Eranikus "not accepting transfers"

im just about ready to unsub to blizzard… tired of this billion dollar giant failing its customers at every point.

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First off, Blizzard’s CS is some of the best in the industry. No, it’s not ideal right now with the confluence of events that have led to massive queue times, but it’s just temporary. It just takes patience.

Second, as companies get bigger and reach that “billion dollar” point, they do become more corporate and professional, and in turn, that can be seen as cold and/or uncaring. This is an issue with most companies.

If you feel the need to unsubscribe because of this, then best of luck to you. That’s definitely your choice as a consumer. But it’s better to take a deep breath, step back, and understand that humans are working as hard as they can on these issues, and patience is definitely a virtue.


I read through this thread and admittedly I’m a little lost as far as the actual status of the situation (intentional vs bug).

I’m new (have only played a few months) and all of my friends are on Eranikus :frowning:
This is definitely a crappy experience for everyone, Blizzard’s support included.

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this is the most up to date blue post on the situation


It does not appear to be intended, Flexenjoyer, as the Community Manager Kaivax mentions in the post Pumperita linked (thanks for that, Pumperita).

We don’t have any additional news, but it is considered high priority from what I’ve seen of the reports.


I was hopeful with their update, but I’ve tried the free transfer option from both the shop and the queue page.

What’s even more hilarious is that I have the invisible mail problem lmao so even when/ if the transfers are resolved, I’m still stuck! (and yes, I’ve read all of the articles I could find about ghost mail, unfortunately)

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Thanks for the update, Vrakthris!! I’m relieved to hear that it’s a priority and not intentional. I can cope for a few days or however long until it get fixed :slight_smile:

I was mostly worried I got into this game yeeears late and couldn’t even play with my IRL friends


Post in this thread. Vrak has been trying to help people with this, so they can transfer:


The mail shouldn’t bother you. It was from some Scourge event stuff but it’s gone now. :slight_smile:


Really?? I’ve been checking periodically throughout the day and it still says that there’s mail there (as of this post) but not on a random Death Knight I made.

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times. It’s not fair that Vrak gets four legs. Always too fast.


omg king!! I just checked (literally checked a few minutes before) and it’s gone.


i didn’t know you literally meant it was personally gone from my mail. you are the best!!!


I have a character named haymish that cannot disband his 5v5 team on benediction. i fear when the transfer bug is fixed I will miss my chance to transfer because of this. is there any way you can help me or point me in the right direction? /teamdisband 5v5 does nothing and ive disabled all addons. when i try to xfer it says cant because of being leader of arena team… ( as well as the realm eranikus is not available )

Did you fully relog after using that, Rxtx? Both game - and launcher?

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Yes I have relogged many times Ive had this issue for days. on couple other characters I was able to have the arena teams disbanned but not on this one ( HAYMISH - 70 Dwarf Priest )

And you are the teamcaptain, Rxtx?

To just leave a team - it’s /teamquit (size)

his team is gone now. i was using /teamdisband 5v5 before… worked on all my other characters… anyways its gone now thanks !


Just saw this come across…


even though the interface shows the team gone, when i hit transfer for that character it still tells me " this character is an arena team captain. please transfer the rank to another character and try again."

I have logged out, restarted computer and tried again. same thing. It does not show me in any teams.