Era is a chinese bot RMT paradise

No GMs at all in Era made chinese bots explode economy in all servers (then server transfers allowed for homogenic economy across all servers) and gave free access to anyone to buy their way from level 10 to 60 bis gear for some cheap dollars that do not represent any value because the gold comes from botting mats 24/7, so it only gets cheaper and cheaper.

This ruins it for literally any player not buying gold.

Take some measures Blizzard. If you are not willing to put a GM in Era servers at least nerf boosting so spoiled people don’t even get to buy their way to 60 before they get tired from the game.

Also restrict server transfers so each server has its own economy.


I’ve never bought gold and im doing just fine on era.

Run a few gdkps and you’ll have thousands of gold without spending a cent

And leveling to 60 legit without boosting is easier than ever, never had a problem finding groups for any dungeons or elite quests


Bots and GDKPs are largely a problem on free Xfer destinations. The realms’ economies are also localized to the cluster they belong to. You’ll appreciate the stark differences if you simply log-in to any realm that isn’t a part of a free Xfer cluster (PvE West or either of the 2 PvP East clusters).

I 100% agree. The free transfers have been exploited in Classic Era for over a year. I made a thread about this very issue:


If your definition of doing just fine is prices for everything being multiplied x3 for average player in less than 2 months, then you must be doing something wrong.

Gold on gdkps are gold from bots that are devaluing gold and crashing economy.


FYI: You won’t make any headway with that one. They are completely invested in GDKP’s cancer culture.


Agreed 100%!

On a side note, have a word with good ole Danlord to start reducing prices :smiley: , we can be the change we want to see.

But on a serious note, commodities have jumped big time in the past 2 months.

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If everything is worth x3 more to buy that means its also worth x3 more to sell.

Its super easy to make gold on era in multiple different ways


if the system didnt exist as it is, there would be less players.

the content isn’t hard… getting the resources/gear is time consuming and makes it difficult.

Use to take a entire week to get half the consumes I bring to raid now days… and a Flask? pfft… good luck. That was rare.

Not if you’re competing with multiboxing chinese bots grinding for the same mats you are. You’ll always have disadvantage.

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Making less gold than a bot doesn’t mean you’re not making enough gold for your own needs

There are TONS of things you can farm in this game that are profitable and completely solo farmable

Twilight texts
Dark runes
Solid/dense stone

The list goes on, not to mention gdkps pay out hundreds/ thousands of gold

And btw i have yet to encounter any multiboxing bots farming in the open world impacting anyone elses ability to farm/tag mobs. All the bots are inside instances

And in some niche cases the bots are actually making the price of things cheaper in a positive way. I remember major mana pots were regularly 3g a piece on 2019 classic. Now you can buy an entire 5 stack for 3g

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That requires effort on their behalf. As you can see theyd rather make excuses.

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not on alliance side, they aren’t. lol they are like 9g a stack.

I do agree that while stuff is overpriced. If you are lucky to get some drops and or farm for hot items you can make a killing as well in the AH.

I’ve been making a killing selling goblin sappers. I had enough on my hunter selling skinning stuff to have my epic mount about 4 days after hitting 60. I should have enough to buy my war’s epic mount once I hit 60 on him.

I havent even started farming DMT. I did that so much in 2019, I’m not looking forward to it but its a great way to make gold.

I will NOT be joining any GDKPs. I’ll remain forever broke. lol

I’m leveling a new guy and just from gathering profs he has a couple hundred gold at lv40. Inflated economy means things sell for more too and for a new leveler that’s great for affording fixed costs like mounts, spell training, respecs etc.

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Bots are not a priority for Blizzard at this point. They ban them, but the pace is so slow that it’s worth it for farmers to start a new character and bot again. I have bots I’ve reported multiple times that I now follow on my friends list. I have a druid who has been mining/herbing since at least February; I’ve reported him every time I run into him; it took four months for him to disappear and how he’s back with a new druid with the same name lol.

I started following fishing bots on my server; one guy on my server runs several level 10 fishing bots. I report them when I find them, but it generally takes 30-60 days for them to get banned. He has another one ready to go as soon as one is banned. This morning I compared stats to one of them, and its fished nearly 200k fish in 2+ months. With the amount of data that Blizzard has, they could easily auto-ban common exploits like level 10 fishing bots, but they choose not to, which tells you it is not a priority.


The reason you can afford stuff like consumes on the AH even though all the bots are inflating the gold constantly is two-fold:

  1. The bots are printing gold, but also printing mats/consumes. There is a crazy amount of gold being generated, but also crazy amounts of herbs, fish, etc.
  2. The vast majority of bot-generated gold is injected directly into GDKPs, and stays there. The pots go up every week as more and more wallet warriors inject gold into the GDKP circulation. It’s virtually impossible to hijack the AH with all this gold because of point 1.

Edit: Also, another reason you cannot hijack the AH with the botted gold is because there is so much of it that if consumes were sold at the level of inflation that is seen in GDKPs the prices would be so high that any player who isn’t RMTing would never be able to buy.


My bad, it seems that botting is a good that impacts positively on server economy and a thing and should be encouraged.

I’ll start botting immediately.


Pots go down the longer the tier goes.

If the game’s population is declining, yes. If its increasing, like era has been for the past few months, they go up.

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Thats an outlier, not the norm and not to be expected. The way youre informing them is misleading.

By the time a new or returning player gets to 60 from level 1 today the pots will have already started going down, particularly for everything but Naxx.

Nope, I’m not misleading anyone. The driver of GDKP pot inflation is more players buying more gold and spending it in GDKPs. The game typically loses players as a phase goes on (and of course loses players who need the gear).

The fact that era happens to be gaining players even though the phase is old is an “outlier”, but a growing population leading to growing GDKP pots is not an outlier.