Maybe one day you’ll learn that sweeping statemens like “Everybody does this” is falsified by only one saying “I don’t”.
Doubling down doesnt make you less pathethic, an overexaggeration is still true, when we can see the complete lack of interaction era has.
/who any leveling zone leads to 0-3 results in most of them. sooo, you thinking your anectdotal evidence is worthwhile discussing is laughable.
well the Eve community is not small when you consider Wow is split up now into many different communities with all the different games. as a matter of fact Eve has a bigger community than Wow. Eve online works on 1 single shard server.
I logged onto Whitemane Era to see what was up just now in the middle of a work day and there were probably 200 people standing around in Orgrimmar.
That’s not dead…
Also, everything should not be turned into a popularity contest. It doesn’t matter. If a person finds a video game to be fun they should play it and if they don’t they shouldn’t play it.
People don’t need to follow the herd around like sheep. Happiness comes from knowing what you like instead of caring about what the majority do. As long as there are enjoy people to play with around things can be just as fun.
Although no doubt that most of the attack messages on this thread are just trolling, but yeah, there’s still a population to Era. Clearly.
Tell the herd of bored sheep on SoD that.
If a person is playing SoD because they find it fun then I don’t consider them a sheep, but if they are there only to follow others (and especially not just friends who they enjoy playing with, but the masses) and because it is popular then that’s who I mean.
The last few comments in this thread show people going on about how popular SoD is. I’m saying that’s irrelevant in regards to if Era is “dead” or not, to the point where people are making things a popularity contest that don’t need to be (a lot of it does seem to be trolling and this happens all the time on the WoW forums, but I just wanted to say it)
Now, if you have gripes about Era matt farming or GDKPs or gold, which you seem to in this thread, that is another topic than if Era is dead or not. I haven’t even been playing Era, but I consider what I see to be pretty healthy. Especially with the “updated and shiny” SoD being out.
Edit: Looking at another thread I think we both agree that Era isn’t dead. Usforumboi every post I’ve seen from that poster seems to be a troll, and they appear to do it while hopping avatars, so anyway, this is just reiterating my point I guess.
Yep ERA isnt dead. But the economy sure is.
You can also raid in era with no main tank for a ony raid but a hunter pet and everyone naked. Thats the equivalent of not doing gdkps in a gdkp centric economy.
If your guild isnt farming gold for unholy and unhealthy amount of hours all else you can do is do GDKPS to beat the inflation it causes, and even then you not beating a swiper in a gdkp at all lol.
Completely false bro. But you don’t play era so what do you know?
You never see carries or raid leaders complain about GDKPs on whitemane.
It is always rat-geared toons who somehow still struggle with the easy mechanics that are busy thinking GDKPs are preventing them from progressing.
Just put that one on ignore, he’s just here to be argumentative. Who has time for that?
Are you even playing on whiteman? The prices on everything went up when the bots all left. Mana pots went from 5g a stack to 50g a pot. The lowest they’ve dipped to since was 30g but always bounce back to 50g.
I mean even DONT BUY LOOT guild guys are always in our GDKPs. The problem is the non GDKP guilds (apart from maybe 1) are all progressing in BWL and all the Naxx clears (With the exception of 1 I wont name) are GDKP. The system speaks for itself.
Exactly, the people complaining about GDKPs dominating era arn’t willing to put the work in to dedicate themselves to a proper progression guild, so outside of that the only pugs are GDKPs, and if you’re always pugging raids, that is the only kind of gear distribution method that you see.
Outside of progression guilds, SR>MS>OS is dead.
Yeah, because SR, MS > OS are loot systems that are plagued with loot distribution issues and incentivize players to not consume. Plus they have no way to attract carries which means nearly every run feels like progression.
In contrast, GDKPs attract bis geared players, incentivize people to consume and focus with bonuses, and gear distribution is far more fair.
Loot distribution is mind numbingly easy, its the players that make it convoluted and complicated. Any and all problems that arise from any method always comes down to the individual(s) being the problem.
uh, it’s also risky, there’s always the chance that you’ll get cut of of your fair share of the gold pot, just because people don’t like you and find ways to complain about you.
it happened to me: i got invited to a ZG gdkp, and they tried to cut me out of my fair share. I ended up having to force the issue, resulting in me having to trade my item back to get my gold back.
GDKPs just have so many negatives that they’re not worth it in the end.
Yep… With ERA being so small on the community and guild lists now a days… You do 1 wrong move with a big guild and you are blacklisted then you and other outcasts have to form a guild and the process repeats.
Its like a thinner but for people instead of clearing water of particles. The loop keeps repeating until either the outcasts have to create whole new identities even discords to get shots at raid spots.
If people set aside their bloated egos Classic would be more welcoming. This goes for all versions. SoD is popular but it has the worst of the cycle, you give that 4-5 years like ERA and it’ll be the same as ERA is now.
We’re at the halfway point in the cycle overall in ERA. It wont die, but it will be increasingly hard for anyone new to get into guilds or raids without going through a blanket of security measures from guilds trying to keep rats out.
Honestly it’s also borderline against ToS to not give a fair cut of gold to a GDKP participant. It falls under scamming. You spend the time and effort with a promise of payment and they fail to pay, they can be reported.
A last side bit: Raid leaders are so god damn burnt out herding cats for 5 years they are becoming completely hostile during chill re clears. You forget to soft reserve an item and the reserves are locked? Be prepared to get an ear full from a already overloaded raid lead or GM with drama, work and family.
dude, seriously?
is it really that easy to mass up?
I havn’t had that kind of problem personally.
Yep. The guild I just joined here had a falling out with a group of officers and they all left. Now those officers are labelled. I found 4 of them guildless grouped together at the SW fountain and they probably cant get anything done because their names are trashed.
If you screw up you better be ready to find others who have also been exiled to create a guild and start raiding again.
GDKPs will pretty much bring anyone who has the gold but they wont give you a cut, maybe let you keep the loot. But don’t hold your breath for anything other than loot.