Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

If Jericha dies all the ones that care for Salkeen will end up dying with her. Then Salkeen can die and it won’t much matter, because I would no longer be rping.

Still There are things that I don’t want to do. Things that have destroyed my own characters stories and my wishes on how they played out. You have a pretty good idea that Salkeen is the most important to me. That can be used to make me destroy my characters stories. I don’t like completely ruining a story that I have created for them.

So now Salkeen is being threatened two more times besides just Raveintis, and Fushan, lovely.

Everyone is dying, dead, or leaving, so you cannot blame me for being confused, especially when so many things are happening. You need to make your presence known amid all the chaos old bear.

Having spent over 30 years tabletop rping, there’s been times where evil has come out victorious, and times where good prevails. I don’t buy into the trope of good must always defeat evil, I find it to be tedious and boring.

The way I see it the split second Lord Salkeen dies, Jericha dies. When Jericha dies Yumara, Orion, Izzabelle, Ahcirej, and Jaseiah all cease to exist as well. Besides you can easily make anyone that you want stronger that Lord Salkeen. I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t make Zodal or Arcar stronger than Lord Salkeen. The again I wouldn’t be surprised if we had to fight either Skalaz or The Juggernaut either. Thomus is most likely a threat to his life as well. We cannot forget Zassion or Smuggs either. Plus the biggest threat being Isaik himself.

Sorry but it might take a few days to write replies. Having Salkeen threatened after destroying Izzabelle’s and Jericha’s story to save him. Has me honestly questioning whether I wish to continue rping. I really enjoy rping with you, I just don’t like the feeling that I have to constantly destroy my characters to do so.

Is not apart of the four that can kill Salkeen, they might fight but Salkeen won’t die.

Raveintis could but now can’t, you have him countered with Izzabelle and Sericon.

I agree, evil can win, but Salkeen is on the side of ultimate evil, ultimate evil is a bit harder to let win.

To be honest he was considered, he has motive and story with Salkeen as well as a plast that he might wish to rectify. However it is not Zodal or Arcar.

I knew you could do it! Correct guess! However Skalaz is currently countered so at the moment he would never kill lord Salkeen.

Also Correct, but at the moment Isaik is currently double countered. Salkeen is on Isaik’s side, so why kill a loyal minion? And Isaik has Yumara, who will die if Jericha dies, who dies if Salkeen dies. Isaik though could kill Salkeen, won’t bevause of his situation.

Thommus actually is not a threat, though he seems like a powerful and dangerous guy, he will not kill Salkeen, he doesn’t have the power.

You only missed one guy! I know it’s surprising that it might be the one guy that has no clue what’s going on!

I am sorry as I didn’t mean it to make it sound that way. Salkeen at the moment is in no realistic danger. His death and the only death not countered could only happen if we skip straight to trying to summon void lords to become a god. I didn’t mean to make it sound threatening, but my mind sometimes run a weird logic loop, a+b=c. The logic loop now only states bad guy group + summoning end game void lords = failure and death! It’s why Isaik has a sort of sight so I can make it a good fight.

When I meant Fushan is important, I may have also meant in the most paths I made for Salkeen to easily survive this whole thing, fights with Fushan doesn’t end with death it only causes a mental shift. I try to make the story more a surprise but for Salkeen to be redeemed or atleast move away from the path of ultimate evil, to a nice a slightly better dark but not truly evil, Fushan is the fight. It’s all about that redeemed arc!

Originally my villains were just gonna die after the story, Isaik was never meant to survive. His death meant Salkeen would be left with anyone who survived the heroes quest and no back up. This of course is assuming Salkeen stayed pure evil. But that redeem arc, it was crafted when I found out Salkeen was a loved character.

It’s more or less I’m not trying threaten Salkeen as much as I made death scenarios for all of my characters. Each one has many paths that lead to victory or death. I’ll say a good hint, Skalaz will never become one that will kill Salkeen as long as Isaik is alive, Isaik is Skalaz’s counter by merely existing and having his effect of Skalaz’s mind. This was made so if the two highest tier characters, Raveintis and Isaik were somehow killed off via assassination of some kind, the story continues through the protege clause, which means the protégés also get the new motive to be for lack of a better term throughout.

So since I think I’m rambling, to reiterate, Salkeen is under no true threat right now, he is highly unlikely to die. I just thought you would enjoy the dark hero arc, which is why Fushan is important. I do apologize for breaking Izzabelle’s and Jericha’s story arcs, I did not know that would happen.

There was a reason that I fought so hard to keep Izzabelle with Jericha, and Salkeen.

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Well it would seem that I am limited to only three posts in a thread I will have to look around and hopes that it will fix itself.

Unfortunate perhaps his level is too low?

I got questions! I need Izzabelle’s official age! I am nothing if not throughout, if Isaik is making her a past I’ll be making a complete life plan to remember all the way from age 4! I will probably need any memories she currently remembers.

From the time of her actual birth until now, she is about 123 give or take a year or so. Because of her time spent with Orion, Yumara, and with Jericha in Ebony’s Tower she has actually lived about 620 years yet all those years were erased with the loss of Jericha. The one thing Isaik cannot do is but in any sort of memory that even hints at Jericha or Lord Salkeen. She doesn’t remember, Myrandah, or her daughter. She doesn’t remember that she was raised by a Gnome she drinks like a dwarf. She remembers being attacked by trolls as a child and watching her family murdered. She doesn’t recall much else until she is older. She has memories of a void Elf Captain, but she doesn’t recall his name. She just knows that she referred to him as captain. She remembers a Goblin bringing her tidepod mead ale once. She remembers battling inside of the flesh Titan, but she cannot recall why they were fighting.

Isaik could put into the Izzabelle’s mind the knowledge that he knew a timeless Elf. However she would never have met him, just knows of his existence. Then she won’t attack when she sees him. Same with Yumara, he cannot put in memories of her or any images of her in any of her forms. Still he can weave into n a nature goddess that has recently joined that she has yet to meet personally. The only ones that he cannot even allege to are Jericha and Salkeen, not even as being that she hasn’t met.

Also she remembers Varicar, and Maleok, although there’s some gaps, the also remembers, what she referred to as the pulled pulling Orc. Hope that helps a little.


But no Reavrix?

Would it be ok to put images of these individuals so long as they were completely undescriptive like the silhouette of a shadowy figure in the masters cave domain? I have many minions doing tasks around my domain, sometimes they are preoccupied with other tasks. I emphasize that these images would be with no faces, no voices, literally like the old lower than level 10 characters from the old forums.

Understood, I’m unsure how to deal with them anyway in regards to Izzabelle. I am unsure if the master should just never mention them at all or atleast say he has a legion division but that they are not important to Izzabelle.

The only last thing I need, is the exact memories of Sericon’s first appearance. I’m tempted to ask with the others but they aren’t as important as Sericon is.

If he was the one that gave hervte tidepod mead ale then yes

When they where in Sericons Vessel flying within the Flesh Titan trying to explode it from the inside. Reavrix was in the skull fighting Salkeen, and Jericha. She recalls it because neither Reavrix, Jericha, or Salkeen where part of the scenario. Had they actually been fighting the demon her myself she wouldn’t have any recollection of it.

As long as they were shadowy silhouettes with no discerning features of who they were then yes. Like he wouldn’t be able to show Orion changing from man to cat.

I figure it’s important for Izzabelle to meet Salkeen and Jericha. It’s just that her relationship with them will be starting as brand new. Never met or heard of them before. But seeing as how I gave up what I did so Izzabelle could be there to fight Raveintis in Salkeen’s place they are most likely going to be working together. She wouldn’t see either Jericha or Salkeen as being important, especially if she feels that she is needed to save their sorry backsides. She will probably see him as being weak, and point that out to him. Besides even her if she doesn’t remember them, I finally removed Izzabelle from Salkeen’s contract with the knowledge that she and Sericon would still be with them after their training was complete, so that they could fight Raveintis when the time comes.

Her first memory of Sericon is the first time she met him aboard the Ered’Kiel on a mission to destroy an artillery compound of a rogue Demon Lord. However her most prominent memory of Sericon would be of him Holding her hand and pulling her through the Artillery compound racing to his ship.

Take Varicar for instance, she has some memories of fighting by his side, her last memory however is of him Trying to pin her to the hull of Sericon’s vessel after attacking them.

Love how knowing that Jericha was just going to step aside, you somehow forced her into fighting Salkeen.

Don’t worry Lord Salkeen you two can do your thing without any interference. Also I won’t break or destroy anything in the Juggernaut’s lair. I plan on being completely on the defense for this particular scenario. Ducking, dodging, evading, shielding, void shifting, while you Battle the Juggernaut.

Izzabelle: I don’t see you purely playing defense Jericha.

Jericha: Why is that?

Izzabelle: The moment one of the Juggernaut’s creations attack Salkeen, you are going to lose it.

Jericha: Lord Salkeen said to defend myself, that’s what I plan on doing.

Izzabelle: But he also said that it’s a place of strength, and that you will be tested. That means both your defensive, and offensive strengths will be tested.

Jericha: Lord Salkeen knows how strong I am, that is all that I care about. I don’t need to prove myself to others.

Izzabelle: Just because you don’t feel the need to prove yourself to anyone but Salkeen, Salkeen might feel differently.

Jericha: Elaborate please

Izzabelle: You stand at the apex, you are Salkeens second in command. When Salkeen is away or unable to command, you must step up to the plate. Like it or not to remain by his side in the eyes of the Legion. You will forever need to show all beneath you that you possess the strength to stand by the side of the Demon Lord.

Jericha: Why do I need to prove anything to them, besides I have no desire to rule Lord Salkeen’s Armies.

Izzabelle: as his queen it is your job, it’s also your job to show how powerful you are, because everything you do reflects on him. If you are seen as being weak and avoiding battle, he will be seen the same way. As Salkeen said he doesn’t keep weak people by his side.

Enjoy fighting the Juggernaut waves

I didn’t mean to force her so much as in my vision of the place we are going with the Juggernaut it wasn’t built for innocent bystanders. Every time this way is used it’s just Salkeen so there has been no need to wait for the individuals entering to be ready, they should be ready when they arrive.

The area we are teleporting into has several automated devices that will try to capture or injure the people inside. Some of these things are strong enough to really harm, it has to, to be a challenge for Salkeen.

The lair of the Juggernaut is just as massive as the Kiln in a way, we will be in a testing arena of sorts. The finished metal works are used here, tested on each other, captured slaves, or Salkeen himself. Things that are destroyed to quickly get their schematics scrapped, while things that accomplish or nearly accomplish their goals are further produced.

Mostly the Juggernaut will focus on Salkeen because they have done this many times before. It’s like a bromance.

This too!

I don’t believe a word of what you are saying Salkeen. Almost everything you do is premeditated, you knew from the start that Jericha would have to fight.

So the whole shielding, void shifting, and evading, isn’t going to work. They will keep attacking until neutralized, or destroyed?

Like seriously all he really needs beat you Salkeen is a Skull, and a ventriloquist.


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Premeditated? Entirely I have the whole rp planned out, however I never seem to be able to guess your reactions! I was planning this entrance with the Juggernaut, first time I created the whole story.

This is where I assume she would fight, again I can never quite predict you.

Correct but only because they were built to test Salkeen who normally would destroy them.

Too bad your memory is gone.

Salkeen? Are you saying you never realized that Jericha doesn’t actually like to fight. She likes to torture, to cause pain, suffering, fear, despair, hate, death…etc. Not only does she like to cause it, but from you she also likes to feel it.

She is probably going to bring down some of the shields containing her uncontrollable void, just so she can blast away the things even faster.

Now it will be interesting to see what Ahcirej will do.

(I am always unpredictable and keeping you on your toes.)


Taramis would feel touched that someone even vaguely remembers him. Most try to block that out. //slap

I’ll see myself out now.


I could never forget the Captain, :champagne: I also have mentioned him in the actual rp. Ebony created a shade of him to attack her while She was trapped in the nightmare maze.

Did he have to fight to obtain the miniature reaver? No, however being more inline with his demonic lord the felblood likely stabbed the Gan’arg that had the miniature reaver anyway! Can’t let those lesser demons think they are superior to a Blooded…

As to what it is for, Ahcirej will be able to shunt into the miniature reaver correct? I’m only using it as a way to transport her to the Juggernaut’s domain, it mostly human sized so it can be teleported which I wasn’t sure Ahcirej could do as unbound. Second as this area is supposed to be obscure and incredibly hard to locate, I felt it might suit better to enter through the way designed to enter the hidden place.

The great subterranean area that is owned by the Master, Skalaz and The Juggernaut starts in the hinterlands and arathi Highlands coast, it takes a lot of effort to keep it hidden. The elementals around the underground domain have to be tortured and mind wiped to ensure they don’t tell the nearby Wildhammers of the darkness nearby. It was one reason the spot wasn’t gonna be chosen, and silithus almost won!

Earth elemental, “A great darkness stirs under the earth here!” Shaman, “You mean the silithid?” Earth elemental, “no.” Shaman “C’Thun?” Earth elemental, “no.” Shaman “than what?” Earth elemental, “I can’t remember…”

Compared to here the current spot. The elementals just don’t go around the kingdom, something in their mind says stay away…

As for Ahcirej and the reaver, It is meant to be totally temporary, once we teleport, she can ditch it for just being unbound or any machine in the arena.