[Era] Ranking Impossible due to WSG exclusive queues

Honestly I’m avoiding asking anyone to help me farm sand. Feels like cheating to me. And I can only farm sand for so many hours before I get the itch for some real PvP.

I think plenty of people ranked while still working out, eating healthy, and getting plenty of sun and outdoor times.

But I don’t think it is really the jobs of the devs to manage healthy / unhealthy, because let’s be clear - there are tons of wow pve players that have been playing ‘unhealthy’ hours daily for decades.

A short burst of high-hour gameplay for a few weeks to achieve the hardest goal this game ever provided, may have been on the edge, but I think was far from the biggest negative heath impacts wow gave to the players.


I would never do the old rank grind to 14. Because of other aspects of it not being appealing. But strictly physically it is not really any different than my normal computer time. Many of us already work desk jobs and then play wow. Nothing different there than ranking 12 hours a day, physically. I use the exact same set up to play and work.

Relationships, mental health, and work are different though.

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The old system could easily be far less sweaty, but the players choose to make it so. Partly as an insurance thing, and partly because it only took a few no lifers to make any aspiring ranker require no lifing

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On whitemane yeah. On a dead servers / clusters someone was hitting than R1 spot with 120 k honor in the old system.

On mankrik I got rank 12 with only 200 - 300 k honor per week. Meanwhile people on whitemane were doing 1 million+ lol.

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If you build it, they will come.

Any decent classic Era server must have no lifers, else it isn’t a decent vanilla server.

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No lifers is said here with complete neutrality :stuck_out_tongue: No judgement

I would like to point out there are 12 WSG games going last I checked.

Which is why I am at wit’s end wondering why AV is not popping while players are subjecting themselves to a BG where gear, comp, and spec actually matter and can go on forever if neither team is going for flags.

Blizzard needs to adjust the WSG honor to be in-line with the ranking change as this is a late-stage population problem that needs to be addressed.

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Most of us are Q’n up not to rank but because Warsong is hella fun. Some people do rank up for gear, but those people are insane for the PVP like me, but its a grind.

Perhaps because AV could barely be considered PvP?

Uhh… Yeah. I mean that’s PvP bro. PvPers like to PvP.

Also if I’m not mistaken 6 minute WSGs on WSG weekend are more honor per hour than 6 minute wins on AV weekend except you don’t have the risk of wiping.

No thats just playing the “Meta”

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how do you view classic gear? Did you just inspect them in-game?

Ya most pvpers play in the whitemane cluster and most queue from the same location.

Yeah points on flag returns would be really nice, so would points for caps in AB / AV, and capturing flags in WSG increased.

Tokens awarded should also be based on flags capped, and the points value of the tokens changed to 1000 each, so that a turn in is 3k

Additionally buff For Great Honor (concerted efforts) to 10k.

As for the original complaint about ranking being impossible; not true at all.

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This was pointed out as a potential problem before they launched the system but blizzard has a very long consistent history of not thinking about the ramifications of “qol”