Eranikus balance

Where the hell are you getting this “real time” data? It doesn’t exist, dude. Even if it did, it would be a horrible tool to use as populations fluctuate throughout the day.

Oh God, this guy is talking about narratives. Should have known he was a Qer


Sounds like a YOU problem.

Try to roll back to Benediction or Pagle.

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My brother in Christ my main is on pagle where it’s super alliance dominated.

Its been the same the entire time for the horde… EVERY horde claims it is balanced and then enjoy massive advantages.

I hate to break it to you but on Retail the Horde dominate by a huge margin according to polls. You are lucky to have such a decent balance on classic right now.

Both are locked… I followed blizzard’s recommendation and now still can’t play the game

That matters a lot on those pvp realms… oh wait…

tfw players on a PvP realm have to PvP

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Well, what about learn how to play the game?

You are missing the point entirely and it’s sad. You are getting a good deal on Eranikus and classic with having such a close margin of balance.

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Please teach me how to take out 3 ret paladins and a disc priest jumping me on every quest to steal the mobs… Tell me how to take out 4 warriors using their whirly crap at the same time… Tell me how to take out 5 DK’s bouncing me all over the place. All happening without an alliance anywhere to be seen. Please master, teach me to be good like you

Eranikus is a fine realm. I’ve seen more alliance in open world than horde.

But one point people are missing from Eranikus is that it is a leveling realm right now. There are more people leveling than on max level. A lot of those people were caught in queue and couldn’t login to level, not even to clear their mail and transfer.

They’re running right now to get their max level.

Making up scenarios to benefit your narrative is a cool way to make a point seem valid. /s

You have not!

Where is this even happening? what about posting on your Eranikus character?

No, that has literally been my morning trying to do hodir dailies…

SO I can get camped more by you clowns? Not a prayer

There are FIVE lights.

OP can’t fathom any faction balance that isn’t exactly 50-50.

OP measures his peanut butter and jelly so that they are exactly 1:1 ratio before making his PB&J sandwiches. He also makes sure that there is absolutely no piece of bread showing after spreading the PB&J.

I’m sure at no point you didn’t just fly up wait for it to be safe and continue on with your life right? These guys were clearly just camping you all morning. Right? You didn’t switch layers to help yourself. You didn’t ask your guild for help (If you have one) nothing. You just continue to be camped on a pvp server and decided well this faction balance sucks and came here to complain.

You’re the kind of bad loser that when gets killed, login to a horde character and provoke / insult the horde players, so that must explain why they keep killing you.

That is not even 10% of what you deserve.