Era is very much alive, don't listen to what other people say

You can raid in era without having to do GDKPs, you just have to find a good guild.

Whitemane NA is very much alive, and my horde guild raids all the time without doing GDKP.

GDKP is optional in ERA.

Also, the economy is healing thanks to most of the bots moving to SoD. Because we don’t have dual spec, the primary gold sinks at the moment are respecs, repairs, and Auction tax, which appears to be doing enough to heal the economy.

In era, gear isn’t divorced from the gold based economy, like it is in wrath and retail, so the economy is going pretty strong.

Some of the big ticket items for warriors, such as Lionheart Helm, Edgemaster’s, and Titanic Leggings are still pretty expensive, but the price is going down steadily.

Era will always be here to welcome you home when the other parts of wow start being boring.



Era is bis


If you go whitemane you can’t live without global ignore addon. Or the lfg is just a boost gkccp channel.


I actually had someone whisper my level 13 warrior I was dual box leveling with my level 13 hunter asking if I wanted to buy RFC boosts
:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


I have had this happen as well, which is crazy to me. Is this something that’s appropriate to be reported?

It’s not against ToS to offer in game services for in game currency, nor should it be. But it is definitely something that a lot of people will be rubbed the wrong way by.

I ask because I seem to recall there’s something about advertisement that’s not in the ToS, haven’t people been temp-banned for advertising outside of trade? If that’s the case, I feel like an advertisement via direct whisper violates whatever the policy is there.

I’m just not really certain about that…

Hmm yeah I don’t know. But when you put it that way that doesn’t seem unreasonable.

Everytime someone says Era is very much alive, I ask them what the peak population is during primetimes according to census, and not a single person out of at least 20-30 have responded.

So I ask again, what is the population per faction during primetime server?

Most crowded cluster - Whitemane: 3538 A - 2699 H (raiders).
Most crowded SoD server - Crusader Strike: 19353 A - 20480 H (raiders)
Total raiders: 8632 (Era) - 158900 (SoD)
Considering how aged Classic era server is and how GDKP works, the percentage of raiding alts on era should be higher than sod.
So yeah, you can see it yourself but you can never stop someone from smoking copium.

SW / Org are packed, not sure exactly what total online players is but you will see people everywhere since there are no layers.

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uh, about 1k for horde, a bit more for alliance.

beyond that I couldn’t say.

Generally speaking, ‘alive’ means its plenty obvious to players that people are raiding, leveling, grouping for dungeons, making use of the AH, BGs are going off, guilds recruiting, pug raids etc etc. Its not tied to a specific number of people. For argument sake though, lets say you need at least 100 very active members per faction playing the whole game.

There is no formal means to census data on primetime populations. Best we can do is figure out how many people are raiding every week as one poster already alluded too. The information you’re asking for requires someone to be able to do a lot of /who 'ing in a short span of time. This was alot easier when populations were two or three digits.

I used to keep track of it on Mankrik from TBC to early Wrath but it became too burdensome with the window being limited to 50 characters. In the time it takes you to figure out how many 1-59’s (by brackets and mini brackets) and 60’s (by zone when well more than 50) there were those numbers could be plus or minus 10-20 players on larger servers.

Not too long ago (late 2023) Mankrik cluster was 350+ horde and 1000+ alliance primetime nightly, not including 60’s in opposing faction zones.


I was playing era mankirk when there were less than 50 people on almost at any given time, and i didnt think that was dead. I think the mankirk cluster has a happy level of players for me, both horde and alliance, despite horde being vastly out numbered.
The game really sucks when theres a ton of people playing. If you are trying to quest or something in the open world with a high server pop; mostly what you’d do is wait aound for monsters to respawn.


you are right

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Because we cannot tell. Population is not counted via any of the addons / 3rd party extensiones we can use. Only raiders or PvP players are counted.
If you want some measure, roll a level 1 and visit the capitals and look at AH during prime time. Do not just sit there and ask us to do something that can’t be done.

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yeah the whitemane cluster is poppin
people saying era is dead clearly haven’t logged into it in years, lol :expressionless:


those SoD raiders are a bunch of alts dude :expressionless: that’s what a 200% exp boost and a low level cap get you

also whitemane is a server cluster, so you need to add in all the raiders on other servers in the cluster as well.


Im confused on how yall are saying its impossible to see. We have a census tool that works for vanilla wow, its the classic era discord even. You just run it during primetime hours. So many just don’t want to show the real numbers and want to hide behind the raid loggers afk in orgrimmar and stormwind and say, yeah the server is “poppin”.

Server population “Low” Just logged into my toon on Whitemane.

0 people in Molten Core
0 people in Blackwing layer
0 people in Ahn Qaraj
10 mage trash farmers in Naxx

yeah its “popping” alright.
