Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

What do you mean? Was it something I posted or this neat helmet?

You know me so well lol, Neat! :scream: neat! :scream: you look like some horrifying nightmare crossbreed between a creature from Alian, and Species darling. :grimacing: You chose the most horrendous looking headgear. :slightly_frowning_face: Still anything is better than that horrific horseman monstrosity. :weary:

I will try and get more posts up today, if not then I will have them up tomorrow sometime. By the way Sericon’s post was awesome I loved it.

It the best green fel like head gear I got besides those goggles! I know they look good in game and on portrait but I have to doodle my characters. I can’t get those damn goggles right so I removed them, we will see if I can’t doodle this one better.

I’ll try to find a better piece of gear, probably running black foundry normal for the green one. But right now it was the only way to get back into Sericon’s character, if I get too bored I try to race change them and he can’t race change! Think of it like a scary helmet, underneath is still the great Sericon, outside of the helm it’s like lord Vader and demon warrior into one.

I’ll be posting on Throggore next, it is ok if while posting for Throggore that I would be allowed to give Rick actions? I would only be having them engage in combat and rather than typing Throggore lunges, Throggore stabs, Throggore kicks. It is much more flowing if I make Throggore lunges and Rick blocks the brazen attack in a clash of steel!

Yes you can give Rick Actions

Actually I quite like Suzuna, Lord Salkeen, she would probably be one of the few that I would actually call a friend. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be with you right now. So I have much to thank her for. However I am somewhat insane, and horribly cruel. I like torturing people and seeing them in pain, friend and foe, alike.

Lhashira is a different story, I’m going to have so much fun.

Sorry my dear this may have been a typo, it meant to say “wasn’t.” The goblin may be a bit nuts, as Orion can see but wasting Izzabelle away for no reason? He doesn’t like wasting time and the Master would be rather infuriated as well…

So as I said, Skalaz would not be pleased but is trying to see this logically, he doesn’t want to destroy the elf! He doesn’t want to be recognized for failure!

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I might also suggest Orion stays not only because Skalaz wants to help and Sericon is there but because Rekkagg is supposed to meet them soon.

I will say that while Skalaz would not be happy with Izzabelle’s close shave with death Rekkagg would be! Infact Rekkagg might show emotions akin to jealousy! Dying just feels so good…

Don’t mind him, he is crazy, meshing minds and dying so many times does mess with head a bit… But when he’s not jealousy fantasizing about killing or dying he’s quite a useful minion.

Superb post on Orion! Beautiful! Was great in every way! You can have Orion take them for a second or have them stay I’ll figure the next post out.

Glad that you liked the post, Orion Will be taking Izzabelle and Sericon to his realm/space, to fix up Izzabelle in his next post.

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I did some extra research, infernals are considered constructs, they are not alive. However the lore regarding them is tricky as they do have souls apparently. The infernal is most like the guardians patrolling silvermoon. It was not my intention to force Ahcirej into a living creation as they are not technically alive but a machine made from magic.

If you desire I can change the infernal to a mini fel reaver. I only chose infernal because I knew them better.

Though after much consideration I am sure I could find other things for Ahcirej to shunt into. How about the robotic arm of a Moarg? You wouldn’t be in a living thing as it is a completely mechanical arm, that I assume could with some effort be detached. That way since we don’t have a easily available walking mech you could control his arm much to its displeasure… Or if you don’t wanna beat up some poor Moarg forced to let you control his arm, I could rip one of the consoles from the ship and make them carry you!

I’m sorry I didn’t do that earlier, these ideas only just came to me now! But it’s way better than a minfernal.

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Yumara raises her hand. “My vote is for the Mini fel reaver, especially if she gets to blast your egotistical, overbearing, backside at least once…Please”

I myself kept thinking of this, I can see Salkeen calling a Moarg over. (I believe that left hand on the Moarg brute is supposed to be mechanical, you can see it bolted to the skin.) Ripping his arm off, and saying “Carry this to where my minion desires!!” The unfortunate Moarg then has to walk around with his own severed mechanical arm.

What you think?

Lord Salkeen you do realize that I’m perfectly capable of traveling without a body. Also if desired I could simply move through the network, of consoles and Mainframes. like if you were to open up communication with the Kiln I could just transfer (aka upload) myself from the Ignis’avim to there.

That is true but would it be as fun as a demon brute forced to carry you around and mourn the loss of his arm? If you desire I could just let her aboard the Kiln’s systems, but I was gonna walk her around before doing so, also we were heading out immediately to go get her body.

If it’s ok with you I would edit Salkeen’s post for a choice between either post.

Also they should already be in connection with each other. The Kiln is Salkeen’s version of his citadel and base like the other commanders have.

yes you can edit his post, to give her options. then I can edit Ahcirej’s post, I mean she has options. She can as she said create a living form of sorts it just doesn’t last more that an hour or so, as she told Lord Salkeen earlier.

also if he just leaves how will he know if anything he does will actually work

In other news Sir Righteous Rick goes into a complete beserker rage when his face is messed with. As Faendrel discovered.

“It’s his overbearing arrogance, and mental constipation, that convinces him that he knows all.” Waves at Salkeen.

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Correct! Also I finished I hope it works but I gotta go back to work before I can edit more!

Very eager to be the destroyer eh? Must I wait? The arrogant demon lord? Why do you forsake me!