[Era] Join Legacy of Grobbulus: Forge Your Legend Today!

Greetings, brave souls of Azeroth!

Within the hallowed halls of Legacy, the esteemed guild of Grobbulus Classic Era, we beckon to you, valiant adventurers, to join our noble ranks. Legacy is a semi casual progression focused raiding guild, filled with vanilla WoW enthusiasts. We are fast approaching our third year on Grobbulus, and today, we seek new friends to join our ranks!

Should your heart beat with the rhythm of healing, particularly as a devoted priest or stalwart paladin of the Light, our doors swing wide to welcome you. Yet, heed our call, for all classes and races of the Alliance are embraced within our esteemed company (members of the horde should seek out our nemesis, Requiem). We seek likeminded raiders keen on adventure, and perhaps fine dwarven ales and cheese.

Our journey today finds its focal point amidst the shadowed depths of Naxxramas, where we recently defeated the evil Arch Lich himself. With Kel’Thuzad now vanquished on numerous occasions, we seek stalwart allies to ensure his defeat becomes a weekly ritual. Join us under the moonlit sky, on Monday and Friday evenings, from 7pm to 10pm Pacific Time, as we chart our course through the perilous corridors of this cursed dread citadel.

While Naxxramas stands as our bastion of battle, we are not confined to its haunted halls alone. Venture forth with us into the treacherous realms of AQ40, BWL, and MC, or explore the ancient mysteries of ZG, AQ20, and Onyxia’s Lair. Delve into the forgotten depths of dungeons or rally under our banner to face the mightiest of world bosses—all in pursuit of glory and adventure.

At Legacy, we cherish the bonds of fellowship that unite us as one. Amidst the tranquil serenity of Grobbulus, we have forged a community like no other. There are no rigid dictates of attendance here, nor do we abide by the greedy machinations of GDKPs. Loot is shared among our ranks with an egalitarian spirit, ensuring fairness and equity for all. For the tribe, of the tribe. Too often we find our tier 3 tokens destroyed, and we hope this message calls on you to bring those tokens a new purpose.

Within our realm, where the echoes of bustling auction houses fade into the winds, our guild discord thrives as a bustling marketplace of camaraderie and commerce. Amidst the vibrant tapestry of our virtual halls, we trade, barter, and support one another with unwavering loyalty and generosity. Legacy is a community of Azerothian enthusiasts.

While our greatest need lies with those who wield the healing arts, all brave souls who yearn for adventure and camaraderie are invited to join our noble cause. If the siren’s call of vanilla WoW, set against the backdrop of a close-knit community, beckons to you, take up arms and march alongside us on Grobbulus Era today!

May the Light illuminate your path, may valor guide your every step, and may your tankard always be full.

Yours in Battle,

Jarl, Priest of Legacy

May the Light guide you: https://discord.gg/Ux5m9wPYe3


Yes! Any and all Alliance should join Legacy. We of Requiem love to hunt Legacy more than anything else!

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Tired of Season of Depression? Spirt broken from GDKPs in Era? Cata Classic got you down? Legacy can help!

If you’re searching for a tight knit, community oriented raiding guild, Legacy welcomes you to Grobbulus!

We need a few more healers and ranged DPS to help us on our quest of constant vanilla wow enjoyment. All classes welcome, and we value humble players more than specific classes.

Raid times M/F from 7-10pm pacific time. We just got our third KT kill this week, and are eager to do it again.

And please come take this loot off our hands. Many of our players are near or full BIS already. It brings sad tears to a dwarves eyes seeing all these T3 tokens get deleted! It will cost you… zero gold! Take that GDKP.

Your gold is worthless on Grobbulus! Instead, come take part in our hippie spiritual tribal commune VIBES and eat cheese and drink ale and play vanilla wow. Bliss!

Our seasoned team of vanilla wow enthusiasts are here to welcome you on your next journey :handshake: :cheese: :beers:

Cheese this way :arrow_right: https://discord.gg/Ux5m9wPYe3

Really excited to find this post! I am levelling a Dwarf Paladin on Grobbulus rn and was really worried I wouldn’t have anyone to do dungeons or raids with later on, really excited to hear about this!

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That is great to hear, and we are happy to have you! Reach out to anyone in Legacy for an invite whenever you’re ready. Lots of people happy to help you out in your leveling journey if you’d like :slight_smile: always love a fellow dwarf kin

Because human paladins are lame!!


Greetings, adventurers of all races and backgrounds!

Legacy extends a warm invitation to all seekers of adventure, from the pious followers of the Light to the cunning gnomes of the shadows, the skilled humans of the blade, the hearty dwarves who savor cheese and ale, and the mystical elves of Elune.

As our guild journey continues, we eagerly welcome new members to join our ranks, whether you seek to bolster our raid team or simply find camaraderie among like-minded adventurers. Are you drawn to the allure of classic WoW, seeking a community-driven guild that has proven its mettle in the hallowed halls of Naxxramas?

Come, join us on this epic journey, where tales of heroism are forged and friendships are everlasting. Legacy awaits, ready to embrace new allies and forge new legends together!

Your legacy awaits: https://discord.gg/v8nszrUMsd