Did he have to fight to obtain the miniature reaver? No, however being more inline with his demonic lord the felblood likely stabbed the Gan’arg that had the miniature reaver anyway! Can’t let those lesser demons think they are superior to a Blooded…
As to what it is for, Ahcirej will be able to shunt into the miniature reaver correct? I’m only using it as a way to transport her to the Juggernaut’s domain, it mostly human sized so it can be teleported which I wasn’t sure Ahcirej could do as unbound. Second as this area is supposed to be obscure and incredibly hard to locate, I felt it might suit better to enter through the way designed to enter the hidden place.
The great subterranean area that is owned by the Master, Skalaz and The Juggernaut starts in the hinterlands and arathi Highlands coast, it takes a lot of effort to keep it hidden. The elementals around the underground domain have to be tortured and mind wiped to ensure they don’t tell the nearby Wildhammers of the darkness nearby. It was one reason the spot wasn’t gonna be chosen, and silithus almost won!
Earth elemental, “A great darkness stirs under the earth here!” Shaman, “You mean the silithid?” Earth elemental, “no.” Shaman “C’Thun?” Earth elemental, “no.” Shaman “than what?” Earth elemental, “I can’t remember…”
Compared to here the current spot. The elementals just don’t go around the kingdom, something in their mind says stay away…
As for Ahcirej and the reaver, It is meant to be totally temporary, once we teleport, she can ditch it for just being unbound or any machine in the arena.