Era is not worth playing anymore

I dunno, just because RMT is rampant and GDKP has taken over doesn’t mean the game is dead. While I agree with some of the OPs statements, I don’t agree with all of them.

There’s a lot of fun to be had in this version of the game if you go looking for it. Biiiiig hint: See post #2 lol. Like, if RMT and GDKP is your jam, go hog wild. If Blizzard was going to stop it they would have by now, but if you don’t like that and still want to enjoy Era, you can.

Which I think is the point. Era was never for everybody and I think JAB’s mistake was to assume that it was. It was for the audience who was already finding what they wanted on private servers to have an official channel, which they now do. Additionally, for those folks (such as myself) who had forgotten how great Vanilla WoW really was and to give them a place to continue to experience it.

I, for one, am very glad Era exists, in spite of the RMT/GDKP/general monetization practices that for me, take a lot away from it. I’m doubly glad that I found a place to play that’s free of that.

So folks thought they did and they did, and JAB was big enough to publicly rescind his statement on that. I’m not his biggest fan, but that did earn a bit of respect.


I wish instead of SoD we had SoM 2


I suspect there were quite a few botters both sides… Also a few kick botters both sides I have experienced. And come to think of it, I betcha some people even fully automate their characters only needing to run the character around and the bot does the rest.

Basically what I am saying… is when my casts get kicked before I can even see my own cast bar… Suspect.

Yeah the “quality” of play really dropped off… Allegedly there was an individual who was wiping the horde on Van by doing some kind of exploit. I was accused of being such a person, but I would rather everyone just have fun. I may play like a brute, and I may push for the last inch up until defeat or victory but cheating is not something ill entertain at any point because what’s the point if you cheat; may as well not be playing because at that point you’re not really playing anymore.


You may be surprised but there are new characters out in the world, lots of them actually. And lots of the new players seem to come to AV when its poppin, its fairly obvious because they’re kinda clueless regarding what to do or even how to play their character at all.

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The other gold sink is players quitting. Pretty good guess that many hold onto their hoard rather than spending it, or giving it away and disappear forever(or a very long time). If they are like me, they even go further and would pull more gold out by selling off all the stuff in the mailbox shuffle which could be of thousands of gold.

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but they are having a great time! :slight_smile:


I saw this too… very suspect indeed! I’ve heard of interrupt bots before but this is the first time I’ve seen it outside of arena in retail.

Why play the game if you’re just going to do things to skip it? Hmmmm, something that a lot of folks should reflect on :wink:

Normally I’m 100% down for a good ol’ AV brawl but the gearing system in PvP really undermines that. I don’t really like the “ignore each other and PvE” meta that has evolved, but a 60+ minute game doesn’t get me towards my honour cap.

Which really is a shame because those 60+ minute games where both sides are trying to win are straight up *awesome*.

Era may be become ‘progression based’.

Lets just say a specific question has an answer option that leaves me going " :thinking: ".

Likely bots.

Odd, its like I was saying this sort of thing over a year ago…

Btw on my paly I had to pay a tank 300g to just get help getting it done.

Takes 4 hours to form Dire Maul N/E/W groups, no one likes doing scholo unless its a speedrun.

Course I know a certain someone that will come in on this and say different because he’s able to forma quick BRD and say the game is fine.

Sure I can for UBRS just fine but that is super endgame and has alot in it that people always need. Good luck with everything else. BRD is the same way, many attunement stuff and other quests.

+1 to OP on “Gold Era” met too many people with gold cap or multiple accounts having 1mil+ on each. Everyone buys their way if they are the progression type.

They dont get banned or punished unless they stream it… I’ve been reporting known gold buyers for a year now and only had a couple catch suspensions to which I don’t know if it was for gold buying or hacks/bot usage. Since there isnt a report function for “Gold Buyer” so I just report them for hacking and state they are a gold buyer in the box…

It’s not like I’m following you, but you do have a tendency to say the same stuff over and over and its contrary to my own experiences. I even directly whispered you about a group that was forming for something you said you needed and you didn’t respond.

I dunno what to tell you.

By the way Scholo runs a lot. I go there to farm for my helm. Happy to run with you.

There are moments where a person is doing another activity that they also need and you messaged me in that instance.

I do form my own groups, getting a tank these days requires luck or good faith or just throw gold at them.

We have the opposite problem on retail, its healers that are tough to find due to how blizz has made healers a chore to play while everyone else is faceroll easy. Weight is on the tanks in classic, while in retail weight shifts to healers.

There are DPS warriors that are suited to tank so long as they trust the healer and just lead the damn group, they dont need tank gear for dungeons, they don’t need to worry about much except do big damage and keep all the agro. I’ve had to turn dps warriors into mini tanks just because main tanks are either demanding gold or don’t want to do the run.

Deny all you want with your own experience. But this is mine and this post shows exactly what I’m running into and I posted this a year ago when we had interactions then on my rogue. Others have this problem they are just afraid to be picked apart for their experience to share it.

That seems to happen a lot… which honestly, your schedule is your business, but that’s not really Era’s fault, is it? There’s been at least a handful of times since that first time I logged into check where I’ve found a group within 10 mins of logging in, any time of day.

If only you knew of someone who can tank all dungeons except UBRS, no gold required :person_shrugging:

I’m not picking apart their experience, I’m picking apart yours… because you keep talking about how you can’t find groups but at this point it seems like you’re actively trying not to get into them.

@OP - If you’re on Mankrik and need DPS for any dungeon, or a tank for any dungeon except UBRS, let me know here and we can sort it out. Ditto anybody else having trouble finding groups. Happy to schedule runs so we both know when to log in. Most folks will find the non-GDKP Era community quite welcoming, you just have to try to engage with it.

I’m 100% not the only one who just loves to run dungeons and will happily go just for the sake of going.

Ya know, if they just fixed the BG honor at 15K per hr + bonus points per objective executed such as bases / GY caps, defends, flags cap and returned, towers burned… Players would then 107% push objectives HAAAAAARD and would Duke it out.

Additionally kill Diminishing returns should have a 15 mins max CD and then they reset.

Additional “honorless target” no longer exist, BUT no honor for killing players sub 60 @ 60 and no honor for killing players sub 5 levels lower from 59 and down in world.

Additionally 4X the honor gains in world.

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I really hope it is not but there probably are some people that do have an interrupt bot. But I am also sure some people just interrupt preemptively. I know I jump the gun sometimes. And really the best interrupt happens just before the cast goes off, so a bot would almost be worse if its behaving as such.

Not sure what gets said ally side, but horde side is so bad. All you hear is NORTH NO DISMOUNT. spam over and over. I love that it only takes like 5 alliance to completely derail the van rush. Unless we have overgeared people. And even after having it happen game after game, it is still the same spam at the start.

There are like 3 people horde side that if I see them, I go nice we are going to galv or clash!!


I <3 Alphy, he always brings fun and excitement. There are actually a hand full of horde that add spice to the game. Last few games I played Mon we got wiped by a fairly big group because players didn’t listen, but didn’t matter much because then I had the excuse I needed to go scorched earth, that game was glorious. I tricked the alliance into being horde zugs in AB for the rest of the game, just gotta whip em into a frenzy and convince them its gonna be EZ,

The opposite for Alliance is rush galv/LTs let the Horde win :slight_smile:

Yea, I ran into this a few times over the weekend. I started telling people at the start of the game to check before committing, but people don’t really know what to do anyway and so they just kind a flop and die :smiley:

I wish there was an AV for people who wanted honour and an AV for people who wanted a fight. Though they could just make some of the changes that Cezar mentioned and maybe it wouldn’t have to be one or the other.

I look forward to the day a long time from now when I have enough gear to feel like I can actually battle in AV! Until then I just play support and try to make the best of it.

When I play with Styles he would almost always either imp frost trap @ Stonehearth or the Alliance base bridge for the EZ lolz.

Only takes like 3 hunters with imp trap to make a real mess.

Making the games regardless of map efficient for the speed rankers and FUN for the PvP obsessed like me all at the same time, would be spectacular because then we could have way faster and more frequent games.

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