when Rogal had left her… then she remembers that she had wanted to transcend to leave this world and life behind her. Then she had become bound to Master, and that had changed… now however…

Yumara pulls out what resembles a small black puzzle box. Trapped within this box is Reavrix soul. “Of course you may have it Isaik, I have no need for it.” She tosses the Soul Prison to Isaik watching as he catches it with ease. A split second later her forest both here and aboard his vessel turn into dust, as do all the living twisted fey, and regular fey creatures she had created. With Orion choosing to remain away, the time had come to demolish these mortal bonds, while her guardian was playing dead. Through it all though she doesn’t drop her defensive stance. Just because she didn’t see the point in this… didn’t mean that the ever volatile Demon Lord didn’t.

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Jericha watches as Lord Salkeen, attacks Yumara for her destruction of the pathetic has been god. He tears into her both verbally and with that of his exceptionally powerful fel fire. Unlike before Yumara seems to now be able to protect herself from him. Jericha lets out a low growl of rage, that shouldn’t be, Salkeen’s flames should be like the worse of tortures to her. She was suppose to be Lord Salkeen’s obedient little pet, for thirty days. That was before his Master… as she thinks of Isaik her heart rate speeds up to dangerous rates… her breathing co es in quick gasps. With Lord Salkeen right next to her she still felt the overwhelming fear, the inexplicable need to flee. Still she was able to remain by holding onto him. He was now off trying to bring a Yumara to cower before him, in reverence and respect to him and the power he wields.

She feels a light touch on her arm and jerks her hand away. She turns to lash out with a blast of void. Stopping suddenly when she sees Jaseiah stumble back a little, surprise and concern in her eyes… ”Mother?” Jericha suddenly fears what Isaik might try and do to, and with Jaseiah if he got his hands on her… she suddenly gets this horrible vision.
(Jaseiah is strapped to a table with heavy iron bands. Her arms and legs from just above the elbows, and knees have been torturously removed. Rotting flesh, and strips of tissue, dangle from the destroyed appendages. Her face had been surgically removed, the top of her skull had been sawed off. Her brain or what remains of it sits in a nearby dish, carved up like a thanksgiving turkey. Her breastbone is split in half, and spread wide open with the use of large steel forceps. There’s a large X slash across her abdomen, then flesh is pulled back and cruelly sewn in place. There’s a rancid smell of death and decay, coming from the gaping pit in belly. All her digestive and reproductive organs had been ripped out. They now float in formaldehyde filled jars, placed on shelves throughout the room. Still she could see the heart moving as if controlled by some twisted magic… the lungs expanding and deflating as they did the impossible.)

Jericha Shakes her head… to clear the vision. There was no way she would ever let him have Salkeen’s and her daughter. She would not be some creature for him to dissect and experiment on. She needed to get her away from him… she needed to get her somewhere safe. She suddenly grabs Jaseiah’s arm and pulls her behind her back, putting herself between her daughter, and Isaik’s construct. “Do not come near my daughter…” Jericha snarls at Isaik’s puppet. Who seems to be looking at her like she has lost her mind. Jaseiah pulls away from her and scowls… ”I’m capable of protecting myself…MOTHER!! And I don’t sense any danger coming from her either.” Jaseiah says pointing at Ahcire. Jericha rolls her eyes “She is the twisted creation of a dark twisted evil man, to manipulate and destroy those around him.” Jaseiah lets out a short mocking laugh… ”That’s the pot calling the kettle black…Mother! Was it not you who tried to completely obliterate me as a fetus…” Jaseiah smiles at the surprised look in her mothers eyes… ”Yes Mother I know, I know everything. Don’t play the part of the concerned parent… it’s sic…”

She doesn’t finish what she is saying because Jericha backhands her right across the mouth. “You will never take that tome with me again, or the next time I will kill you.” Jaseiah bows her head… ”I’m so sorry Mother… I misspoke, I will try my best to see that it doesn’t happen again.” Jericha nods turning away she opens a void portal to her room aboard the Ered’kiel, she couldn’t remain this close to Isaik any longer. She looks at her Daughter, your Lord Father will take care of that nuisan…”

Jericha’s anger at Yumara suddenly vanishes as she realizes something is dreadfully wrong with her.

Ahcire hugged this new what felt like a sister back! “I am Ahcire, the best attempt to recreate you, I guess they really like us. But now your born! Happy birthday!” Ahcire cheered while she hugged Jaseiah.

Ahcire had felt something when Jaseiah was born, as if she was no longer whole. Ahcire never truly had any true piece of Jaseiah except for some dna but now that the real one existed it meant Ahcire was just a copy, a shade of the original. Now that the real Jaseiah was back what would they do with me? Ahcire thought woefully, she pushed the thoughts down, she was still like Jaseiah, in a way, like a fraternal twin made by other means Ahcire still felt like a person.

It was already as she feared, thought not born of Jericha, the connection between Jaseiah and Jericha was apparent and a small piece of that did exist in Ahcire, whether it was by magic or emotion, Ahcire herself had felt like a sister to Jaseiah… Jericha to her was a mother that didn’t want her… It began to leave a hole inside her, sure Ahcire wasn’t born but made, but did that mean she didn’t deserve a mother?

Ahcire felt a bit better, she had Jaseiah there to try and bring them together. Ahcire was a strong individual but the thoughts of the mind did things when you realize you were just a copy. Still Jaseiah’s words made Ahcire feel like she belonged, she wasn’t outcast.

The continued fighting had a toll on Ahcire… She wished to stay by her sister, but her mere presence had caused Jericha and Jaseiah to fight. In total silence Ahcire backed away, isolating herself from the group… “It might have been better if she was never made…” the thought rang out in Ahcire’s mind… She was becoming quite susceptible to whispers…

Jaseiah hugs Ahcire close, she already saw her as a sister… like a fraternal twin. “You were recently born as well yes? so that means both of our birthdays are today… So we are like twins?” the thought of having a twin greatly pleases Jaseiah.

Jaseiah had spent centuries floating in a sea of darkness. Missing vital part of herself, knowing that her mother had wanted her destroyed all because of her Father. Not the new father that claimed her, but her original Father. She would never tell her mother this but she actually viewed the one that carried her for all these years as her real mother.

Jaseiah actually having pieces of Ahcirej inside of her notices things. She notices rather quickly that Ahcire is separating herself from everyone, that wasn’t allowed. Jaseiah doesn’t care what her mother said, Father wouldn’t mind if she spoke with her sister. She walks away from her mother and approaches Ahcire. Reaching Ahcire she takes both of her hands in hers. “You are my sister, it doesn’t matter how you came to be, or whether or not Mother! excepts you.” Jaseiah turns and sticks her tongue out at her mothers back… showing that she still has a bit of child inside of her. “We are more alike than you could possible imagine. We are both creations of others… You are the creation of science and magic. I’m the creation of Magic and nature. I wasn’t born, I spent centuries trapped in a sea of darkness.” Jaseiah shakes her head sadly. “If you think having mother despise you is bad. Try having her stab you as a fetus, she quite literally destroyed every part of my soul mind and body that had any ties to my father. Then she tries to kill me, but she was to weak from all the fighting, and the killing of all those people. She gave me to Yumara to be destroyed, instead Yumara healed what she could and sheltered me.”

Jaseiah stops speaking and looks over at Jericha… Mother has been afraid for a very long time, and that fear has permanently scarred her mind. I know this because a part of me was once part of that mind. The one she sees as your creator, possesses something that terrifies beyond all other things. When he brought this into her presence, her broke a fundamental part of her psyche. Now in her mind anything that Isaik, has a hand in creating is out to destroy her. I also believe she is upset that a part of her was cloned without her permission to do so." Jaseiah suddenly feels that if she continues talking about Jericha things might not turn out so well for her. “Enough about mother.” she points to the spirit cat that is laying close to Ahcire’s side… “Who’s your friend?”

Throggore landed on a soft sanded beach in Pandaria… The mask affixed to his face still covered with night elven blood… Throggore turned to glare at Varicar… “They never send me to retrieve targets… I eliminate targets…” Throggore said in a deep distrusting tone.

Varicar glared back, “You were seen as similar in characteristics to the target.” Varicar retorted, he had never been fond of the Assassin and his lack of loyalty…

Throggore gave a low chuckle, “You found someone who hates them as much as I do…” Throggore turned away he was done speaking to that undead flesh puppet. Throggore checked his weapons, the Orc was clever also having so many daggers in his belt, three on each shoulder, many in his cloak… The Orc pulled out a small vial examine the contents within this particular glass was a neural toxin, the toxin would slowly paralysis whatever Throggore was trying to kill. The clever old Orc also had vials for every other kind of poison, and even enhancements in a bottle. Throggore nodded to himself, this would have to do…

First the Orc would try to lose the dead weight, the undead bag of flesh behind him hardly had the same ability in stealth and infiltration that he did… Throggore dove into the trees, his large body surprisingly more agile and flexible than it looked, he would be a murmur on the wind, completely undetectable by everything… Throggore used his skills and disappeared in broad daylight… Much to Varicar’s annoyance…

Throggore paused in a nearby branch glancing down at the homunculus below, it seemed Varicar was possibly getting new orders… But would he send Throggore or take care of his problem himself? The Orc moved on, swiftly moving through the trees until he came upon a beach… Above them all on a rocky pillar recently rocked by a fel explosion was Sericon… The Orc concealed nearby observed the target first, by his intel Sericon should have been close to Izzabelle…

Throggore cast his gaze left seeing a cloaked man carrying a rotted and dusty corpse… Was that his target? Throggore was not some errand boy to send to pick up corpses! The Orc crept forward slowly, careful to not be noticed…

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Sericon in despair and agony looked up to notice a man taking Izzabelle away. The very thought hurt him, she was not to be treated so! Sericon gathering his strength leapt from the rocky pillar into the ocean below, with a blast of fel he rocketed from the water and began to approach the unknown man on foot. “What do you think you are doing?” Sericon growled slightly, a feeling he was not entirely accustomed to.

Sericon lashed out casting fel fire to the left of cloaked man Sericon demanded answers! Sericon sent another blast into the sky basically broadcasting their position to anyone nearby! He would not just let done stranded take Izzabelle away!

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Orion approaches feeling a little off in this form, he was more powerful in it, and sadly that was going to be needed. He speeds up time around himself, to more swiftly get to when and where he is needed. He sees her on the beach quickly eroding away. He doesn’t have much time, Izzabelle is wasting away faster than she should be. Which meant she was choosing death, she was so broken that she saw that as her only means of ending the pain, and emptiness. Orion however knew she was needed, even if she did not. However he would not reverse the damage done or reactivity the magic on her body unless somethings were first taken care of. There was no sense in him saving her, if she was simply going to suicide. Orion had been inside of Izzabelle’s mind, he knew that if things remained as they were, he would let her die.

Bending down he easily lifts what remains of her body. She is much to light for her own good, and rapidly corroding. “I’m sorry I know you are hurting, that you feel empty, alone, and that you are sure that no one cares.” As he speaks he slows time on Izzabelle’s body, he cannot stop it but for now he has time to get her to the place where she might still be saved. “I can assure you that people do care, and that you are more important than you think. Still you won’t believe that, a broken mind, and soul, cannot easily believe the words of others. Especially the words of those, who hurt you so badly. I will promise you this, should the two choose not dissolve that foolish contract, and you still choose death.

Orion took notice of the Orc moving silently through the trees. Did he think he wouldn’t be noticed, Orion wasn’t some measly mortal out for a stroll with a corroding corpse. Nor would he allow him anywhere near Izzabelle in the state she was in. With a nod of his head, Orion slows time down on the Orc so that he would now be moving as fast as, cold molasses going uphill in the dead of winter. As he slows time on the would be Assassin, he speaks into his mind. Tell whoever sent you, that you will not claim your prize this time. Tell him that there might be a day she returns to him, but it will not be this day. Orion speeds up time around himself and Izzabelle there wasn’t much time left, and he wasn’t talking about Izzabelle. The binding keeping his charge locked to mortal form were snapping, he needed to get back to her. But first he had to get Izzabelle to that place. He nearly reaches the portal when

Orion scowls as the fel fire heats up his left side as it blasts past him. He did not have time to deal with this, he turn ready to blast whoever is demanding answers…and stops before firing a tiny beam of light at Sericon, one that will only strike him. It wouldn’t matter who tried to intercept it, it was meant for Sericon alone. When it struck Sericon would feel no different, it would feel no different that having someone shine a small light on him. “Only those baring the Mark May enter through this portal. You wish to save Izzabelle then follow me. I will explain what I can once we are inside, neither of them have much time.

With that both Orion and Izzabelle step through the portal, as they move through it. Izzabelle’s presence completely vanishes, as they exit the other side. They are in a room one that seems to go on forever. Within this room are trillions of doors, gateways, portals, etc… every inch of space lacking a door is covered in clocks and other time devices. Above them in the sky is a clock so large that it would darken all of Azeroth in its shadow. He hears a startled Yelp and places Izzabelle on her feet. Having just recently experienced many deaths she falls onto her behind, and scoots backwards away from him. “Sorry but time is short, you cannot leave this place Izzabelle, none of the doors will work for you. I know you seek death but please listen to what others say Izzabelle… you are very important.”

“You lie Orion, they all lie, Sericon is the only one that hasn’t. Salkeen ripped my soul to shreds leaving gaping hole before setting it ablaze. Then he decides I’m worthless and signs a contract to give me to his mind manipulating Master.” Izzabelle screams as she stumbles to her feet and runs to the nearest door. “Jericha who I literally died for and devoted myself to for decades just let it happen.” She twists the knob and pulls, nothing happens. She weeps and pulls harder, beating her fists against the unrelenting wood, before stumbling to the next door. “I thought foolishly that I could perhaps trust Master Isaik… but that Contract destroyed all of that, it shows that he cannot be trusted to keep his word, that he will destroy my mind like he did Maleok’s, I cannot and will not let this happen. Smuggs lost my trust when he attacked Sericon.” She reaches the second door, like the previous one it doesn’t budge. Tears of rage and frustration fall from her eyes as she beats against the door for all she is worth. Before dropping to her knees… “You lost my trust when you dubbed me a traitor, Varicar when he attacked me, because he believed you… without giving me the option…” Izzabelle stops speaking for Orion had just vanished,

Pulling herself back to her feet, she notices for the first time she is whole. Her body was back to the way it was before Jericha came to speak with her, in her ghostlands estates. A time when she still trusted, before her body, and soul were destroyed. She knows it is only the magic of this place making this possible… she stands alone before muttering. “Sericon I’m sorry.”

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Sericon went into a defensive stance before the light harmlessly impacted him. Sericon didn’t entirely trust the man but it was unlike he had much of a choice! The elf rushed forward after the two and into a realm he hardly understood.

Sericon didn’t know if time moved differently but when he entered he saw Izzabelle alone and muttering to herself. “For what?” Sericon said sitting next to the non-demonic women. Sericon felt a bit lost in such a place, but to his own mind it wasn’t that different then the twisting nether or a powerful demon lords lair.

“So… Is this how you looked before you joined the legion?” Sericon asked sheepishly, it was alright but Sericon actually did like her more demonic attributes. It might have been the fact that Sericon had been apart of the legion for a long time now, he didn’t see anything wrong with demons at this point.

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Throggore felt magic try to affect his location, already he began to reverse such effects, a cloak imbued with anti-magic properties helped him move forward, the slowing effects still plagued him slowing him considerably… As Sericon crossed through the rift Throggore could only watch… The Orc then dropped out of the time magic, free to move…

The Orc thought about his options, they would reappear somewhere, he only needed wait long enough… Throggore ducked into the nearby trees vanishing completely…

Fushan appeared far away, on the icy slopes of Mount Neverest, the old shaman needed to meditate far from the rest of the worlds outside influences… In his brass actions he had caused much pain and turmoil to the events at hand, he would remain on the mountain until he had atoned for his folly…

The pandaren day in a meditative stance as the harsh cutting winds lashed around him, they would act as his punisher, the cold starkness helping him truly understand…

Fushan meditated deep, the day he had met Smuggs, a cheeky little gnome who came to Pandaria around the same time the alliance did… There was much war, but Fushan saw good in the gnome, he had lost so much, his gnomish heart heavy with it… Fushan has even heard the gnome crying out at night, reliving the loss of his family…

A few months later after Smuggs had moved on, Fushan had met Throggore, a deeply conflicted Orc that was wildly unpredictable… Sipping tea with the orc, Fushan noticed he seemed friendly and outgoing but ready to use force if he felt threatened. Fushan watched the orc encounter a mogu, the Orc turned disturbing serious and emotionless when fighting, but reverted back to his normal ways after finishing the fight. The oddest part was Fushan once spied the orc sending gold to someplace in Orgrimmar, along with it was a note he handled with care.

Fushan has learned much from theses two races not from Pandaria yet still it had not completely grasped how to speak to people like the newly met Izzabelle… So the shaman continued to meditate, listening to the wind howl and scream, listening to the earth below him for guidance…

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Varicar watched over Throggore, he would effective at tracking down Izzabelle, the fighting between the two might cause some issue however… This line of thinking drained away as he was given instructions from Isaik…

Varicar nodded nearly robotically, the gnome would be dealt with… Varicar looked up to see Throggore had vanished… Varicar growled slightly he despised when he did that… Varicar rushed forward he could still track Throggore from his mental link…

Ducking between the trees Varicar launches into a nearby branch then cane down in a small clearing… “We got two orders now…” Varicar droned, much to his displeasure Throggore appeared behind him. Varicar hater that the orc was skilled enough to do that…

Throggore growled, “Let me guess the puppetmaster demands something from his pawns?” The Orc muttered taking out his sword and sharping the tip…

“We are to also eliminate a loose end of the masters, a gnome with advanced bio-engineering and moderate marksman ability… Dead or Alive…” Varicar droned, “Izzabelle was locate?” The homunculus asked in a demanding tone…

Throggore spat to the ground beside him while glaring at Varicar… “Another high tier being has retrieved Izzabelle… With some preparations I could deal with it…” The Orc snapped.

Varicar tilted his head, “Failure then? Perhaps we should invoke your contract terms? I wonder how well he would fair with your task?” Varicar threatened…

Throggore stabbed the ground near Varicar, “I am more than capable! Leave him out of this!” Throggore growled…

“Very well…” Varicar hissed arrogantly, “We will kill the gnome then…” Varicar commanded gesturing forward, if they moved that direction they would overtake the gnome and end the loose end…