[Era] Ranking Impossible due to WSG exclusive queues

Bruh I just looked at your gear, it’s mostly naxx gear. Why do you even need to rank?

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Bracket 1 scaled with the old system, the 500K caps in the new system made sense at the time of release however the current ranking pool has decreased drastically and there is no way to account for that.

WSG in its current state simply does not make sense in the context of the new system and needs an adjustment.

No changes: increase the the bonus honor awarded.

Some changes: add bonus honor to the person capturing/returning the flag. This obviously needs some checks to avoid cheating/collusion however the goal is to incentivize the objectives of the battleground and disincentivizing farming mid/GY.

Neither of these are really “changes” to the concept of WSG, players can keep doing their cringe wall jumps and spend hundreds on consumes to stall the game as long as they want - we just need a way for players forced into this BG to earn honor.

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Yeah 3x wsg honor and seeing how that impacts queues, ranking, and player behavior. Then, further tweaking from there as needed, seems the easiest path forward.

That specific night there was Starsharded (Hi), Beckon, and Humanpriest (who is a dwarf).

But I do notice a few of your… shadow priests… Don’t press offense dispel like… ever.

Few hours ago we had two elfs priests both afk shadow-melded (one mid west on the rock and the other on tot). Both had complained and random things prior and yet manage to spend an entire game afk.

I may know at least one of them because she is kind of notorious for it.

Elfs that are reported for being afk in pvp should have their shadowmeld stop making them invis, and instead turn them into a clown for the next 7 days /played.

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all I’m saying is if you /beckon me in a wsg I’ll follow :eyes:


The way the BG weekend rotatworks is held over from vanilla. I still q to heal wsg, ab, and AV on this pala, even solo and win a few.

I also Q on another character, just depends on the comps that are playing, and if the friendlies are actually doing their jobs or not… Feels like its a 50% chance to get a turd team with players spec’d for pve in gear worse than pre-raid for MC who dont even have pvp trinket, and less than 3000 health with level 35 blue weapons.

I’m not a gear snob, but WSG and AB just aren’t the place to gear up unless you’re a masochist.

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And disables their ability to zone into any kind of instance content for a month.


I don’t need to, I want to

That’s a stupid argument
A game should be playable without encouraging unhealthy game play.

I reject your assertion that it is unhealthy.

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the old system is 100% unhealthy playing 12-14 hour days on repeat for months straight no exercise or any outdoor sunlight is extremely unhealthy what are you on LOL


We’re not talking about the old system.

Not after AQ is on farm. Much easier for your guild to funnel gear to you than grind honor. I suppose it might work if you have a premade, but impossible for casual PVPers and definitely no way in 8 weeks now with no queues.

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Just carry sand. It is super boring but very efficient. Very few people grief that now anyway.

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And the ones that do are just extra honor.

Easier in terms of time played, yes. But you’re much less likely to be Naxx prepared as quickly in terms of raid lockouts. The high warlord weapons are pre-Naxx BiS for orcs and humans and the axes are super close to BiS axes. Crul’shorukh is BARELY better for your offhand and hatchet of sundered bone is BARELY better for your main hand.

Also, the blue shoulders and helm combo are just straight up BiS forever. So rank 10 is pretty much essential for any DPS warrior.

Casual? No probably not. But it is very doable. I’ve hit my honor cap every week since my warrior hit 60 with the exception of last week as I was out of town. Got my two weeks of 500k done. Neither of which were on AV weekend. Now it’s just an easy two weeks of 419k from warlord to high warlord.

Currently 6 Ally/Horde total in WSG and 21 Ally/Horde running sand on our cluster. Can make sand raid and run up 70k HPH or dick around in WSG all day. What would you choose?