[Era] Ranking Impossible due to WSG exclusive queues

Unless you are queuing all day you are struggling to even get 50k per day because no one is queueing AB or AV, despite 5+ WSG games being up.

WSG needs to be reworked to allow for meaningful HPH

This is inevitable with the ranking system change and the eventuality of the era population dwindling.

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The goal is to increase Era population overtime, hopefully there will be millions of people playing one day.

I have a thread to 3x wsg and 2x ab honor, this could help. Maybe there is a better approach as well.


go gank for some extra honor :slight_smile:

King Gank speaks!
You da gnome.

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This stuff, its not the prize you seek.


If you really want decent honor, I suggest you look up world pvp hotspots and go there to get your honor.

As Honor doesn’t decay anymore, you can go at your own pace, so don’t worry about that.

Thats not how it works. If he doesnt hit the honor bracket he needs he doesnt gain any rank at all.

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I’m currently ranking can only get WSG
Getting stomped on by the same players on repeat some WSG I get 500 honor
AV or AB doesn’t pop
Don’t know if I’ll even hit my cap

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I’m not ranking but isn’t the meta just to go hard on the weekend for bonus? I got 400k last week with the AV bonus just pvping for fun.

But yeah sucks if you don’t have much free time on the weekend.

AV is like 100x more honor then any other BG


WSG has been not very fun, ngl. Playing against 3 paladin 3 priest teams, even when you win, just isn’t fun.

The PVP rewards aren’t worth the time investment for the vast majority of players who don’t have a premade group with AQ open, especially with so much gold in the ecosystem so people can just swipe for the gear.

Basically need to farm rank on holidays or wait for fresh.

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>Basically need to farm rank on holidays

That is the problem - the player base at large has accepted that this is the only sane way to rank. There are clearly plenty of players that want to rank because there were upwards of 10 AV games last Friday.

With the new ranking system change it makes sense that they also need to change WSG in a way that allows for more honor to be gained now that the ranking population that wants to grind honor outside of AV weekends is critically low.

Pre-SOD release I could hit 100K+ on a Tuesday with AV however currently with long queues and only WSG even 30K is a struggle.

I got 100k honor yesterday from WSG and farming sand between queues. This is a git gud problem. And if they’re going to change anything it should be reverting back to the honor system pre-SoD.

If you want r14 strap in for some 12+ hour honor grinds. It’s supposed to be at least somewhat brutal. No casuals allowed.


R14 and 20 man raids is the quickest way to get a fresh 60 warrior Naxx ready. Just 8 weeks. Totally worth it for a warrior and you get near BiS flask set weapons.

This is why half the high warlords/grand marshals you see running around are warriors.

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3 priests? I wish!

I feel like 90% of games all horde faps go un-dispelled

We do have a lot of paladins, but so many are ret :rofl:

This is where we victory.

Odd coincidence that AV weekend is once a month, just what is required to keep people subbed for as long as possible. This fact and removing rank decay is keeping people paying their monthly sub a lot longer than if they could grind ranking every week. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.


It’s extremely unhealthy and doesn’t have to be that way.

You don’t have to do it either.


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