Era is not worth playing anymore

Game is dead, there is no ppl to ever get stuff done unless u can swipe your credit card and buy gold from external pages to buy some help from players in the game. Classic wow era is now gold era, if u dont have at least 100k gold in classic u playing the wrong game, inflation is so bad, stuff like getting a paladin or warlock mount is now more expensive than just buying a mount due to the inflation of the gold, items in the AH are more expensive than in Cataclysm wow, so now instead of being a cool part of the game to have a unique class mount, u now gotta pay extra to get those privileges, btw u wont get a Tank or a Heal for a group unless u can pay like 500g+ and there is still a chance of ppl leaving mid run thats just what ppl have made the expectations of the game, unless blizzard banns GDKP´s and other Real World Trade threats to Classic era the best ever game created will just fade away


Sounds awful. But there is hope. You don’t have to play like this.


Level 33, so far 200g in my pocket even though I’ve spent on greens and potions every time I level. So far I am having fun.


For the 20th year in a row, World of Warcraft is dead.

However, it would seem that zombie rules apply. If you don’t remove the head, or destroy the brain, it will come back to bite you.


What is it with whiny babies and era? There was a dude in Stormwind all day today complaining about people buying gold in era. It’s a bannable offense, people that buy gold get caught, and the world goes on. You can play without buying gold, you can make gold very easily just by farming mats, and the community is alive and well.

I don’t understand why this game mode makes so many people seethe. if you don’t like it, stick to SoD. We don’t want you here anyways.


My First paladin in original vanilla taught me that lesson long ago, its always been that way on the servers I have played on.

I could pay my way past it but I’m way to cheap to do it, let alone the mana cost to cast… Forget that.

Additionally I rarely raid on my pala even tho its the most forgiving pve class to play, meanwhile this pala is 100% solo self found and now Rank 13 @ 34% and I never buy gold, I never exploit, or cheat. I don’t use scripts, hacks or even questionable macro. Sure, I’m still lacking some gear, mostly offset and decent weapons but seeing that I heal / assist the Allies in BG, I got the odds against me because the horde I use to play with (my horde acct is closed) are decent to great players overall and know to use interrupt, cc, and debuffs generally in the right way.

So as you can see I got my work cut out for me, been trying to whip the alliance into shape by getting them to group play better,. Some days it feels like I have great experiences and others not so much.

Regardless of this i am having a lit of fun, I just got the lawbringer bracers and belt yesterday to replace the cloth junk I had from level 50 and both items I got for 900 gold, was a nice overall upgrade.

Difference between you and I is that you’re in such a big hurry and think you need it all right now and need everything to be having a good time, and that just isn’t true at all.


Yall need to learn to let go

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bbomer game for sure

Its definitely not as active as it used to be, but you can still have fun. I transfered off whitemane cluster to mankrik and its been a lot better. The economy is reasonable and theres hardly any gdkp/boost shenanigans. I got into a decent raiding guild and have cleared everything up to AQ40 twin emporers.


Do you mean for raids? I can’t really speak to that. Dungeon groups are happening on Mankrik, for whatever it’s worth. The cost of materials is absolutely high though and I agree, Blizzard really needs to address GDKP.

I’m pretty against it regardless but RMT has caused it to make inflation go out of control. It’s a bit silly.

Can confirm!

Sadly, they don’t :frowning:

I did this on my paladin. I think it might have actually come out close to the cost of a normal mount when I did it maybe 6 months ago? Everything you say is true though, it’s probably not worth the money… unless you want to do a quest, which I actually enjoyed :smiley:

Also hey, I saw you in a few AVs over the weekend!

This is false. The reason gold is so high is because classic has been running since 2019, there is no significant gold sink in the game, and the constant merging of servers between SoM and Hardcore. Once gold enters the economy, it doesn’t leave because the only gold sinks are mounts and repairs, which people don’t buy mounts at a significant rate and repairs are basically negligible when you look at the total gold between all servers. Everything else is traded between players so gold isn’t getting removed from the economy. I don’t even see advertisements for RMT in classic era anymore, I rarely see bots either. In fact I see more bots playing SoD than I do in era. All of you guys that are claiming RMT is rampant and out of control need to start showing proof.

I just rolled on Era, with skinning alone I’ll have the gold to get an epic mount and then some by the time I’m 60 without going out of my way.

Probably the easiest time ever to level a character 1-60.

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Sorry, that’s not correct. You are absolutely right that inflation builds in Era over time, but not naturally to the degree it is now. RMT has been rampant in Classic since 2019 and when that gold enters the economy it typically does not leave. Even if those who created it or purchased it have had account actions. This is because the gold gets dispersed through the AH or GDKP activitites.

Just because you don’t see advertisements anymore doesn’t mean they aren’t there. People know where to go to find it. I think I even got one of those random 1c mail advertisements a few months back.

The bottom line is that RMT has been a massive part of Era for the last 5 years and it’s caused gold inflation to grow way faster than it normally would have.


I fail to see how you can make a claim like this, what do you have to compare it to?

If RMT is so rampant throughout WoW as a whole, then what’s your point in bringing it up specifically when talking about Era? Do other forms of wow not have RMT? Like Cataclysm classic that has the wow token?

I have my experience in Vanilla and the first two years of WoW Classic to compare it to. We never had things like massive bot armies pickpocketing 24/7 in BRD generating huge quantities of gold. That gold went somewhere.

I believe my point was pretty clear. If you’re having trouble understanding the connection between what I quoted and my response, perhaps there are other questions you could ask…

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Ya, was in finishing my push for the week, healing AV is generally really fun. Actually surprised people don’t Q AV mid week because its way more friendly to new players.

IMO AV is a great place for new players to gear up, especially if they are goal oriented and look for solutions to problems. Games wouldn’t be lightning fast for them but they could still easily win inside of 15 mins.


I was Smellybeard, the paladin trying to politely remind people that stacking in towers or on graveyards is helpful haha.

I used to PvP a looooooot back in the day (though I never did the rank grind) and AV was always my favourite. The quality of game massively dropped off on Monday night though. Alliance were constantly turtling themselves by wiping the Horde Offense and then not holding a GY, at which point we get bottled up at Stonehearth.

I got my cap on Sunday but I wanted to finish the rep grind. I was 350 short going into that last game at 11pm Monday night and so when we threw it my heart kinda sank. Fortunately someone turned in some quest and it put me over by 10, so I immediately bailed and went to bed.

I actually like a meaty game, but not a hopeless one. I actually think that roster was mostly bots to be honest. I actually enjoyed the weekend games. A lot of humans playing, talking, joking around, and being generally friendly. What Era is all about imho.


I saw you in some of those. I didn’t really get any bad matches this week, and I had a lot of really fun ones. I didn’t see any of the shenanigans that I’d heard about, but it did seem like a bit of a different environment in the aftermath.

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Era still bis idk what this guy is on


Remember when everyone got really offended when Blizzard said “you think you do but you don’t”? Looks like they were right.

It might have something to do with the fact that there are very few new players.

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