Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

I don’t believe a word of what you are saying Salkeen. Almost everything you do is premeditated, you knew from the start that Jericha would have to fight.

So the whole shielding, void shifting, and evading, isn’t going to work. They will keep attacking until neutralized, or destroyed?

Like seriously all he really needs beat you Salkeen is a Skull, and a ventriloquist.


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Premeditated? Entirely I have the whole rp planned out, however I never seem to be able to guess your reactions! I was planning this entrance with the Juggernaut, first time I created the whole story.

This is where I assume she would fight, again I can never quite predict you.

Correct but only because they were built to test Salkeen who normally would destroy them.

Too bad your memory is gone.

Salkeen? Are you saying you never realized that Jericha doesn’t actually like to fight. She likes to torture, to cause pain, suffering, fear, despair, hate, death…etc. Not only does she like to cause it, but from you she also likes to feel it.

She is probably going to bring down some of the shields containing her uncontrollable void, just so she can blast away the things even faster.

Now it will be interesting to see what Ahcirej will do.

(I am always unpredictable and keeping you on your toes.)


Taramis would feel touched that someone even vaguely remembers him. Most try to block that out. //slap

I’ll see myself out now.


I could never forget the Captain, :champagne: I also have mentioned him in the actual rp. Ebony created a shade of him to attack her while She was trapped in the nightmare maze.

Did he have to fight to obtain the miniature reaver? No, however being more inline with his demonic lord the felblood likely stabbed the Gan’arg that had the miniature reaver anyway! Can’t let those lesser demons think they are superior to a Blooded…

As to what it is for, Ahcirej will be able to shunt into the miniature reaver correct? I’m only using it as a way to transport her to the Juggernaut’s domain, it mostly human sized so it can be teleported which I wasn’t sure Ahcirej could do as unbound. Second as this area is supposed to be obscure and incredibly hard to locate, I felt it might suit better to enter through the way designed to enter the hidden place.

The great subterranean area that is owned by the Master, Skalaz and The Juggernaut starts in the hinterlands and arathi Highlands coast, it takes a lot of effort to keep it hidden. The elementals around the underground domain have to be tortured and mind wiped to ensure they don’t tell the nearby Wildhammers of the darkness nearby. It was one reason the spot wasn’t gonna be chosen, and silithus almost won!

Earth elemental, “A great darkness stirs under the earth here!” Shaman, “You mean the silithid?” Earth elemental, “no.” Shaman “C’Thun?” Earth elemental, “no.” Shaman “than what?” Earth elemental, “I can’t remember…”

Compared to here the current spot. The elementals just don’t go around the kingdom, something in their mind says stay away…

As for Ahcirej and the reaver, It is meant to be totally temporary, once we teleport, she can ditch it for just being unbound or any machine in the arena.

It s nice of you to get Ahcirej something she can shunt into. Still I think I might not of been clear on something’s

1: Ahcirej can basically go where she wants, she doesn’t require having a body. She could go from where she is now, to Argus, to Azeroth, back to the Kiln, hop over to Centralis, and then to Draenor, all in the period of moments. She just has no form.

2: Ahcirej can create a living host/body for herself. It just only last for around an hour before crumbling into dust. She cannot shunt into them but she can give herself a living form. Yet she cannot do this more then twice a day, even then she needs to wait hours between times. Also once she has a body she is stuck until it is either killed, or it’s time runs out.

Yes she can shunt into the Reaver,

her consciousness can go almost anywhere she has been, or to a place she hasn’t been if either Jericha, Salkeen, or Isaik, are there. Once there she can move, and discover other places. Like from the Juggernauts layer she can move to the Artificers layer…etc. Best probably to have her shunt into the Reaver, not only will she have access to its abilities but to her own as well, like her fire, holy light, and healing magics. She would remain in the Reaver until an opportunity to upgrade into something stronger presented itself.

also I wish the transmog would show the shield when It’s on her back,

It’s been a while since I last posted with Jaseiah, so I hope her post is okay.

I amuse myself, quite a bit with this stuff hopefully it amuses you too.


Awesome post from Skalaz, I loved the Taller comment.

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Pandaren wisdom, if one has a hearthstone to ones location, might as well use it.

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All the posts were great, Isaik did a wonderful job, with Izzabelle’s memories.

Now it is you who will act, as soon as the elves embrace, Izzabelle get a resurgence of memories, all the way up to meeting Sericon in person for the first time.

Most of the enhancements were destroyed by the oblivion curse before they could take effect.

As this has not happened yet, she is only partially enhanced.

Here’s hoping that the post is okay.

If you get this do not change Isaik’s post

Jericha was actually weakened by it.

Weakened for now does not mean the actions we did will not empower us later, The Juggernaut is a being of great tactical ability and skill. The weapons and armor produced from the all forge should now be better attuned to each of the combatants nature’s. The little arena bout may have seemed like a waste of time but I guarantee to you, I try to put loads of thought into every place we go.

Salkeen what skull did you consult about this? Jericha doesn’t use your armor, or your weapons. While it might have powered Ahcirej it did nothing for your void witch, except perhaps drive her more insane. Which in and of itself is quite a feat.

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